Holiday Meal 17: Your $$$ goes further thanks to matching donor!!!!

Folks, We have exciting news. A generous donor has stepped forward and pledged to match each dollar donated to the BHS Holiday Meal from now until November 30…Thank you!!!

BHS Holiday Meal on December 8-9, 2017

The 2017 Holiday Meal is an awesome annual event where over 250 guests receive food and good cheer from 200+ Berkeley High volunteers. Although some of the guests typically are living without full-time housing, the doors are open to anyone who wants a heartwarming meal and entertainment.
We invite the entire BHS community to get involved in this service event in any or all of these ways:
  1. Donate Funds
  2. Donate Food go/5080d4faea62da57-bhsholiday
  3. Volunteer link open on November 13
1. We have an anonymous matching donor from the BHS community. This generous donor will match your donation dollar for dollar to help us reach our goal of $4,000 until November 30. WOW!!! These funds offset staff costs, ingredients, supplies, decorations, and entertainment among other items. We are deeply appreciative of the many supporting donors who make the Holiday Meal possible. We accept CASH or CHECKS payable to “BHS ASB”.
Checks can be dropped off to Mr. Villavicencio’s mailbox or mailed directly to:
Berkeley High School
c/o Mr. Villavicencio BHS Holiday Meal
2. We are also in need of donations of canned goods and fresh food. Bins are located in the BHS cafeteria and we are accepting the following items:  
  • Beans (Kidney, garbanzo, black, green, baked, refried) Corn
  • Chili (Vegetarian, beef)
  • Soup (Chicken Noodle)
  • Cranberry Sauce
  • Pumpkin Pie filling
  • Tomato Sauce or Diced Tomatoes
  • Pasta, Macaroni Noodles
Fresh Food donations of pre-cooked turkey/ham, desserts, side dishes, or beverages will be tracked online. Please visit our SignUp Genius page to pledge a donation of fresh food to be brought on the day of the meal. Thank you!!!
3. Holiday Meal volunteers have a tremendous impact on the event whether they are setting up the space on the day before the meal or interacting with guests on the day of the event. We plan to have space for at least 300 volunteers this year, so be on the lookout for the volunteer list when it gets posted in mid-November. The volunteer link will be available beginning November 13.
Please visit the BHS Leadership website to get more information about the event: leadership/?page_id=214
