The Environment’s Dilemma

By Chaia Wyatt



The definition of leadership is defined as the position or function of a leader, a person who guides or directs a group. Our group of leaders is there to guide and direct the rest of Berkeley High School into being able to make it what it is. Leadership is kindof like the backbone of Berkeley High; it is the basis at which all the fun and productive events get started. However, there are also many things that leadership on its own cannot do. It needs the rest of the school’s help.

As it is widely known, California is in a big drought right now and as much as it would be nice to say that Berkeley High is doing its part in conserving water, it really isn’t. There are so many unnecessary factors contributing to this.

First of all, almost all of the water fountains and bathroom sinks have very low water pressure. Most people end up wasting more water than they are using. Although this is just plain annoying to most people that they can’t get enough water to drink or wash their hands, or it is just inconvenient or too expensive to fix, it is contributing to the drought and if fixed would save more money in the long run.

BHS also has a very random sprinkler schedule. Last year, after fourth period I would come out of the M Building and see the sprinklers on the campus green going off. Half of that water wasn’t even going on the grass, it would go on the sidewalk. This is very unnecessary, especially due to the fact that the campus green is very green and does not need any more water and now that it is raining more, it is getting enough rain to maintain its color.  

I have not done extensive research on this, and I am not trying to discredit all the work the people who are in charge of these things do, but we could be doing so much more to make a more environmentally friendly school, but we need the help of the students to make a change. So while leadership, along with many clubs at Berkeley High are trying to encourage this change, to really make a difference we need the voices and efforts of the students.
