Student Bulletin Week of January 4th

2020-2021 ASB Leadership
One big, red & gold family!
Felix Mousigian, Chief of Publicity
Aaron Rumph, Chief of Publicity
Mr. V, Director of Student Activities

Happy New Year! 
It is now Term 5 and the start of the spring semester. BHS will continue to distribute materials this week on Tues and Thurs, 1:30 – 3:30, on Milvia at the Kittredge Breezeway

2021-2022 ASB Elected Candidates Apps are Open!

For all of those you looking to get more involved with the Berkeley High community, ASB Leadership offers you an opportunity to work with your peers in service of bigger issues. If you see yourself as ASB President, Class President or Vice President, or even in this position as Chief of Publicity, you will need to run a campaign and get your classmates to vote for you. Applications for elected positions and appointed positions are now available. Visit the ASB Leadership website now to see which positions are available and their job descriptions. Contact Noa Teiblum, Commissioner of Elections or Mr. V for more information. 
2021-2022 Leadership Applications are available here 

Selfless Self Care by Zero Waste Club

Are you looking for ways to make your hygiene, self care, or beauty routines more sustainable? Unfortunately many of the products people tend to use for these areas contain or are plastic, a majority of which cannot be recycled. Check out this infographic for zero waste and eco-friendly options or alternatives so you can look out for the planet while taking care of your body!
BHS Zero Waste Club (, insta: @bhszerowaste).

For high schoolers, there are 2 primary pathways into Berkeley Schools Volunteers (BSV), which is a program of the Berkeley Public Schools Fund:
1. Students who can give at least an hour every week could join Berkeley Schools Volunteers (BSV) as a “Distance Learning Volunteer.” These volunteers complete BSV’s onboarding training and then get matched with a BUSD Host Teacher (at the grade level and subject area of their choosing). They support online – in whole group Zooms, in small groups, or even in 1:1 breakouts. They might also help their Host Teacher review students’ asynchronous work. The distance learning volunteer application is HERE and we have several orientations in January.
2. Students who have time every once in a while can join Berkeley Schools Volunteer’s COVID-response email list to get notified about and sign up for other district-wide projects. Some projects are ongoing, like staffing the Ed Hub every Tues/Thurs afternoon (BUSD’s central distribution site for tech and learning tools) or joining BSV’s Tech Support team (to answer student and family tech questions asynchronously). BSV also has periodic one-time events like assembling science kits, or restoring a school garden. COVID-response volunteers receive about 2 emails each month with ongoing BUSD volunteer opportunities. Students can sign up to join BSV’s COVID-response email list HERE.
We hope many of you can join us on the front lines of BUSD’s COVID-response during this very difficult year.
Please reach out with any questions: 

The BHS Physics Club will host Yuping Huang
Who: Yuping Huang teaches at the Stevens Institute of Technology in Massachusetts.
What: He will talk to us about quantum technology and quantum applications such as biomedical imaging, big data analytics, integrated nanophotonics, nanophotonics, remote sensing, networking, and optical computing.
When: Friday, January 8, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. Pacific Time

A Zoom link will be sent to them after you fill out the linked form.
Thank you so much for your time!

Shout out to the participants of the winter break Chess Tournament. Matches took place during the first week of break and here are the results: 
1st place: Allesandro Tasso 
2nd: Ben Lemkin and Caetano Abramson Ward 
3rd: Gabriel Berent, Ronan Ereneta, and Finn McGreevy

Congratulations to host and organizer, Milo Moses for putting on a successful tournament. He is making plans for future BHS tourneys in the spring. See you on soon!

Go virtual with a BHS Student Club

The Student Clubs List has been updated to reflect the clubs that are meeting virtually. You can log on anytime to see the meeting date, time and best contact person. We suggest reaching out at least one day ahead of time to get the meeting link. Happy clubbing!
BHS Student Club List

If any BHS student/staff member is interested in submitting an announcement this year, there are some basic guidelines to follow:
Here are the basic guidelines for submitting a bulletin:
1. It must be relevant to roughly 100 or more students or staff members. 
2. It must be a message that promotes community and builds up positive school culture. 
3. Please no birthday announcements or personal requests. 
Please submit your morning announcement to the Google From by Monday morning:

ASB Leadership is a collective student voice composed of a diverse body of student leaders. Our mission is to create a more positive and engaging experience at Berkeley High through civic engagement, community building, sustainability, social events, and positive staff-student relations.

Contact Info
Berkeley High ASB Leadership 1980 Allston Way, Berkeley CA United States 94704 johnvillavicencio@berkeley.net510.644.8990
Go Jackets!

Useful Links
BHS Website
Student Bulletin Archive
Submit a Bulletin
Follow @juicethejackets
Current List of Student Clubs

Notification of Non-Discrimination Policy
The Berkeley Unified School District is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in district programs and activities. Accordingly, BUSD programs and activities shall be free from discrimination, harassment, intimidation and bullying based on actual or perceived ancestry, age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression; nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. The Board shall promote programs which ensure that discriminatory practices are eliminated in all district activities. (Board Policy 0410, Board Policy 1311, Board Policy 4030, Board Policy 5145.3, Board Policy 5145.7)
The Board also prohibits retaliation against any district employee or job applicant who complains, testifies or in any way participates in the district’s complaint procedures instituted pursuant to this policy. (Board Policy 4030)
Complaint forms are available at school sites and on the district webpage at
December 1, 2020For inquiries or concerns regarding BUSD nondiscrimination policy 5145.3 or the filing of discrimination complaints please contact:Stephen Jimenez-Robb, Title IX and Compliance2020 Bonar Street Room 116, Berkeley, CA 94702Phone: 510.486.9338     Email:
