Big Ideas to be Shared at Th!nk B!g

Leadership is organizing an event called “Berkeley High Think Big” and we are seeking a roster of engaging, dynamic speakers to present big ideas. The goal of this event is to allow students, staff, and a few outside community members to share their research or interesting observations with a large audience.

On Thursday, Novemeber 19, speakers will present their ideas on everything from the most appropriate application of big data to the science of happiness, as well as the decline of the radio deejay and the importance of teaching coding within communities of color. Th!nk B!g will bring back recent BHS alum as well as great friends of the BHS community to the Berkeley Community Theater.

Don’t miss out on a chance to TH!NK B!G!

A list of speakers will be available soon.

Secure your ticket online at:

  • GENERAL $5
  • V.I.P. Supporter $50 (Includes front row seat, Th!nk B!g t-shirt, and a special place in our heart)
