BHS Prom 2025

Prom 2025 Tickets

February 17-March 21 $80-85

Online ticket sales begin February tbd.

In-person ticket sales begin March 4 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at lunch & after school.

Cash & debit/credit cards are accepted. Debit/credit cards fees apply. No checks. 

Donate to the 2025 BHS Prom *link tba


Tickets: All tickets will be at BHS Student Store. There are no ticket transfers or reselling of tickets for any reason. Be prepared to show a recent photo ID card at the door. Any guest that attempts to enter using a ticket with mismatched names and ID numbers will not be allowed entry or be able to request a refund. Please understand that there will not be refunds issued for prom if you are unable to attend or get removed from the event. By purchasing the ticket you are agreeing to abide by the rules of Berkeley High, Berkeley Unified School District, SF City Hall and the city of San Francisco.


Discounted Tickets: For BHS students who qualify, they can purchase discounted tickets at $50 in person only. Students must show your current school year eligibility letter (paper/email/ pic) from B.U.S.D. Nutrition Services to verify eligibility. Please see page 3 for details on how to qualify.


Guest Passes & Dance Conduct:  Non-BHS Guest Pass Forms must be submitted before or at the time of purchase.  Only guests 20 years of age or younger will be admitted to Prom.  Guest Pass Forms are accepted until March 18 and are available online only. Click here for the Guest Pass Form. You will be sent a passcode once the guest pass is approved. Guests must also show a recent photo ID card at the door.


Security: All guests will pass through a metal detector & security screening managed by SF Sheriffs. Be prepared to show a recent photo ID card at the door. Please do not bring large overnight bags, gum, food or beverage, drugs, weapons, among other illegal items. Contact Mr. V if you have a dietary need, prescription, or other need that may fall on the prohibited item list. 

Sobriety: For your safety, any guest suspected of being under the influence or in possession of an illegal or controlled substance, either when arriving or during the Prom, will have their parents/guardians notified and will be required to leave the premises.  Parents/Guardians will be responsible for picking the student up as all school policies and subsequent consequences will be enforced. Let’s have a joyous and safe celebration!

For other Class of 2025 related news and information, please check out the Senior Info page.