2023-2024 ASB Leadership
One big, red & gold family!
Ki’Donyae B., Melody C., Amaya H., Chiefs of Publicity
Mr. V, Director of Student Activities
Bulletins & more @juicethejackets Instagram
Video Bulletin: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
PA: Trivia Friday with Principal Coleman
Click here to submit a Bulletin
December 18, 2023
Here is today’s video bulletin:
Mental Health Survey
Please take one minute to complete this survey organized by the Junior Class Leadership team. Thank you for the insight as it can be used on how to plan spring semester activities & how to direct resources.
Contact zariyahking@students.berkeley.net
Final Exam Schedule
Monday, December 18, 2023: Late-Start Schedule
Tuesday, December 19, 2023: Regular Schedule
Wednesday-Friday, 12/20-12/22: See below for Final Exams Schedule
BHS Campus will be closed from December 23 – January 7.
Classes begin again on January 8.
Attention all athletes interested in playing baseball this spring. Baseball coaches will be running “”Open Field”” in January every Mondays (starting first day back on 1/8) and Thursdays from 3:45 to dark.
“”Open Field”” is when the coaches literally open the field so players can work on getting ready for the season. There is no coaching or evaluation happening; it’s just a chance for athletes to play catch, hit grounders to each other, throw BP, etc.
Tryouts are Feb 5th.
Coach Curtis Sandeford – curtissandeford@berkeley.net
CONTACT Coach Kyle Hayden – kylehayden@berkeley.net
Support your Yellow Jackets!
For Upcoming Games Check out the full BHS Athletics Schedule
Follow on X & Instagram @bhsjacketsports
ContactAthletic Director athleticdirector@berkeley.net
Go Jackets!
Keys for Kids
Are you a piano player or have knowledge regarding music theory?
If so, join our new club Keys for Kids! We have partnered with Washington elementary school to create an after school class where BHS students will work in small groups teaching the basics of piano and music theory. The club will run after school every wednesday from 4-5 starting the second week we get back from break.
Contact josephinemorasky@students.berkeley.net if you have any questions.
Fill out the Mid Year Senior Application Survey, a survey to help the College and Career Center inform their counseling services. You can complete it at tinyurl.com/berkeleyhighmidyearsurvey
As incentive to complete this survey, 10 seniors who complete it will be randomly selected to receive college merch gifts! This can include backpacks, sweaters and T-shirts, water bottles, lanyards, pendants, and more!
The DEADLINE to be entered into the raffle is JANUARY 5TH, 2024.
Again you can complete it at tinyurl.com/berkeleyhighmidyearsurvey or come to the College and Career Center for the QR code.
Questions? Please email DCAC/EAOP adviser Maya Martinez at mayamartinez@partner.berkeley.net
for 2024-2025
Applications for elected and appointed positions open up January 1, 2024.
Learn more about the due dates, election timeline and more by clicking here.
Contact Mr. V
Collecting Data on Bathroom Cleanliness
We the City of Berkeley Youth Commission work to improve the experience of young people in Berkeley by creating official letters of recommendation to the Berkeley School Board which appoints our commissioners. We are collecting data to report on the experience of Berkeley High students with the school bathrooms in order to improve the cleanliness and safety of the bathrooms.
We would really appreciate you taking a few minutes to fill out our survey.
Submitted by anjanichokkalingam@students.berkeley.net
Sign up for Asian Graduation this May!!
Do you identify as Asian, are a senior, and want to receive a cool sash? Sign up for Asian Graduation this May!! Also, order an APIC t-shirt by filling out this form, and join APIC by coming to C334 every other Tuesday at lunch! :))
A Fond Farewell to crossing guard Ms. Alice
Ms. Alice has been helping children cross Rose Street (at Acton) safely twice a day everyday for 19 years (and asking, “How you doin’ baby?”).
If you remember Ms. Alice, the crossing guard at Rose and Acton, you need to read this!! She is retiring and there will be a pop-up surprise thank you on her last day, Friday, December 22 from 8:00 – 8:15am. If Ms. Alice has been part of your life, show up and bring your joy and hugs, and a sign, banner, or token of your love and stand with us on the Rose St. sidewalk near the Ruth Acty upper black gate. Help give Ms. Alice the farewell she deserves!
Join the Youth Leadership Program at the 2024 National Bioneers Conference at the Brower Center in Berkeley, California on March 28-30, with a youth mixer on the evening of March 28th.
The Bioneers Youth Educations and Leadership Program is a transformative opportunity for young leaders and activists to learn, further develop leadership skills, build alliances, and strengthen connections with other young environmental, social justice and food systems leaders. Each year at the Bioneers Conference, hundreds of diverse young activists participate in youth-led programming, as well as attend keynote talks by visionary environmental and social justice leaders, and experience the art exhibits, performances and workshops offered throughout the weekend.
Quick Links
Need a Replacement Student ID? September 18 is the next on-campus photo day.
Need a Locker? Visit C210 during lunch or after school.
Welcome Back Assembly slidedeck & What Every Ninth Grader Should Know
BHS Bell Schedule app created by Mr. Seibel
Order a 2023-24 Yearbook Click here Contact genevievemage@berkeley.net
Make a BHS Health Center Appt. Click here
Complete a Free & Reduced Lunch Application secure.ezmealapp.com contact saraleon@berkeley.net
Click here for the daily lunch menu
Join a BHS Student Club BHS Student Club List
Club Registration Register a BHS Student Club for 2023-24 by Oct. 31
BHS Athletics Berkeleyhighathletics.org
Class of 2024 Senior Letter Senior Info, Dates & Resources
ASB Leadership is a collective student voice composed of a diverse body of student leaders. Our mission is to create a more positive and engaging experience at Berkeley High through civic engagement, community building, sustainability, social events, and positive staff-student relations.
Useful Links
Contact Info
Berkeley High ASB Leadership
1980 Allston Way, Berkeley CA United States 94704
Go Jackets!
Notification of Non-Discrimination Policy
The Berkeley Unified School District is committed to providing a hostile-free working and learning environment. The District prohibits discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity/expression, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding/lactation status (related medical conditions), religion, color, national origin (including language restrictions and possession of a driver’s license (issued under Vehicle Code), ancestry, immigration status, physical or mental disability (including clinical depression and bipolar disorder, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, epilepsy, seizure disorder, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and heart attack), medical condition (cancer-related and genetic characteristics), military and veteran status, marital status, registered domestic partner status, age (40 and above), genetic information, political belief or affiliation (unless union related), a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law, ordinance, or regulation in any program or activity it conducts or to which it provides significant assistance.
Discrimination is different treatment based on a protected characteristic in the context of an educational program, work or activity without a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason that interferes with or limits the individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by the District or includes an adverse employment action.
Hostile environment harassment occurs when a target is subjected to unwelcome conduct based on a protected characteristic, which is both subjectively offensive to the target and would be offensive to a reasonable person of similar circumstances/characteristics and is sufficiently so severe, and so pervasive to interfere with or limit an individual’s ability to effectively work or to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or opportunities offered by the District. Harassment may take many forms, including but not limited to, verbal remarks and name-calling, graphic and written statements, or any conduct that may be threatening or humiliating. Harassment based on any of the above protected categories is a form of unlawful discrimination and will not be tolerated by the District and can result in disciplinary action against the offending student or employee.
Upon witnessing an act of discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived protected characteristics, school personnel are required to take immediate steps to intervene when it is safe to do so. Once a school/office has expressed notice or reason to know of such conduct, whether carried out by employees, students, or third parties, it should take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate, determine what occurred, take prompt and effective steps reasonably calculated to end the conduct, eliminate a hostile environment, if one has been created and prevent the conduct from occurring again. These steps should be taken regardless of whether an individual makes a complaint or asks the school/office to take action. Complaints are protected from retaliation. The District prohibits retaliation against any person who files a complaint or an appeal, reports instances of noncompliance, discrimination, harassment, bullying, and intimidation, or who participates in the complaint-filing or investigation process. This nondiscriminatory policy applies to all acts related to school activity or school attendance within any school/office under the jurisdiction of the Berkeley Unified School District.
For more information, or to file a complaint please contact:District Title IX Coordinator/Compliance Officer Berkeley Unified School District, 2020 Bonar Street, Room 117, Berkeley CA 94702 Phone: (510) 486-9338; Email: complaints@berkeley.net