2023-2024 ASB Leadership

One big, red & gold family!



Ki’Donyae B., Melody C., Amaya H., Chiefs of Publicity

Mr. V, Director of Student Activities

Bulletins & more  @juicethejackets Instagram

BHS Leadership website

 Video Bulletin Catalog

Video Bulletin: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 

PA: Trivia Friday with Principal Coleman

Click here to submit a Bulletin

November 29, 2023

Here is today’s video bulletin:


Lunch Club First Meeting Today!

The Lunch Club is having the first meeting of the school year on 11/29! Come join us for our first meeting in room C135! Our club is dedicated to help freshmen students learn more about the school and make new friends. Swing by to ask for advice or have a good time with other people! We hope to see you soon <3

Sign up for the mailing list here

Submitted by xinyuanzhang@students.berkeley.net 


We joyfully invite our community to celebrate the opening of our Wellness Center. The

event begins inside the Community Theater.

Come out to enjoy food trucks, face painting, tours of Wellness Center, Health & Wellness

resource fair, Parent Information Sessions

RSVP here

See scheduled activities here!

Please email doreenbracamontes@berkeley.net with any questions. 

Wellness Center Survey

Please help the Wellness Center create and provide programming to best support students! We would like to capture student information that will support the Wellness Center to provide student centered  programming. Please help us by completing this short survey. This is a pre survey, and we will publish a post survey at the end of the year too. Your responses will be used to better understand student support needs and to create content and experiences to meet the wellness needs of BHS students. Take a few minutes and let us know how you feel and what you think!


Submitted by melissavirrueta@berkeley.net 

Come Watch Dance Production & African Diaspora Dance

We have two fantastic Dance Concerts coming up! Next weekend, December 8 & 9, come see Dance Production: “AT THE MOVIES” — a creative, fun showcase of student choreography taking inspiration from movies & music we love. 

The following weekend, on Friday, December 15,  African Diaspora Dance classes will be back in the Berkeley Community Theater for a celebratory concert of dance and drum. Come out, support our performers and get inspired! Student tickets are only $5. 

Follow us on instagram @berkeleyhighdance

Submitted by lindacarr@berkeley.net 

AfroComicCon International Film Festival

Our film festival is taking place on Thursday, December 7th from 5:30 PM – 9:30 PM   The 6th Annual: AfroComicCon International Film Festival at the Regal Jack London Theater 100 Washington St Oakland, CA 94607. 

AfroComicCon International Film Festival is an annual film convention (which is produced by the 501c3 nonprofit Oakland Technology & Education Center) that promotes diverse artists and professionals who are generally underrepresented in the arts, media, tech, and entertainment industries. The attendees enjoy a positive and inspiring experience that is both entertaining and educational. See our website for more information: www.afrocomiccon.org 

If Berkeley High School students and families are interested in attending this inspiring and empowering event, please register at the Eventbrite below:  

 AfroComicCon International Film Festival 2023 Tickets

We are offering students an exclusive code that is 50% off for the first 30 students who purchase tickets (code: DiscountedStudentTicket). 

In case you have some students interested in volunteering, I’ll include the link to the AFCCIFF ’23 Volunteer Sign-up Form as well as some of our promotional materials.  

AHA Craft Fair 

Come do your holiday shopping at the AHA Craft Fair at lunch on Thursday the 7th and Friday the 8th! It will be in between the football field and the G building. If it is raining, it will be in G112. We can’t wait to see you!

Submitted by novaduchateau@students.berkeley.net 

Berkeley High Jacket is Looking For Spring Semester Columnists

The Berkeley High Jacket is opening up applications for spring semester columnists! This position requires no in-person meetings. We are a completely student-run newspaper that publishes biweekly. Writing experience is not required. Applications are due December 15th, at 7 pm. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to marinahoward@students.berkeley.net with any questions. 

Here is a link to the application

Check out our instagram @bhsjacket for updates about applications.

Puente club meeting this Thursday in C106

Hi guys. Just want to give you a heads up that the new Puente CLUB is going to have a meeting in c106 tomorrow at lunch. They are a program that has been around since 1981, and has just been added to Berkeley High school last year. During the club meetings, they will be offering college knowledge, providing information on volunteer opportunities that you can put on your college applications, and in addition it will look really good to be associated with a program that has been around for so long helping underrepresented students get into 4 year universities. They will also be offering Math, Chemistry, and Spanish tutoring in the near future. So if you are interested in attending something like that, come to C 106 tomorrow at lunch to learn more about it. Anyone and Everyone is welcome.

Submitted by martinmacielmetal@students.berkeley.net


9th Grader Survey For BHS Yearbook

If you are a freshman, please fill out this form for the yearbook.

Class of 2027 Survey

Submitted by meghannguyen@students.berkeley.net 


Final Exam Schedule

Monday, December 18, 2023: Late-Start Schedule

Tuesday, December 19, 2023: Regular Schedule

Wednesday-Friday, 12/20-12/22: See below for Final Exams Schedule

Get Involved in the 2023 winter Holiday Meal

After a year’s long absence, the winter Holiday Meal community meal returns to BHS on Saturday, December 9. There will be a heartwarming meal and great entertainment for any Berkeley community member. This is also an opportunity for the BHS community (students, staff, families) to give back.

See photo’s from past meals

You can get involved in many ways:

  1. Volunteer
  2. Contribute Food (Non-perishable items accepted at bins near main office) & Prepared Dishes
  3. Contribute Clothing (Bring new or gently used items accepted at bins near main office))
  4. Contribute Funds (see below)

Donations can be made to the BHS Student Store indicating “BHS ASB” or “Holiday Meal” in the notes.

We also accept CASH or CHECKS payable to “BHS ASB”.

Checks can be dropped off to Mr. Villavicencio’s mailbox or mailed directly to:

Berkeley High School

c/o Mr. Villavicencio BHS Holiday Meal  

1980 Allston Way

Berkeley, CA 94704

Thank you, Berkeley High!

Senior Quotes

Seniors! It is the time of year to submit your Senior Quotes, follow the link here or in our instagram bio to submit. 


Also, check for an email from prestige portraits to select your senior portrait, the deadline for that is coming up really soon.

Submitted by eleanorzaragozaaaron@students.berkeley.net 


Esports Club host Guest Speaker from Riot Games

Join the Esports Club for an exciting presentation from Sophie Linh, a Senior Gameplay Engineer at Riot Game on Monday, December 4th, in room G211! With a decade of experience as a gameplay programmer, Sophie specializes in multiplayer and competitive action games. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to gain insights and ask questions from a seasoned professional! We will have snacks, and we look forward to seeing you there!

Submitted by mariannemah@students.berkeley.net 


Career Fair

December 5

1st-3rd period

Campus Green

Share your contacts of possible presenters for the day who could share more about their current and former careers.

Career Fair interest form

Submitted by sofiabloom@students.berkeley.net 

Hey Jackets! Are you in 9th or 10th grade and have questions about college? Or do you need support on planning for your post-high school journey?

Apply to EAOP! EAOP is a UC Berkeley program at BHS for first generation, low income, and/or underrepresented students of color. You only need to self-identify with at least one of these three to apply! EAOP is recruiting 9th and 10th grade students and if accepted, you can benefit from 1-on-1 meetings with your college adviser to meet your needs, College success plans, College/career events (workshops, presentations, field trips, and celebrations), it Looks great on college applications, Free summer academic programs at UC Berkeley, College application and Financial aid assistance, and Family workshops!!

Apply using the QR code on the flyer in the bulletin announcement, or come talk with Ms. Martinez in the College and Career Center during lunch or after school. Apply now!!

Contact mayamartinez@partner.berkeley.net 



Support your Yellow Jackets!

For Upcoming Games Check out the full BHS Athletics Schedule

Follow on X & Instagram @bhsjacketsports

BHS Athletics website

ContactAthletic Director athleticdirector@berkeley.net 

Go Jackets!

Quick Links

Need a Replacement Student ID? September 18 is the next on-campus photo day.

Need a Locker? Visit C210 during lunch or after school.

Welcome Back Assembly slidedeck & What Every Ninth Grader Should Know

BHS Bell Schedule app  created by Mr. Seibel

Order a 2023-24 Yearbook Click here Contact genevievemage@berkeley.net

Make a BHS Health Center Appt. Click here

Complete a Free & Reduced Lunch Application secure.ezmealapp.com contact saraleon@berkeley.net

Click here for the daily lunch menu

Join a BHS Student Club BHS Student Club List 

Club Registration  Register a BHS Student Club for 2023-24 by Oct. 31

BHS Athletics Berkeleyhighathletics.org

Class of 2024 Senior Letter Senior Info, Dates & Resources


ASB Leadership is a collective student voice composed of a diverse body of student leaders. Our mission is to create a more positive and engaging experience at Berkeley High through civic engagement, community building, sustainability, social events, and positive staff-student relations.

Useful Links

BHS Website

Student Bulletin Archive

Submit a Bulletin

Follow @juicethejackets

Current List of Student Clubs

BHS Events Calendar

Contact Info

Berkeley High ASB Leadership 

1980 Allston Way, Berkeley CA United States 94704 



Go Jackets!

Notification of Non-Discrimination Policy

The Berkeley Unified School District is committed to providing a hostile-free working and learning environment. The District prohibits discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity/expression, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding/lactation status (related medical conditions), religion, color, national origin (including language restrictions and possession of a driver’s license (issued under Vehicle Code), ancestry, immigration status, physical or mental disability (including clinical depression and bipolar disorder, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, epilepsy, seizure disorder, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and heart attack), medical condition (cancer-related and genetic characteristics), military and veteran status, marital status, registered domestic partner status, age (40 and above), genetic information, political belief or affiliation (unless union related), a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law, ordinance, or regulation in any program or activity it conducts or to which it provides significant assistance.

Discrimination is different treatment based on a protected characteristic in the context of an educational program, work or activity without a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason that interferes with or limits the individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by the District or includes an adverse employment action.

Hostile environment harassment occurs when a target is subjected to unwelcome conduct based on a protected characteristic, which is both subjectively offensive to the target and would be offensive to a reasonable person of similar circumstances/characteristics and is sufficiently so severe, and so pervasive to interfere with or limit an individual’s ability to effectively work or to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or opportunities offered by the District. Harassment may take many forms, including but not limited to, verbal remarks and name-calling, graphic and written statements, or any conduct that may be threatening or humiliating. Harassment based on any of the above protected categories is a form of unlawful discrimination and will not be tolerated by the District and can result in disciplinary action against the offending student or employee.

Upon witnessing an act of discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived protected characteristics, school personnel are required to take immediate steps to intervene when it is safe to do so. Once a school/office has expressed notice or reason to know of such conduct, whether carried out by employees, students, or third parties, it should take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate, determine what occurred, take prompt and effective steps reasonably calculated to end the conduct, eliminate a hostile environment, if one has been created and prevent the conduct from occurring again. These steps should be taken regardless of whether an individual makes a complaint or asks the school/office to take action. Complaints are protected from retaliation. The District prohibits retaliation against any person who files a complaint or an appeal, reports instances of noncompliance, discrimination, harassment, bullying, and intimidation, or who participates in the complaint-filing or investigation process. This nondiscriminatory policy applies to all acts related to school activity or school attendance within any school/office under the jurisdiction of the Berkeley Unified School District. 

For more information, or to file a complaint please contact:District Title IX Coordinator/Compliance Officer Berkeley Unified School District, 2020 Bonar Street, Room 117, Berkeley CA 94702 Phone: (510) 486-9338; Email: complaints@berkeley.net


2023-2024 ASB Leadership

One big, red & gold family!



Ki’Donyae B., Melody C., Amaya H., Chiefs of Publicity

Mr. V, Director of Student Activities

Bulletins & more  @juicethejackets Instagram

BHS Leadership website

 Video Bulletin Catalog

Video Bulletin: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 

PA: Trivia Friday with Principal Coleman

Click here to submit a Bulletin

November 27, 2023

Here is today’s video bulletin:


Berkeley High Jacket is Looking For Spring Semester Columnists

The Berkeley High Jacket is opening up applications for spring semester columnists! This position requires no in-person meetings. We are a completely student-run newspaper that publishes biweekly. Writing experience is not required. Applications are due December 15th, at 7 pm. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to marinahoward@students.berkeley.net with any questions. 

Here is a link to the application

Check out our instagram @bhsjacket for updates about applications.

9th Grader Survey For BHS Yearbook

If you are a freshman, please fill out this form for the yearbook.

Class of 2027 Survey

Submitted by meghannguyen@students.berkeley.net 


Final Exam Schedule

Monday, December 18, 2023: Late-Start Schedule

Tuesday, December 19, 2023: Regular Schedule

Wednesday-Friday, 12/20-12/22: See below for Final Exams Schedule

Get Involved in the 2023 winter Holiday Meal

After a year’s long absence, the winter Holiday Meal community meal returns to BHS on Saturday, December 9. There will be a heartwarming meal and great entertainment for any Berkeley community member. This is also an opportunity for the BHS community (students, staff, families) to give back.

See photo’s from past meals

You can get involved in many ways:

  1. Volunteer
  2. Contribute Food (Non-perishable items accepted at bins near main office) & Prepared Dishes
  3. Contribute Clothing (Bring new or gently used items accepted at bins near main office))
  4. Contribute Funds (see below)

Donations can be made to the BHS Student Store indicating “BHS ASB” or “Holiday Meal” in the notes.

We also accept CASH or CHECKS payable to “BHS ASB”.

Checks can be dropped off to Mr. Villavicencio’s mailbox or mailed directly to:

Berkeley High School

c/o Mr. Villavicencio BHS Holiday Meal  

1980 Allston Way

Berkeley, CA 94704

Thank you, Berkeley High!

Senior Quotes

Seniors! It is the time of year to submit your Senior Quotes, follow the link here or in our instagram bio to submit. 


Also, check for an email from prestige portraits to select your senior portrait, the deadline for that is coming up really soon.

Submitted by eleanorzaragozaaaron@students.berkeley.net 


Esports Club host Guest Speaker from Riot Games

Join the Esports Club for an exciting presentation from Sophie Linh, a Senior Gameplay Engineer at Riot Game on Monday, December 4th, in room G211! With a decade of experience as a gameplay programmer, Sophie specializes in multiplayer and competitive action games. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to gain insights and ask questions from a seasoned professional! We will have snacks, and we look forward to seeing you there!

Submitted by mariannemah@students.berkeley.net 


Puente club meeting this Thursday in C106. 

They are a program that’s been around for over 40 years and is geared towards increasing the college going rates of students of color, but everybody is welcome. They will offer important college information, community service opportunities to put on college applications, tutoring later down the road, and it will look good in general to be in the club of a program that has been around helping the community for more than 40 years. C-106 at lunch tomorrow November 16

Submitted by martinmacielmetal@students.berkeley.net 

Career Fair

December 5

1st-3rd period

Campus Green

Share your contacts of possible presenters for the day who could share more about their current and former careers.

Career Fair interest form

Submitted by sofiabloom@students.berkeley.net 


Hey Jackets! Are you in 9th or 10th grade and have questions about college? Or do you need support on planning for your post-high school journey?

Apply to EAOP! EAOP is a UC Berkeley program at BHS for first generation, low income, and/or underrepresented students of color. You only need to self-identify with at least one of these three to apply! EAOP is recruiting 9th and 10th grade students and if accepted, you can benefit from 1-on-1 meetings with your college adviser to meet your needs, College success plans, College/career events (workshops, presentations, field trips, and celebrations), it Looks great on college applications, Free summer academic programs at UC Berkeley, College application and Financial aid assistance, and Family workshops!!

Apply using the QR code on the flyer in the bulletin announcement, or come talk with Ms. Martinez in the College and Career Center during lunch or after school. Apply now!!

Contact mayamartinez@partner.berkeley.net 



Support your Yellow Jackets!

For Upcoming Games Check out the full BHS Athletics Schedule

Follow on X & Instagram @bhsjacketsports

BHS Athletics website

ContactAthletic Director athleticdirector@berkeley.net 

Go Jackets!

Quick Links

Need a Replacement Student ID? September 18 is the next on-campus photo day.

Need a Locker? Visit C210 during lunch or after school.

Welcome Back Assembly slidedeck & What Every Ninth Grader Should Know

BHS Bell Schedule app  created by Mr. Seibel

Order a 2023-24 Yearbook Click here Contact genevievemage@berkeley.net

Make a BHS Health Center Appt. Click here

Complete a Free & Reduced Lunch Application secure.ezmealapp.com contact saraleon@berkeley.net

Click here for the daily lunch menu

Join a BHS Student Club BHS Student Club List 

Club Registration  Register a BHS Student Club for 2023-24 by Oct. 31

BHS Athletics Berkeleyhighathletics.org

Class of 2024 Senior Letter Senior Info, Dates & Resources


ASB Leadership is a collective student voice composed of a diverse body of student leaders. Our mission is to create a more positive and engaging experience at Berkeley High through civic engagement, community building, sustainability, social events, and positive staff-student relations.

Useful Links

BHS Website

Student Bulletin Archive

Submit a Bulletin

Follow @juicethejackets

Current List of Student Clubs

BHS Events Calendar

Contact Info

Berkeley High ASB Leadership 

1980 Allston Way, Berkeley CA United States 94704 



Go Jackets!

Notification of Non-Discrimination Policy

The Berkeley Unified School District is committed to providing a hostile-free working and learning environment. The District prohibits discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity/expression, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding/lactation status (related medical conditions), religion, color, national origin (including language restrictions and possession of a driver’s license (issued under Vehicle Code), ancestry, immigration status, physical or mental disability (including clinical depression and bipolar disorder, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, epilepsy, seizure disorder, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and heart attack), medical condition (cancer-related and genetic characteristics), military and veteran status, marital status, registered domestic partner status, age (40 and above), genetic information, political belief or affiliation (unless union related), a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law, ordinance, or regulation in any program or activity it conducts or to which it provides significant assistance.

Discrimination is different treatment based on a protected characteristic in the context of an educational program, work or activity without a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason that interferes with or limits the individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by the District or includes an adverse employment action.

Hostile environment harassment occurs when a target is subjected to unwelcome conduct based on a protected characteristic, which is both subjectively offensive to the target and would be offensive to a reasonable person of similar circumstances/characteristics and is sufficiently so severe, and so pervasive to interfere with or limit an individual’s ability to effectively work or to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or opportunities offered by the District. Harassment may take many forms, including but not limited to, verbal remarks and name-calling, graphic and written statements, or any conduct that may be threatening or humiliating. Harassment based on any of the above protected categories is a form of unlawful discrimination and will not be tolerated by the District and can result in disciplinary action against the offending student or employee.

Upon witnessing an act of discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived protected characteristics, school personnel are required to take immediate steps to intervene when it is safe to do so. Once a school/office has expressed notice or reason to know of such conduct, whether carried out by employees, students, or third parties, it should take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate, determine what occurred, take prompt and effective steps reasonably calculated to end the conduct, eliminate a hostile environment, if one has been created and prevent the conduct from occurring again. These steps should be taken regardless of whether an individual makes a complaint or asks the school/office to take action. Complaints are protected from retaliation. The District prohibits retaliation against any person who files a complaint or an appeal, reports instances of noncompliance, discrimination, harassment, bullying, and intimidation, or who participates in the complaint-filing or investigation process. This nondiscriminatory policy applies to all acts related to school activity or school attendance within any school/office under the jurisdiction of the Berkeley Unified School District. 

For more information, or to file a complaint please contact:District Title IX Coordinator/Compliance Officer Berkeley Unified School District, 2020 Bonar Street, Room 117, Berkeley CA 94702 Phone: (510) 486-9338; Email: complaints@berkeley.net


2023-2024 ASB Leadership

One big, red & gold family!



Ki’Donyae B., Melody C., Amaya H., Chiefs of Publicity

Mr. V, Director of Student Activities

Bulletins & more  @juicethejackets Instagram

BHS Leadership website

 Video Bulletin Catalog

Video Bulletin: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 

PA: Trivia Friday with Principal Coleman

Click here to submit a Bulletin

November 17, 2023

Here is today’s video bulletin:


Make Your Voice Heard About the Israel/Palestine Crisis

If you are looking for an opportunity to take action and make your voice heard about the Israel/Palestine crisis, come join the Amnesty International club Friday 11/17 at lunch in H201.

We will be calling the White House and our representatives to urge them to call for an immediate Ceasefire by Israel and Palestine armed groups and to appeal to the Israeli government to allow life saving fuel, water and food into Gaza. The more of us that call, the more pressure there is to take action!


Final Exam Schedule

Monday, December 18, 2023: Late-Start Schedule

Tuesday, December 19, 2023: Regular Schedule

Wednesday-Friday, 12/20-12/22: See below for Final Exams Schedule

Get Involved in the 2023 winter Holiday Meal

After a year’s long absence, the winter Holiday Meal community meal returns to BHS on Saturday, December 9. There will be a heartwarming meal and great entertainment for any Berkeley community member. This is also an opportunity for the BHS community (students, staff, families) to give back.

See photo’s from past meals

You can get involved in many ways:

  1. Volunteer
  2. Contribute Food (Non-perishable items accepted at bins near main office) & Prepared Dishes
  3. Contribute Clothing (Bring new or gently used items accepted at bins near main office))
  4. Contribute Funds (see below)

Donations can be made to the BHS Student Store indicating “BHS ASB” or “Holiday Meal” in the notes.

We also accept CASH or CHECKS payable to “BHS ASB”.

Checks can be dropped off to Mr. Villavicencio’s mailbox or mailed directly to:

Berkeley High School

c/o Mr. Villavicencio BHS Holiday Meal  

1980 Allston Way

Berkeley, CA 94704

Thank you, Berkeley High!

Senior Quotes

Seniors! It is the time of year to submit your Senior Quotes, follow the link here or in our instagram bio to submit. 


Also, check for an email from prestige portraits to select your senior portrait, the deadline for that is coming up really soon.

Submitted by eleanorzaragozaaaron@students.berkeley.net 


Esports Club host Guest Speaker from Riot Games

Join the Esports Club for an exciting presentation from Sophie Linh, a Senior Gameplay Engineer at Riot Game on Monday, December 4th, in room G211! With a decade of experience as a gameplay programmer, Sophie specializes in multiplayer and competitive action games. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to gain insights and ask questions from a seasoned professional! We will have snacks, and we look forward to seeing you there!

Submitted by mariannemah@students.berkeley.net 


Puente club meeting this Thursday in C106. 

They are a program that’s been around for over 40 years and is geared towards increasing the college going rates of students of color, but everybody is welcome. They will offer important college information, community service opportunities to put on college applications, tutoring later down the road, and it will look good in general to be in the club of a program that has been around helping the community for more than 40 years. C-106 at lunch tomorrow November 16

Submitted by martinmacielmetal@students.berkeley.net 

Career Fair

December 5

1st-3rd period

Campus Green

Share your contacts of possible presenters for the day who could share more about their current and former careers.

Career Fair interest form

Submitted by sofiabloom@students.berkeley.net 


Hey Jackets! Are you in 9th or 10th grade and have questions about college? Or do you need support on planning for your post-high school journey?

Apply to EAOP! EAOP is a UC Berkeley program at BHS for first generation, low income, and/or underrepresented students of color. You only need to self-identify with at least one of these three to apply! EAOP is recruiting 9th and 10th grade students and if accepted, you can benefit from 1-on-1 meetings with your college adviser to meet your needs, College success plans, College/career events (workshops, presentations, field trips, and celebrations), it Looks great on college applications, Free summer academic programs at UC Berkeley, College application and Financial aid assistance, and Family workshops!!

Apply using the QR code on the flyer in the bulletin announcement, or come talk with Ms. Martinez in the College and Career Center during lunch or after school. Apply now!!

Contact mayamartinez@partner.berkeley.net 



Send a note of appreciation and thanks align with a sweet treat to your friends, classmates or staff member. The Class of 2027 Leadership team will sell gratitude grams next week at lunch to be delivered in time before the Thanksgiving break.

If it is raining, find them in the BHS cafeteria.

Class of 2027


Support your Yellow Jackets!

For Upcoming Games Check out the full BHS Athletics Schedule

Follow on X & Instagram @bhsjacketsports

BHS Athletics website

ContactAthletic Director athleticdirector@berkeley.net 

Go Jackets!

Quick Links

Need a Replacement Student ID? September 18 is the next on-campus photo day.

Need a Locker? Visit C210 during lunch or after school.

Welcome Back Assembly slidedeck & What Every Ninth Grader Should Know

BHS Bell Schedule app  created by Mr. Seibel

Order a 2023-24 Yearbook Click here Contact genevievemage@berkeley.net

Make a BHS Health Center Appt. Click here

Complete a Free & Reduced Lunch Application secure.ezmealapp.com contact saraleon@berkeley.net

Click here for the daily lunch menu

Join a BHS Student Club BHS Student Club List 

Club Registration  Register a BHS Student Club for 2023-24 by Oct. 31

BHS Athletics Berkeleyhighathletics.org

Class of 2024 Senior Letter Senior Info, Dates & Resources


ASB Leadership is a collective student voice composed of a diverse body of student leaders. Our mission is to create a more positive and engaging experience at Berkeley High through civic engagement, community building, sustainability, social events, and positive staff-student relations.

Useful Links

BHS Website

Student Bulletin Archive

Submit a Bulletin

Follow @juicethejackets

Current List of Student Clubs

BHS Events Calendar

Contact Info

Berkeley High ASB Leadership 

1980 Allston Way, Berkeley CA United States 94704 



Go Jackets!

Notification of Non-Discrimination Policy

The Berkeley Unified School District is committed to providing a hostile-free working and learning environment. The District prohibits discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity/expression, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding/lactation status (related medical conditions), religion, color, national origin (including language restrictions and possession of a driver’s license (issued under Vehicle Code), ancestry, immigration status, physical or mental disability (including clinical depression and bipolar disorder, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, epilepsy, seizure disorder, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and heart attack), medical condition (cancer-related and genetic characteristics), military and veteran status, marital status, registered domestic partner status, age (40 and above), genetic information, political belief or affiliation (unless union related), a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law, ordinance, or regulation in any program or activity it conducts or to which it provides significant assistance.

Discrimination is different treatment based on a protected characteristic in the context of an educational program, work or activity without a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason that interferes with or limits the individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by the District or includes an adverse employment action.

Hostile environment harassment occurs when a target is subjected to unwelcome conduct based on a protected characteristic, which is both subjectively offensive to the target and would be offensive to a reasonable person of similar circumstances/characteristics and is sufficiently so severe, and so pervasive to interfere with or limit an individual’s ability to effectively work or to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or opportunities offered by the District. Harassment may take many forms, including but not limited to, verbal remarks and name-calling, graphic and written statements, or any conduct that may be threatening or humiliating. Harassment based on any of the above protected categories is a form of unlawful discrimination and will not be tolerated by the District and can result in disciplinary action against the offending student or employee.

Upon witnessing an act of discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived protected characteristics, school personnel are required to take immediate steps to intervene when it is safe to do so. Once a school/office has expressed notice or reason to know of such conduct, whether carried out by employees, students, or third parties, it should take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate, determine what occurred, take prompt and effective steps reasonably calculated to end the conduct, eliminate a hostile environment, if one has been created and prevent the conduct from occurring again. These steps should be taken regardless of whether an individual makes a complaint or asks the school/office to take action. Complaints are protected from retaliation. The District prohibits retaliation against any person who files a complaint or an appeal, reports instances of noncompliance, discrimination, harassment, bullying, and intimidation, or who participates in the complaint-filing or investigation process. This nondiscriminatory policy applies to all acts related to school activity or school attendance within any school/office under the jurisdiction of the Berkeley Unified School District. 

For more information, or to file a complaint please contact:District Title IX Coordinator/Compliance Officer Berkeley Unified School District, 2020 Bonar Street, Room 117, Berkeley CA 94702 Phone: (510) 486-9338; Email: complaints@berkeley.net


2023-2024 ASB Leadership

One big, red & gold family!



Ki’Donyae B., Melody C., Amaya H., Chiefs of Publicity

Mr. V, Director of Student Activities

Bulletins & more  @juicethejackets Instagram

BHS Leadership website

 Video Bulletin Catalog

Video Bulletin: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 

PA: Trivia Friday with Principal Coleman

Click here to submit a Bulletin

November 15, 2023

Here is today’s video bulletin:


Final Exam Schedule

Monday, December 18, 2023: Late-Start Schedule

Tuesday, December 19, 2023: Regular Schedule

Wednesday-Friday, 12/20-12/22: See below for Final Exams Schedule

Get Involved in the 2023 winter Holiday Meal

After a year’s long absence, the winter Holiday Meal community meal returns to BHS on Saturday, December 9. There will be a heartwarming meal and great entertainment for any Berkeley community member. This is also an opportunity for the BHS community (students, staff, families) to give back.

You can get involved in many ways:

  1. Volunteer
  2. Contribute Food (Non-perishable items accepted at bins near main office) & Prepared Dishes
  3. Contribute Clothing (Bring new or gently used items accepted at bins near main office))
  4. Contribute Funds (see below)

Donations can be made to the BHS Student Store indicating “BHS ASB” or “Holiday Meal” in the notes.

We also accept CASH or CHECKS payable to “BHS ASB”.

Checks can be dropped off to Mr. Villavicencio’s mailbox or mailed directly to:

Berkeley High School

c/o Mr. Villavicencio BHS Holiday Meal  

1980 Allston Way

Berkeley, CA 94704

Thank you, Berkeley High!

Puente club meeting this Thursday in C106. 

They are a program that’s been around for over 40 years and is geared towards increasing the college going rates of students of color, but everybody is welcome. They will offer important college information, community service opportunities to put on college applications, tutoring later down the road, and it will look good in general to be in the club of a program that has been around helping the community for more than 40 years. C-106 at lunch tomorrow November 16
Submitted by martinmacielmetal@students.berkeley.net

Make Your Voice Heard About the Israel/Palestine Crisis

If you are looking for an opportunity to take action and make your voice heard about the Israel/Palestine crisis, come join the Amnesty International club Friday 11/17 at lunch in H201.

We will be calling the White House and our representatives to urge them to call for an immediate Ceasefire by Israel and Palestine armed groups and to appeal to the Israeli government to allow life saving fuel, water and food into Gaza. The more of us that call, the more pressure there is to take action!


Career Fair

December 5

1st-3rd period

Campus Green

Share your contacts of possible presenters for the day who could share more about their current and former careers.

Career Fair interest form

Submitted by sofiabloom@students.berkeley.net 


Hey Jackets! Are you in 9th or 10th grade and have questions about college? Or do you need support on planning for your post-high school journey?

Apply to EAOP! EAOP is a UC Berkeley program at BHS for first generation, low income, and/or underrepresented students of color. You only need to self-identify with at least one of these three to apply! EAOP is recruiting 9th and 10th grade students and if accepted, you can benefit from 1-on-1 meetings with your college adviser to meet your needs, College success plans, College/career events (workshops, presentations, field trips, and celebrations), it Looks great on college applications, Free summer academic programs at UC Berkeley, College application and Financial aid assistance, and Family workshops!!

Apply using the QR code on the flyer in the bulletin announcement, or come talk with Ms. Martinez in the College and Career Center during lunch or after school. Apply now!!

Contact mayamartinez@partner.berkeley.net 


Join the Bring Change to Mind Club! 

We meet every Thursday in room H213 during lunch. Our club is a safe, friendly, welcoming environment dedicated to destigmatizing and raising awareness about mental health. We will have fun activities and provide all members with mental health resources, such as a free annual Headspace membership. If interested, use the QR code to submit a quick interest form

Contact mayaguinto@students.berkeley.net or winniehuang@students.berkeley.net with any questions.



Send a note of appreciation and thanks align with a sweet treat to your friends, classmates or staff member. The Class of 2027 Leadership team will sell gratitude grams next week at lunch to be delivered in time before the Thanksgiving break.

Class of 2027

Come hear the BHS CHORUS perform! 

Free Admission.

Thursday, November 16

7:00 pm – Little Theater

The show should last about an hour.

Contact johninehansen@berkeley.net 


Support your Yellow Jackets!

For Upcoming Games Check out the full BHS Athletics Schedule

Follow on X & Instagram @bhsjacketsports

BHS Athletics website

ContactAthletic Director athleticdirector@berkeley.net 

Go Jackets!

Quick Links

Need a Replacement Student ID? September 18 is the next on-campus photo day.

Need a Locker? Visit C210 during lunch or after school.

Welcome Back Assembly slidedeck & What Every Ninth Grader Should Know

BHS Bell Schedule app  created by Mr. Seibel

Order a 2023-24 Yearbook Click here Contact genevievemage@berkeley.net

Make a BHS Health Center Appt. Click here

Complete a Free & Reduced Lunch Application secure.ezmealapp.com contact saraleon@berkeley.net

Click here for the daily lunch menu

Join a BHS Student Club BHS Student Club List 

Club Registration  Register a BHS Student Club for 2023-24 by Oct. 31

BHS Athletics Berkeleyhighathletics.org

Class of 2024 Senior Letter Senior Info, Dates & Resources


ASB Leadership is a collective student voice composed of a diverse body of student leaders. Our mission is to create a more positive and engaging experience at Berkeley High through civic engagement, community building, sustainability, social events, and positive staff-student relations.

Useful Links

BHS Website

Student Bulletin Archive

Submit a Bulletin

Follow @juicethejackets

Current List of Student Clubs

BHS Events Calendar

Contact Info

Berkeley High ASB Leadership 

1980 Allston Way, Berkeley CA United States 94704 



Go Jackets!

Notification of Non-Discrimination Policy

The Berkeley Unified School District is committed to providing a hostile-free working and learning environment. The District prohibits discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity/expression, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding/lactation status (related medical conditions), religion, color, national origin (including language restrictions and possession of a driver’s license (issued under Vehicle Code), ancestry, immigration status, physical or mental disability (including clinical depression and bipolar disorder, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, epilepsy, seizure disorder, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and heart attack), medical condition (cancer-related and genetic characteristics), military and veteran status, marital status, registered domestic partner status, age (40 and above), genetic information, political belief or affiliation (unless union related), a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law, ordinance, or regulation in any program or activity it conducts or to which it provides significant assistance.

Discrimination is different treatment based on a protected characteristic in the context of an educational program, work or activity without a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason that interferes with or limits the individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by the District or includes an adverse employment action.

Hostile environment harassment occurs when a target is subjected to unwelcome conduct based on a protected characteristic, which is both subjectively offensive to the target and would be offensive to a reasonable person of similar circumstances/characteristics and is sufficiently so severe, and so pervasive to interfere with or limit an individual’s ability to effectively work or to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or opportunities offered by the District. Harassment may take many forms, including but not limited to, verbal remarks and name-calling, graphic and written statements, or any conduct that may be threatening or humiliating. Harassment based on any of the above protected categories is a form of unlawful discrimination and will not be tolerated by the District and can result in disciplinary action against the offending student or employee.

Upon witnessing an act of discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived protected characteristics, school personnel are required to take immediate steps to intervene when it is safe to do so. Once a school/office has expressed notice or reason to know of such conduct, whether carried out by employees, students, or third parties, it should take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate, determine what occurred, take prompt and effective steps reasonably calculated to end the conduct, eliminate a hostile environment, if one has been created and prevent the conduct from occurring again. These steps should be taken regardless of whether an individual makes a complaint or asks the school/office to take action. Complaints are protected from retaliation. The District prohibits retaliation against any person who files a complaint or an appeal, reports instances of noncompliance, discrimination, harassment, bullying, and intimidation, or who participates in the complaint-filing or investigation process. This nondiscriminatory policy applies to all acts related to school activity or school attendance within any school/office under the jurisdiction of the Berkeley Unified School District. 

For more information, or to file a complaint please contact:District Title IX Coordinator/Compliance Officer Berkeley Unified School District, 2020 Bonar Street, Room 117, Berkeley CA 94702 Phone: (510) 486-9338; Email: complaints@berkeley.net


2023-2024 ASB Leadership

One big, red & gold family!



Ki’Donyae B., Melody C., Amaya H., Chiefs of Publicity

Mr. V, Director of Student Activities

Bulletins & more  @juicethejackets Instagram

BHS Leadership website

 Video Bulletin Catalog

Video Bulletin: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 

PA: Trivia Friday with Principal Coleman

Click here to submit a Bulletin

November 13, 2023

Here is today’s video bulletin:


Final Exam Schedule

Monday, December 18, 2023: Late-Start Schedule

Tuesday, December 19, 2023: Regular Schedule

Wednesday-Friday, 12/20-12/22: See below for Final Exams Schedule

Hey Jackets! Are you in 9th or 10th grade and have questions about college? Or do you need support on planning for your post-high school journey?

Apply to EAOP! EAOP is a UC Berkeley program at BHS for first generation, low income, and/or underrepresented students of color. You only need to self-identify with at least one of these three to apply! EAOP is recruiting 9th and 10th grade students and if accepted, you can benefit from 1-on-1 meetings with your college adviser to meet your needs, College success plans, College/career events (workshops, presentations, field trips, and celebrations), it Looks great on college applications, Free summer academic programs at UC Berkeley, College application and Financial aid assistance, and Family workshops!!

Apply using the QR code on the flyer in the bulletin announcement, or come talk with Ms. Martinez in the College and Career Center during lunch or after school. Apply now!!

Contact mayamartinez@partner.berkeley.net 


Join the Bring Change to Mind Club! 

We meet every Thursday in room H213 during lunch. Our club is a safe, friendly, welcoming environment dedicated to destigmatizing and raising awareness about mental health. We will have fun activities and provide all members with mental health resources, such as a free annual Headspace membership. If interested, use the QR code to submit a quick interest form

Contact mayaguinto@students.berkeley.net or winniehuang@students.berkeley.net with any questions.



Send a note of appreciation and thanks align with a sweet treat to your friends, classmates or staff member. The Class of 2027 Leadership team will sell gratitude grams next week at lunch to be delivered in time before the Thanksgiving break.

Class of 2027

Join Crypt-o-zoology club

Come to the Crypt-o-zoology club it meets on Tuesdays at lunch on the green. Crypt-o-zoology is the study of creatures that may or may not exist.  Come by if you want to talk/ discuss/learn about the supernatural.

Submitted by simoneschubert@students.berkeley.net 

Come hear the BHS CHORUS perform! 

Free Admission.

Thursday, November 16

7:00 pm – Little Theater

The show should last about an hour.

Contact johninehansen@berkeley.net 


Holiday Meal returns to BHS!

After a years long absence, the winter Holiday Meal community meal returns to BHS on Saturday, December 9. There will be a heartwarming meal and great entertainment for any Berkeley community member. This is also an opportunity for the BHS community (students, staff, families) to give back.

You can get involved in many ways:

  1. Volunteer (online sign up list will open up the week of November 13)
  2. Join Holiday Meal Committee (contact kainoatomikawa@students.berkeley.net)
  3. Contribute Food (Non-perishable items will be accepted at bins the week of November 13 and there will be an online sign up list for prepared dishes after Thanksgiving)
  4. Contribute Clothing (Bring new or gently used items to the bins starting the week of November 13)
  5. Contribute Funds (see below)

Donations can be made to the BHS Student Store indicating “BHS ASB” or “Holiday Meal” in the notes.

We also accept CASH or CHECKS payable to “BHS ASB”.

Checks can be dropped off to Mr. Villavicencio’s mailbox or mailed directly to:

Berkeley High School

c/o Mr. Villavicencio BHS Holiday Meal  

1980 Allston Way

Berkeley, CA 94704

Thank you, Berkeley High!

Cap & Gowns, Class Rings, & Graduation Announcements 

Graduation orders can be placed at any time online, by phone or by mail. Achievers Inc. handles orders for just the cap and gown as well as rings, announcements, grad swag and even graduation packages. Cap & gowns are traditionally worn at an in-person graduation. Consider using a cap & gown for senior portraits, graduation pictures, at home celebrations as well as any of graduation activities to be confirmed in the spring.

Online: GraduationOrder.com  (password bhs510)

Phone: 408.441.7200 Monday – Friday   9:00 am – 4:00 pm (English/Spanish)

Mail: Achievers Inc., 877 Commercial Street, San Jose, CA 95112 

August – MayGraduation Cap & Gown Purchase
March 1Last Day to request a LOANER cap, gown, & tassel 
April 16, 2024Cap & Gown Distribution at Donahue GymLunch
June TBD, 2024Graduation near Donahue Gym9:00 am- 5:00 pm

Details on Cap & Gowns Caps and gowns will be shipped directly to your desired shipping address.

1.    Seniors will have their choice of color, red or gold, at the time of purchase. 

2.    Each gown is marked with the student’s name, but be sure that you have all items in your package.

3.    Purchased caps and gowns are individuals’ to keep and do not need to be returned. 

4.    Decorations can only be applied to the top of the cap.  

Cap, Gown, & Tassel Loaner Program Achievers Inc. and BUSD have agreed to begin a loaner program for cap, gown, and tassel loaner for seniors to wear during the commencement ceremony. Please understand that per Berkeley Unified School District’s (BUSD) requirements, this cap, gown, and tassel, must be returned immediately following the ceremony. Under Ed Code section 48904, failure to return each of these three items (cap/gown/tassel) may result in the student’s diploma being held by BUSD and not being issued until the District has received payment for these items. In order to set up a loaner, please visit www.graduationorder.com and enter the code bhs510 You will select “Loan” after logging into the website. Please return your loaner cap, gown and tassel immediately following the ceremony. If you forget to return your loaner cap, gown, and tassel after graduation ends, please return these items to the registrar’s office at BHS the following week. The deadline to request a LOANER cap & gown is March 1, 2024.

Name in the Yearbook

If you go by a name that is different from the name on your student ID and would like your preferred name in the yearbook fill out this form. Deadline is Friday, November 10. 

Submitted by eleanorzaragozaaaron@students.berkeley.net 


Students Invited to Join Safety Committee Meeting

We want student voice around BHS and safety. You are invited to attend the Safety Committee Meeting on Tuesday, November 7 from 5-7pm.  The location is the Berkeley High School (BHS) library located at 1980 Allston Way.  

The purpose of the meeting is to provide all interested parties with information about Berkeley High School’s current safety measures and take public comment on safety issues and the School Safety Plan in accordance with Section 32288 of the California Education Code.

During the meeting, a panel will present their roles and responsibilities around safety at BHS.  Questions around BHS safety can be submitted ahead of time using this form, BHS Safety Q & A Form.  Questions and answers will be made public upon completion of the November 7th Safety Committee meeting.

Submitted by nancyflocchini@berkeley.net 


What Multicultural Week aims to be is a space for students (and staff if interested) to represent their cultural groups and a platform to raise awareness about anything related. We try to spotlight the cultures that are less represented, and cool pieces they have to share about history, games, performance, or anything else you may find interesting about a culture. It also provides the opportunity to bring awareness to social justice issues (don’t worry it won’t be the only one you encounter in case you want to spotlight something else), and world issues often or not often talked about in the U.S. I highly encourage you to participate, it’s such a fun time out there, and an awesome way to gain community service hours! If you or anyone you know may be interested, please fill out the form below!

Multicultural Week (November 13-17) Interest Form:

General Timeline:

Thank you Jackets,

and have an awesome rest of spirit week!


Cultural Feedback Form

Holiday Submission Form

Submitted by jessicahipona@students.berkeley.net 



Support your Yellow Jackets!

For Upcoming Games Check out the full BHS Athletics Schedule

Follow on X & Instagram @bhsjacketsports

BHS Athletics website

ContactAthletic Director athleticdirector@berkeley.net 

Go Jackets!

Quick Links

Need a Replacement Student ID? September 18 is the next on-campus photo day.

Need a Locker? Visit C210 during lunch or after school.

Welcome Back Assembly slidedeck & What Every Ninth Grader Should Know

BHS Bell Schedule app  created by Mr. Seibel

Order a 2023-24 Yearbook Click here Contact genevievemage@berkeley.net

Make a BHS Health Center Appt. Click here

Complete a Free & Reduced Lunch Application secure.ezmealapp.com contact saraleon@berkeley.net

Click here for the daily lunch menu

Join a BHS Student Club BHS Student Club List 

Club Registration  Register a BHS Student Club for 2023-24 by Oct. 31

BHS Athletics Berkeleyhighathletics.org

Class of 2024 Senior Letter Senior Info, Dates & Resources


ASB Leadership is a collective student voice composed of a diverse body of student leaders. Our mission is to create a more positive and engaging experience at Berkeley High through civic engagement, community building, sustainability, social events, and positive staff-student relations.

Useful Links

BHS Website

Student Bulletin Archive

Submit a Bulletin

Follow @juicethejackets

Current List of Student Clubs

BHS Events Calendar

Contact Info

Berkeley High ASB Leadership 

1980 Allston Way, Berkeley CA United States 94704 



Go Jackets!

Notification of Non-Discrimination Policy

The Berkeley Unified School District is committed to providing a hostile-free working and learning environment. The District prohibits discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity/expression, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding/lactation status (related medical conditions), religion, color, national origin (including language restrictions and possession of a driver’s license (issued under Vehicle Code), ancestry, immigration status, physical or mental disability (including clinical depression and bipolar disorder, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, epilepsy, seizure disorder, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and heart attack), medical condition (cancer-related and genetic characteristics), military and veteran status, marital status, registered domestic partner status, age (40 and above), genetic information, political belief or affiliation (unless union related), a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law, ordinance, or regulation in any program or activity it conducts or to which it provides significant assistance.

Discrimination is different treatment based on a protected characteristic in the context of an educational program, work or activity without a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason that interferes with or limits the individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by the District or includes an adverse employment action.

Hostile environment harassment occurs when a target is subjected to unwelcome conduct based on a protected characteristic, which is both subjectively offensive to the target and would be offensive to a reasonable person of similar circumstances/characteristics and is sufficiently so severe, and so pervasive to interfere with or limit an individual’s ability to effectively work or to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or opportunities offered by the District. Harassment may take many forms, including but not limited to, verbal remarks and name-calling, graphic and written statements, or any conduct that may be threatening or humiliating. Harassment based on any of the above protected categories is a form of unlawful discrimination and will not be tolerated by the District and can result in disciplinary action against the offending student or employee.

Upon witnessing an act of discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived protected characteristics, school personnel are required to take immediate steps to intervene when it is safe to do so. Once a school/office has expressed notice or reason to know of such conduct, whether carried out by employees, students, or third parties, it should take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate, determine what occurred, take prompt and effective steps reasonably calculated to end the conduct, eliminate a hostile environment, if one has been created and prevent the conduct from occurring again. These steps should be taken regardless of whether an individual makes a complaint or asks the school/office to take action. Complaints are protected from retaliation. The District prohibits retaliation against any person who files a complaint or an appeal, reports instances of noncompliance, discrimination, harassment, bullying, and intimidation, or who participates in the complaint-filing or investigation process. This nondiscriminatory policy applies to all acts related to school activity or school attendance within any school/office under the jurisdiction of the Berkeley Unified School District. 

For more information, or to file a complaint please contact:District Title IX Coordinator/Compliance Officer Berkeley Unified School District, 2020 Bonar Street, Room 117, Berkeley CA 94702 Phone: (510) 486-9338; Email: complaints@berkeley.net


2023-2024 ASB Leadership

One big, red & gold family!



Ki’Donyae B., Melody C., Amaya H., Chiefs of Publicity

Mr. V, Director of Student Activities

Bulletins & more  @juicethejackets Instagram

BHS Leadership website

 Video Bulletin Catalog

Video Bulletin: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 

PA: Trivia Friday with Principal Coleman

Click here to submit a Bulletin

November 8, 2023

Here is today’s video bulletin:


Athletics Shout Outs!

Congratulations to girls flag football on a tremendous season. BHS was one of 39 schools out of the 155 schools in the NCS to have a team this inaugural season – and boy were they good. They went undefeated in league taking home the banner and lost a last minute heart-breaker this weekend in the regional playoffs.

Congratulations to the following girls tennis players that competed in the league championships this past weekend: Sam Lopatin and Erin Liao in singles and doubles teams: Arianna Alharazy/Elliot Schrag and Naia Valenzuela Aperribay/Vera Ertel. Sam came in 3rd overall and Arianna and Elliot won the consolation bracket.

Congratulations to the cross-country team for their great showing at the WACC championships this weekend! 3 girls finished in the varsity 3-mile top 6 with Berkeley’s own Carina Nottingham winning the whole thing! (BHS girls also won the JV and frosh/soph divisions). Not to be outdone, 2 BHS boys finished in the top 5 with Mason Mullen winning the whole thing! (the boys also won the JV division and had top finishers in the frosh/soph race).

Finally, congratulations to our JV and Varsity football teams for their wins on Friday night, clinching back-to-back titles for both teams and back-to-back NCS playoff entries for varsity!

THIS FRIDAY – the kids from B-High Need YOU!

Berkeley Football travels to El Cerrito for a local showdown in NCS! We need Berkeley fans to TURN UP! Let’s make El Cerrito OUR HOME FIELD by turning the whole place Red and Gold!!

Kick-off is at 7pm, this Friday 11/10 at El Cerrito

TICKETS: https://gofan.co/event/1217596?schoolId=CA22907

Join the Bring Change to Mind Club! 

We meet every Thursday in room H213 during lunch. Our club is a safe, friendly, welcoming environment dedicated to destigmatizing and raising awareness about mental health. We will have fun activities and provide all members with mental health resources, such as a free annual Headspace membership. If interested, use the QR code to submit a quick interest form

Contact mayaguinto@students.berkeley.net or winniehuang@students.berkeley.net with any questions.



Send a note of appreciation and thanks align with a sweet treat to your friends, classmates or staff member. The Class of 2027 Leadership team will sell gratitude grams next week at lunch to be delivered in time before the Thanksgiving break.

Class of 2027

BHS Black Student Union Gear

Dear Community,

The Berkeley High Black Student Union is currently working hard to fundraise for their meetings, events, and conferences this year. If you are interested in supporting while receiving cool gear at the same time, please consider purchasing a long-sleeve or hoodie for the club. 

Click here for the link.  You can also go here: https://tinyurl.com/BHSBSUGear 

The fundraiser lasts until 11/17. After that, the gear will ship to your home, or you can come pick it up. We will contact you if you choose to pick up. Please message back with any questions, thank you for your consideration. 

Share widely! And follow @berkeleybsu on instagram to stay in touch.

With Appreciation,

BHS AFAM Studies Dept

Contact bhsafamstudies@berkeley.net 

The Redwood Literary Magazine First Issue

The Redwood Literary Magazine just released their first issue of the year! You can find a variety of poetry and short stories written by student authors on their website here https://www.redwoodberkeleyhigh.com . Redwood is a quarterly publication, where students go through a peer review process to improve their skills as a writer and editor. 

If you have any interest in joining for the next quarter reach out to redwoodberkeleyhigh@gmail.com , or fill out this interest form). Better yet, come by the publishing party in C206 on Wednesday at lunch. Hope to see you there!


Join Crypt-o-zoology club

Come to the Crypt-o-zoology club it meets on Tuesdays at lunch on the green. Crypt-o-zoology is the study of creatures that may or may not exist.  Come by if you want to talk/ discuss/learn about the supernatural.

Submitted by simoneschubert@students.berkeley.net 

Come hear the BHS CHORUS perform! 

Free Admission.

Thursday, November 16

7:00 pm – Little Theater

The show should last about an hour.

Contact johninehansen@berkeley.net 


Holiday Meal returns to BHS!

After a years long absence, the winter Holiday Meal community meal returns to BHS on Saturday, December 9. There will be a heartwarming meal and great entertainment for any Berkeley community member. This is also an opportunity for the BHS community (students, staff, families) to give back.

You can get involved in many ways:

  1. Volunteer (online sign up list will open up the week of November 13)
  2. Join Holiday Meal Committee (contact kainoatomikawa@students.berkeley.net)
  3. Contribute Food (Non-perishable items will be accepted at bins the week of November 13 and there will be an online sign up list for prepared dishes after Thanksgiving)
  4. Contribute Clothing (Bring new or gently used items to the bins starting the week of November 13)
  5. Contribute Funds (see below)

Donations can be made to the BHS Student Store indicating “BHS ASB” or “Holiday Meal” in the notes.

We also accept CASH or CHECKS payable to “BHS ASB”.

Checks can be dropped off to Mr. Villavicencio’s mailbox or mailed directly to:

Berkeley High School

c/o Mr. Villavicencio BHS Holiday Meal  

1980 Allston Way

Berkeley, CA 94704

Thank you, Berkeley High!

Cap & Gowns, Class Rings, & Graduation Announcements 

Graduation orders can be placed at any time online, by phone or by mail. Achievers Inc. handles orders for just the cap and gown as well as rings, announcements, grad swag and even graduation packages. Cap & gowns are traditionally worn at an in-person graduation. Consider using a cap & gown for senior portraits, graduation pictures, at home celebrations as well as any of graduation activities to be confirmed in the spring.

Online: GraduationOrder.com  (password bhs510)

Phone: 408.441.7200 Monday – Friday   9:00 am – 4:00 pm (English/Spanish)

Mail: Achievers Inc., 877 Commercial Street, San Jose, CA 95112 

August – MayGraduation Cap & Gown Purchase
March 1Last Day to request a LOANER cap, gown, & tassel 
April 16, 2024Cap & Gown Distribution at Donahue GymLunch
June TBD, 2024Graduation near Donahue Gym9:00 am- 5:00 pm

Details on Cap & Gowns Caps and gowns will be shipped directly to your desired shipping address.

1.    Seniors will have their choice of color, red or gold, at the time of purchase. 

2.    Each gown is marked with the student’s name, but be sure that you have all items in your package.

3.    Purchased caps and gowns are individuals’ to keep and do not need to be returned. 

4.    Decorations can only be applied to the top of the cap.  

Cap, Gown, & Tassel Loaner Program Achievers Inc. and BUSD have agreed to begin a loaner program for cap, gown, and tassel loaner for seniors to wear during the commencement ceremony. Please understand that per Berkeley Unified School District’s (BUSD) requirements, this cap, gown, and tassel, must be returned immediately following the ceremony. Under Ed Code section 48904, failure to return each of these three items (cap/gown/tassel) may result in the student’s diploma being held by BUSD and not being issued until the District has received payment for these items. In order to set up a loaner, please visit www.graduationorder.com and enter the code bhs510 You will select “Loan” after logging into the website. Please return your loaner cap, gown and tassel immediately following the ceremony. If you forget to return your loaner cap, gown, and tassel after graduation ends, please return these items to the registrar’s office at BHS the following week. The deadline to request a LOANER cap & gown is March 1, 2024.

Name in the Yearbook

If you go by a name that is different from the name on your student ID and would like your preferred name in the yearbook fill out this form. Deadline is Friday, November 10. 

Submitted by eleanorzaragozaaaron@students.berkeley.net 


Students Invited to Join Safety Committee Meeting

We want student voice around BHS and safety. You are invited to attend the Safety Committee Meeting on Tuesday, November 7 from 5-7pm.  The location is the Berkeley High School (BHS) library located at 1980 Allston Way.  

The purpose of the meeting is to provide all interested parties with information about Berkeley High School’s current safety measures and take public comment on safety issues and the School Safety Plan in accordance with Section 32288 of the California Education Code.

During the meeting, a panel will present their roles and responsibilities around safety at BHS.  Questions around BHS safety can be submitted ahead of time using this form, BHS Safety Q & A Form.  Questions and answers will be made public upon completion of the November 7th Safety Committee meeting.

Submitted by nancyflocchini@berkeley.net 

Girl’s Lacrosse Pre-Season

Girl’s Lacrosse Pre-Season Weight Room starts on Monday Nov. 6 for all returning and new players. 4:00-5:15- bring your stick and athletic clothes. Come by room D142 with any questions. 

Contact meganpotmesil@berkeley.net 


Get your Jacket Gear!

Check out the jam packed catalog of shirts, hoodies, jackets, and headwear just in time for the chilly air. The catalog has a range of items and prices for everyone’s budget. The store will be open for orders until November 8. The items will be created and then shipped to the BHS leadership office before winter break with no delays, fingers crossed. You will be notified once the items are here for pickup.

Click below for the full catalog of over 50 items…

Get your jacket gear today!

Each purchase supports BHS Leadership & Activities.
Store closes on November 8th.


What Multicultural Week aims to be is a space for students (and staff if interested) to represent their cultural groups and a platform to raise awareness about anything related. We try to spotlight the cultures that are less represented, and cool pieces they have to share about history, games, performance, or anything else you may find interesting about a culture. It also provides the opportunity to bring awareness to social justice issues (don’t worry it won’t be the only one you encounter in case you want to spotlight something else), and world issues often or not often talked about in the U.S. I highly encourage you to participate, it’s such a fun time out there, and an awesome way to gain community service hours! If you or anyone you know may be interested, please fill out the form below!

Multicultural Week (November 13-17) Interest Form:

General Timeline:

Thank you Jackets,

and have an awesome rest of spirit week!


Cultural Feedback Form

Holiday Submission Form

Submitted by jessicahipona@students.berkeley.net 



Support your Yellow Jackets!

For Upcoming Games Check out the full BHS Athletics Schedule

Follow on X & Instagram @bhsjacketsports

BHS Athletics website

ContactAthletic Director athleticdirector@berkeley.net 

Go Jackets!

Quick Links

Need a Replacement Student ID? September 18 is the next on-campus photo day.

Need a Locker? Visit C210 during lunch or after school.

Welcome Back Assembly slidedeck & What Every Ninth Grader Should Know

BHS Bell Schedule app  created by Mr. Seibel

Order a 2023-24 Yearbook Click here Contact genevievemage@berkeley.net

Make a BHS Health Center Appt. Click here

Complete a Free & Reduced Lunch Application secure.ezmealapp.com contact saraleon@berkeley.net

Click here for the daily lunch menu

Join a BHS Student Club BHS Student Club List 

Club Registration  Register a BHS Student Club for 2023-24 by Oct. 31

BHS Athletics Berkeleyhighathletics.org

Class of 2024 Senior Letter Senior Info, Dates & Resources


ASB Leadership is a collective student voice composed of a diverse body of student leaders. Our mission is to create a more positive and engaging experience at Berkeley High through civic engagement, community building, sustainability, social events, and positive staff-student relations.

Useful Links

BHS Website

Student Bulletin Archive

Submit a Bulletin

Follow @juicethejackets

Current List of Student Clubs

BHS Events Calendar

Contact Info

Berkeley High ASB Leadership 

1980 Allston Way, Berkeley CA United States 94704 



Go Jackets!

Notification of Non-Discrimination Policy

The Berkeley Unified School District is committed to providing a hostile-free working and learning environment. The District prohibits discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity/expression, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding/lactation status (related medical conditions), religion, color, national origin (including language restrictions and possession of a driver’s license (issued under Vehicle Code), ancestry, immigration status, physical or mental disability (including clinical depression and bipolar disorder, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, epilepsy, seizure disorder, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and heart attack), medical condition (cancer-related and genetic characteristics), military and veteran status, marital status, registered domestic partner status, age (40 and above), genetic information, political belief or affiliation (unless union related), a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law, ordinance, or regulation in any program or activity it conducts or to which it provides significant assistance.

Discrimination is different treatment based on a protected characteristic in the context of an educational program, work or activity without a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason that interferes with or limits the individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by the District or includes an adverse employment action.

Hostile environment harassment occurs when a target is subjected to unwelcome conduct based on a protected characteristic, which is both subjectively offensive to the target and would be offensive to a reasonable person of similar circumstances/characteristics and is sufficiently so severe, and so pervasive to interfere with or limit an individual’s ability to effectively work or to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or opportunities offered by the District. Harassment may take many forms, including but not limited to, verbal remarks and name-calling, graphic and written statements, or any conduct that may be threatening or humiliating. Harassment based on any of the above protected categories is a form of unlawful discrimination and will not be tolerated by the District and can result in disciplinary action against the offending student or employee.

Upon witnessing an act of discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived protected characteristics, school personnel are required to take immediate steps to intervene when it is safe to do so. Once a school/office has expressed notice or reason to know of such conduct, whether carried out by employees, students, or third parties, it should take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate, determine what occurred, take prompt and effective steps reasonably calculated to end the conduct, eliminate a hostile environment, if one has been created and prevent the conduct from occurring again. These steps should be taken regardless of whether an individual makes a complaint or asks the school/office to take action. Complaints are protected from retaliation. The District prohibits retaliation against any person who files a complaint or an appeal, reports instances of noncompliance, discrimination, harassment, bullying, and intimidation, or who participates in the complaint-filing or investigation process. This nondiscriminatory policy applies to all acts related to school activity or school attendance within any school/office under the jurisdiction of the Berkeley Unified School District. 

For more information, or to file a complaint please contact:District Title IX Coordinator/Compliance Officer Berkeley Unified School District, 2020 Bonar Street, Room 117, Berkeley CA 94702 Phone: (510) 486-9338; Email: complaints@berkeley.net


2023-2024 ASB Leadership

One big, red & gold family!



Ki’Donyae B., Melody C., Amaya H., Chiefs of Publicity

Mr. V, Director of Student Activities

Bulletins & more  @juicethejackets Instagram

BHS Leadership website

 Video Bulletin Catalog

Video Bulletin: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 

PA: Trivia Friday with Principal Coleman

Click here to submit a Bulletin

November 6, 2023

Here is today’s video bulletin:



Send a note of appreciation and thanks align with a sweet treat to your friends, classmates or staff member. The Class of 2027 Leadership team will sell gratitude grams next week at lunch to be delivered in time before the Thanksgiving break.

Class of 2027

The Redwood Literary Magazine First Issue

The Redwood Literary Magazine just released their first issue of the year! You can find a variety of poetry and short stories written by student authors on their website here (https://www.redwoodberkeleyhigh.com/). Redwood is a quarterly publication, where students go through a peer review process to improve their skills as a writer and editor. 

If you have any interest in joining for the next quarter reach out to redwoodberkeleyhigh@gmail.com , or fill out this interest form). Better yet, come by the publishing party in C206 on Wednesday at lunch. Hope to see you there!


Holiday Meal returns to BHS!

After a years long absence, the winter Holiday Meal community meal returns to BHS on Saturday, December 9. There will be a heartwarming meal and great entertainment for any Berkeley community member. This is also an opportunity for the BHS community (students, staff, families) to give back.

You can get involved in many ways:

  1. Volunteer (online sign up list will open up the week of November 13)
  2. Join Holiday Meal Committee (contact kainoatomikawa@students.berkeley.net)
  3. Contribute Food (Non-perishable items will be accepted at bins the week of November 13 and there will be an online sign up list for prepared dishes after Thanksgiving)
  4. Contribute Clothing (Bring new or gently used items to the bins starting the week of November 13)
  5. Contribute Funds (see below)

Donations can be made to the BHS Student Store indicating “BHS ASB” or “Holiday Meal” in the notes.

We also accept CASH or CHECKS payable to “BHS ASB”.

Checks can be dropped off to Mr. Villavicencio’s mailbox or mailed directly to:

Berkeley High School

c/o Mr. Villavicencio BHS Holiday Meal  

1980 Allston Way

Berkeley, CA 94704

Thank you, Berkeley High!

Cap & Gown Orders

Achievers Inc. will be on campus Tuesday, November 7 at lunch

Main Courtyard

Cap & Gowns, Class Rings, & Graduation Announcements 

Graduation orders can be placed at any time online, by phone or by mail. Achievers Inc. handles orders for just the cap and gown as well as rings, announcements, grad swag and even graduation packages. Cap & gowns are traditionally worn at an in-person graduation. Consider using a cap & gown for senior portraits, graduation pictures, at home celebrations as well as any of graduation activities to be confirmed in the spring.

Online: GraduationOrder.com  (password bhs510)

Phone: 408.441.7200 Monday – Friday   9:00 am – 4:00 pm (English/Spanish)

Mail: Achievers Inc., 877 Commercial Street, San Jose, CA 95112 

August – MayGraduation Cap & Gown Purchase
March 1Last Day to request a LOANER cap, gown, & tassel 
April 16, 2024Cap & Gown Distribution at Donahue GymLunch
June TBD, 2024Graduation near Donahue Gym9:00 am- 5:00 pm

Details on Cap & Gowns Caps and gowns will be shipped directly to your desired shipping address.

1.    Seniors will have their choice of color, red or gold, at the time of purchase. 

2.    Each gown is marked with the student’s name, but be sure that you have all items in your package.

3.    Purchased caps and gowns are individuals’ to keep and do not need to be returned. 

4.    Decorations can only be applied to the top of the cap.  

Cap, Gown, & Tassel Loaner Program Achievers Inc. and BUSD have agreed to begin a loaner program for cap, gown, and tassel loaner for seniors to wear during the commencement ceremony. Please understand that per Berkeley Unified School District’s (BUSD) requirements, this cap, gown, and tassel, must be returned immediately following the ceremony. Under Ed Code section 48904, failure to return each of these three items (cap/gown/tassel) may result in the student’s diploma being held by BUSD and not being issued until the District has received payment for these items. In order to set up a loaner, please visit www.graduationorder.com and enter the code bhs510 You will select “Loan” after logging into the website. Please return your loaner cap, gown and tassel immediately following the ceremony. If you forget to return your loaner cap, gown, and tassel after graduation ends, please return these items to the registrar’s office at BHS the following week. The deadline to request a LOANER cap & gown is March 1, 2024.


Name in the Yearbook

If you go by a name that is different from the name on your student ID and would like your preferred name in the yearbook fill out this form. Deadline is Friday, November 10. 

Submitted by eleanorzaragozaaaron@students.berkeley.net 


Students Invited to Join Safety Committee Meeting

We want student voice around BHS and safety. You are invited to attend the Safety Committee Meeting on Tuesday, November 7 from 5-7pm.  The location is the Berkeley High School (BHS) library located at 1980 Allston Way.  

The purpose of the meeting is to provide all interested parties with information about Berkeley High School’s current safety measures and take public comment on safety issues and the School Safety Plan in accordance with Section 32288 of the California Education Code.

During the meeting, a panel will present their roles and responsibilities around safety at BHS.  Questions around BHS safety can be submitted ahead of time using this form, BHS Safety Q & A Form.  Questions and answers will be made public upon completion of the November 7th Safety Committee meeting.

Submitted by nancyflocchini@berkeley.net 

Girl’s Lacrosse Pre-Season

Girl’s Lacrosse Pre-Season Weight Room starts on Monday Nov. 6 for all returning and new players. 4:00-5:15- bring your stick and athletic clothes. Come by room D142 with any questions. 

Contact meganpotmesil@berkeley.net 


Get your Jacket Gear!

Check out the jam packed catalog of shirts, hoodies, jackets, and headwear just in time for the chilly air. The catalog has a range of items and prices for everyone’s budget. The store will be open for orders until November 8. The items will be created and then shipped to the BHS leadership office before winter break with no delays, fingers crossed. You will be notified once the items are here for pickup.

Click below for the full catalog of over 50 items…

Get your jacket gear today!

Each purchase supports BHS Leadership & Activities.
Store closes on November 8th.


What Multicultural Week aims to be is a space for students (and staff if interested) to represent their cultural groups and a platform to raise awareness about anything related. We try to spotlight the cultures that are less represented, and cool pieces they have to share about history, games, performance, or anything else you may find interesting about a culture. It also provides the opportunity to bring awareness to social justice issues (don’t worry it won’t be the only one you encounter in case you want to spotlight something else), and world issues often or not often talked about in the U.S. I highly encourage you to participate, it’s such a fun time out there, and an awesome way to gain community service hours! If you or anyone you know may be interested, please fill out the form below!

Multicultural Week (November 13-17) Interest Form:

General Timeline:

Thank you Jackets,

and have an awesome rest of spirit week!


Cultural Feedback Form

Holiday Submission Form

Submitted by jessicahipona@students.berkeley.net 



Support your Yellow Jackets!

For Upcoming Games Check out the full BHS Athletics Schedule

Follow on X & Instagram @bhsjacketsports

BHS Athletics website

ContactAthletic Director athleticdirector@berkeley.net 

Go Jackets!

Quick Links

Need a Replacement Student ID? September 18 is the next on-campus photo day.

Need a Locker? Visit C210 during lunch or after school.

Welcome Back Assembly slidedeck & What Every Ninth Grader Should Know

BHS Bell Schedule app  created by Mr. Seibel

Order a 2023-24 Yearbook Click here Contact genevievemage@berkeley.net

Make a BHS Health Center Appt. Click here

Complete a Free & Reduced Lunch Application secure.ezmealapp.com contact saraleon@berkeley.net

Click here for the daily lunch menu

Join a BHS Student Club BHS Student Club List 

Club Registration  Register a BHS Student Club for 2023-24 by Oct. 31

BHS Athletics Berkeleyhighathletics.org

Class of 2024 Senior Letter Senior Info, Dates & Resources


ASB Leadership is a collective student voice composed of a diverse body of student leaders. Our mission is to create a more positive and engaging experience at Berkeley High through civic engagement, community building, sustainability, social events, and positive staff-student relations.

Useful Links

BHS Website

Student Bulletin Archive

Submit a Bulletin

Follow @juicethejackets

Current List of Student Clubs

BHS Events Calendar

Contact Info

Berkeley High ASB Leadership 

1980 Allston Way, Berkeley CA United States 94704 



Go Jackets!

Notification of Non-Discrimination Policy

The Berkeley Unified School District is committed to providing a hostile-free working and learning environment. The District prohibits discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity/expression, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding/lactation status (related medical conditions), religion, color, national origin (including language restrictions and possession of a driver’s license (issued under Vehicle Code), ancestry, immigration status, physical or mental disability (including clinical depression and bipolar disorder, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, epilepsy, seizure disorder, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and heart attack), medical condition (cancer-related and genetic characteristics), military and veteran status, marital status, registered domestic partner status, age (40 and above), genetic information, political belief or affiliation (unless union related), a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law, ordinance, or regulation in any program or activity it conducts or to which it provides significant assistance.

Discrimination is different treatment based on a protected characteristic in the context of an educational program, work or activity without a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason that interferes with or limits the individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by the District or includes an adverse employment action.

Hostile environment harassment occurs when a target is subjected to unwelcome conduct based on a protected characteristic, which is both subjectively offensive to the target and would be offensive to a reasonable person of similar circumstances/characteristics and is sufficiently so severe, and so pervasive to interfere with or limit an individual’s ability to effectively work or to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or opportunities offered by the District. Harassment may take many forms, including but not limited to, verbal remarks and name-calling, graphic and written statements, or any conduct that may be threatening or humiliating. Harassment based on any of the above protected categories is a form of unlawful discrimination and will not be tolerated by the District and can result in disciplinary action against the offending student or employee.

Upon witnessing an act of discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived protected characteristics, school personnel are required to take immediate steps to intervene when it is safe to do so. Once a school/office has expressed notice or reason to know of such conduct, whether carried out by employees, students, or third parties, it should take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate, determine what occurred, take prompt and effective steps reasonably calculated to end the conduct, eliminate a hostile environment, if one has been created and prevent the conduct from occurring again. These steps should be taken regardless of whether an individual makes a complaint or asks the school/office to take action. Complaints are protected from retaliation. The District prohibits retaliation against any person who files a complaint or an appeal, reports instances of noncompliance, discrimination, harassment, bullying, and intimidation, or who participates in the complaint-filing or investigation process. This nondiscriminatory policy applies to all acts related to school activity or school attendance within any school/office under the jurisdiction of the Berkeley Unified School District. 

For more information, or to file a complaint please contact:District Title IX Coordinator/Compliance Officer Berkeley Unified School District, 2020 Bonar Street, Room 117, Berkeley CA 94702 Phone: (510) 486-9338; Email: complaints@berkeley.net


2023-2024 ASB Leadership

One big, red & gold family!



Ki’Donyae B., Melody C., Amaya H., Chiefs of Publicity

Mr. V, Director of Student Activities

Bulletins & more  @juicethejackets Instagram

BHS Leadership website

 Video Bulletin Catalog

Video Bulletin: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 

PA: Trivia Friday with Principal Coleman

Click here to submit a Bulletin

November 3, 2023

Here is today’s video bulletin:


Holiday Meal returns to BHS!

After a years long absence, the winter Holiday Meal community meal returns to BHS on Saturday, December 9. There will be a heartwarming meal and great entertainment for any Berkeley community member. This is also an opportunity for the BHS community (students, staff, families) to give back.

You can get involved in many ways:

  1. Volunteer (online sign up list will open up the week of November 13)
  2. Join Holiday Meal Committee (contact kainoatomikawa@students.berkeley.net)
  3. Contribute Food (Non-perishable items will be accepted at bins the week of November 13 and there will be an online sign up list for prepared dishes after Thanksgiving)
  4. Contribute Clothing (Bring new or gently used items to the bins starting the week of November 13)
  5. Contribute Funds (see below)

Donations can be made to the BHS Student Store indicating “BHS ASB” or “Holiday Meal” in the notes.

We also accept CASH or CHECKS payable to “BHS ASB”.

Checks can be dropped off to Mr. Villavicencio’s mailbox or mailed directly to:

Berkeley High School

c/o Mr. Villavicencio BHS Holiday Meal  

1980 Allston Way

Berkeley, CA 94704

Thank you, Berkeley High!

Cap & Gown Orders

Achievers Inc. will be on campus Tuesday, November 7 at lunch

Main Courtyard

Cap & Gowns, Class Rings, & Graduation Announcements 

Graduation orders can be placed at any time online, by phone or by mail. Achievers Inc. handles orders for just the cap and gown as well as rings, announcements, grad swag and even graduation packages. Cap & gowns are traditionally worn at an in-person graduation. Consider using a cap & gown for senior portraits, graduation pictures, at home celebrations as well as any of graduation activities to be confirmed in the spring.

Online: GraduationOrder.com  (password bhs510)

Phone: 408.441.7200 Monday – Friday   9:00 am – 4:00 pm (English/Spanish)

Mail: Achievers Inc., 877 Commercial Street, San Jose, CA 95112 

August – MayGraduation Cap & Gown Purchase
March 1Last Day to request a LOANER cap, gown, & tassel 
April 16, 2024Cap & Gown Distribution at Donahue GymLunch
June TBD, 2024Graduation near Donahue Gym9:00 am- 5:00 pm

Details on Cap & Gowns Caps and gowns will be shipped directly to your desired shipping address.

1.    Seniors will have their choice of color, red or gold, at the time of purchase. 

2.    Each gown is marked with the student’s name, but be sure that you have all items in your package.

3.    Purchased caps and gowns are individuals’ to keep and do not need to be returned. 

4.    Decorations can only be applied to the top of the cap.  

Cap, Gown, & Tassel Loaner Program Achievers Inc. and BUSD have agreed to begin a loaner program for cap, gown, and tassel loaner for seniors to wear during the commencement ceremony. Please understand that per Berkeley Unified School District’s (BUSD) requirements, this cap, gown, and tassel, must be returned immediately following the ceremony. Under Ed Code section 48904, failure to return each of these three items (cap/gown/tassel) may result in the student’s diploma being held by BUSD and not being issued until the District has received payment for these items. In order to set up a loaner, please visit www.graduationorder.com and enter the code bhs510 You will select “Loan” after logging into the website. Please return your loaner cap, gown and tassel immediately following the ceremony. If you forget to return your loaner cap, gown, and tassel after graduation ends, please return these items to the registrar’s office at BHS the following week. The deadline to request a LOANER cap & gown is March 1, 2024.


Name in the Yearbook

If you go by a name that is different from the name on your student ID and would like your preferred name in the yearbook fill out this form. Deadline is Friday, November 10. 

Submitted by eleanorzaragozaaaron@students.berkeley.net 


Students Invited to Join Safety Committee Meeting

We want student voice around BHS and safety. You are invited to attend the Safety Committee Meeting on Tuesday, November 7 from 5-7pm.  The location is the Berkeley High School (BHS) library located at 1980 Allston Way.  

The purpose of the meeting is to provide all interested parties with information about Berkeley High School’s current safety measures and take public comment on safety issues and the School Safety Plan in accordance with Section 32288 of the California Education Code.

During the meeting, a panel will present their roles and responsibilities around safety at BHS.  Questions around BHS safety can be submitted ahead of time using this form, BHS Safety Q & A Form.  Questions and answers will be made public upon completion of the November 7th Safety Committee meeting.

Submitted by nancyflocchini@berkeley.net 

Girl’s Lacrosse Pre-Season

Girl’s Lacrosse Pre-Season Weight Room starts on Monday Nov. 6 for all returning and new players. 4:00-5:15- bring your stick and athletic clothes. Come by room D142 with any questions. 

Contact meganpotmesil@berkeley.net 


Get your Jacket Gear!

Check out the jam packed catalog of shirts, hoodies, jackets, and headwear just in time for the chilly air. The catalog has a range of items and prices for everyone’s budget. The store will be open for orders until November 8. The items will be created and then shipped to the BHS leadership office before winter break with no delays, fingers crossed. You will be notified once the items are here for pickup.

Click below for the full catalog of over 50 items…

Get your jacket gear today!

Each purchase supports BHS Leadership & Activities.
Store closes on November 8th.


Come by the campus green near the ceramics room and the picnic tables 


during lunch to buy stickers, prints, jewelry, baked goods, and more!

Support your fellow artist classmates

🙂 see ya there!

Submitted by candissyoungblood@berkeley.net 



What Multicultural Week aims to be is a space for students (and staff if interested) to represent their cultural groups and a platform to raise awareness about anything related. We try to spotlight the cultures that are less represented, and cool pieces they have to share about history, games, performance, or anything else you may find interesting about a culture. It also provides the opportunity to bring awareness to social justice issues (don’t worry it won’t be the only one you encounter in case you want to spotlight something else), and world issues often or not often talked about in the U.S. I highly encourage you to participate, it’s such a fun time out there, and an awesome way to gain community service hours! If you or anyone you know may be interested, please fill out the form below!

Multicultural Week (November 13-17) Interest Form:

General Timeline:

Thank you Jackets,

and have an awesome rest of spirit week!


Cultural Feedback Form

Holiday Submission Form

Submitted by jessicahipona@students.berkeley.net 



Support your Yellow Jackets!

For Upcoming Games Check out the full BHS Athletics Schedule

Follow on X & Instagram @bhsjacketsports

BHS Athletics website

ContactAthletic Director athleticdirector@berkeley.net 

Go Jackets!

Quick Links

Need a Replacement Student ID? September 18 is the next on-campus photo day.

Need a Locker? Visit C210 during lunch or after school.

Welcome Back Assembly slidedeck & What Every Ninth Grader Should Know

BHS Bell Schedule app  created by Mr. Seibel

Order a 2023-24 Yearbook Click here Contact genevievemage@berkeley.net

Make a BHS Health Center Appt. Click here

Complete a Free & Reduced Lunch Application secure.ezmealapp.com contact saraleon@berkeley.net

Click here for the daily lunch menu

Join a BHS Student Club BHS Student Club List 

Club Registration  Register a BHS Student Club for 2023-24 by Oct. 31

BHS Athletics Berkeleyhighathletics.org

Class of 2024 Senior Letter Senior Info, Dates & Resources


ASB Leadership is a collective student voice composed of a diverse body of student leaders. Our mission is to create a more positive and engaging experience at Berkeley High through civic engagement, community building, sustainability, social events, and positive staff-student relations.

Useful Links

BHS Website

Student Bulletin Archive

Submit a Bulletin

Follow @juicethejackets

Current List of Student Clubs

BHS Events Calendar

Contact Info

Berkeley High ASB Leadership 

1980 Allston Way, Berkeley CA United States 94704 



Go Jackets!

Notification of Non-Discrimination Policy

The Berkeley Unified School District is committed to providing a hostile-free working and learning environment. The District prohibits discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity/expression, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding/lactation status (related medical conditions), religion, color, national origin (including language restrictions and possession of a driver’s license (issued under Vehicle Code), ancestry, immigration status, physical or mental disability (including clinical depression and bipolar disorder, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, epilepsy, seizure disorder, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and heart attack), medical condition (cancer-related and genetic characteristics), military and veteran status, marital status, registered domestic partner status, age (40 and above), genetic information, political belief or affiliation (unless union related), a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law, ordinance, or regulation in any program or activity it conducts or to which it provides significant assistance.

Discrimination is different treatment based on a protected characteristic in the context of an educational program, work or activity without a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason that interferes with or limits the individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by the District or includes an adverse employment action.

Hostile environment harassment occurs when a target is subjected to unwelcome conduct based on a protected characteristic, which is both subjectively offensive to the target and would be offensive to a reasonable person of similar circumstances/characteristics and is sufficiently so severe, and so pervasive to interfere with or limit an individual’s ability to effectively work or to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or opportunities offered by the District. Harassment may take many forms, including but not limited to, verbal remarks and name-calling, graphic and written statements, or any conduct that may be threatening or humiliating. Harassment based on any of the above protected categories is a form of unlawful discrimination and will not be tolerated by the District and can result in disciplinary action against the offending student or employee.

Upon witnessing an act of discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived protected characteristics, school personnel are required to take immediate steps to intervene when it is safe to do so. Once a school/office has expressed notice or reason to know of such conduct, whether carried out by employees, students, or third parties, it should take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate, determine what occurred, take prompt and effective steps reasonably calculated to end the conduct, eliminate a hostile environment, if one has been created and prevent the conduct from occurring again. These steps should be taken regardless of whether an individual makes a complaint or asks the school/office to take action. Complaints are protected from retaliation. The District prohibits retaliation against any person who files a complaint or an appeal, reports instances of noncompliance, discrimination, harassment, bullying, and intimidation, or who participates in the complaint-filing or investigation process. This nondiscriminatory policy applies to all acts related to school activity or school attendance within any school/office under the jurisdiction of the Berkeley Unified School District. 

For more information, or to file a complaint please contact:District Title IX Coordinator/Compliance Officer Berkeley Unified School District, 2020 Bonar Street, Room 117, Berkeley CA 94702 Phone: (510) 486-9338; Email: complaints@berkeley.net


2023-2024 ASB Leadership

One big, red & gold family!



Ki’Donyae B., Melody C., Amaya H., Chiefs of Publicity

Mr. V, Director of Student Activities

Bulletins & more  @juicethejackets Instagram

BHS Leadership website

 Video Bulletin Catalog

Video Bulletin: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 

PA: Trivia Friday with Principal Coleman

Click here to submit a Bulletin

November 1, 2023

Here is today’s video bulletin:




7-9 PM


Get your tickets at the door!

Or here at the BHS Student Store online

*May need to refresh to get to the store

Holiday Meal returns to BHS!

After a years long absence, the winter Holiday Meal community meal returns to BHS on Saturday, December 9. There will be a heartwarming meal and great entertainment for any Berkeley community member. This is also an opportunity for the BHS community (students, staff, families) to give back.

You can get involved in many ways:

  1. Volunteer (online sign up list will open up the week of November 13)
  2. Join Holiday Meal Committee (contact kainoatomikawa@students.berkeley.net)
  3. Contribute Food (Non-perishable items will be accepted at bins the week of November 13 and there will be an online sign up list for prepared dishes after Thanksgiving)
  4. Contribute Clothing (Bring new or gently used items to the bins starting the week of November 13)
  5. Contribute Funds (see below)

Donations can be made to the BHS Student Store indicating “BHS ASB” or “Holiday Meal” in the notes.

We also accept CASH or CHECKS payable to “BHS ASB”.

Checks can be dropped off to Mr. Villavicencio’s mailbox or mailed directly to:

Berkeley High School

c/o Mr. Villavicencio BHS Holiday Meal  

1980 Allston Way

Berkeley, CA 94704

Thank you, Berkeley High!

Name in the Yearbook

If you go by a name that is different from the name on your student ID and would like your preferred name in the yearbook fill out this form. Deadline is Friday, November 10. 

Submitted by eleanorzaragozaaaron@students.berkeley.net 


Students Invited to Join Safety Committee Meeting

We want student voice around BHS and safety. You are invited to attend the Safety Committee Meeting on Tuesday, November 7 from 5-7pm.  The location is the Berkeley High School (BHS) library located at 1980 Allston Way.  

The purpose of the meeting is to provide all interested parties with information about Berkeley High School’s current safety measures and take public comment on safety issues and the School Safety Plan in accordance with Section 32288 of the California Education Code.

During the meeting, a panel will present their roles and responsibilities around safety at BHS.  Questions around BHS safety can be submitted ahead of time using this form, BHS Safety Q & A Form.  Questions and answers will be made public upon completion of the November 7th Safety Committee meeting.

Submitted by nancyflocchini@berkeley.net 

Girl’s Lacrosse Pre-Season

Girl’s Lacrosse Pre-Season Weight Room starts on Monday Nov. 6 for all returning and new players. 4:00-5:15- bring your stick and athletic clothes. Come by room D142 with any questions. 

Contact meganpotmesil@berkeley.net 



Get your Jacket Gear!

Check out the jam packed catalog of shirts, hoodies, jackets, and headwear just in time for the chilly air. The catalog has a range of items and prices for everyone’s budget. The store will be open for orders until November 8. The items will be created and then shipped to the BHS leadership office before winter break with no delays, fingers crossed. You will be notified once the items are here for pickup.

Click below for the full catalog of over 50 items…

Get your jacket gear today!

Each purchase supports BHS Leadership & Activities.
Store closes on November 8th.


Come by the campus green near the ceramics room and the picnic tables 


during lunch to buy stickers, prints, jewelry, baked goods, and more!

Support your fellow artist classmates

🙂 see ya there!

Submitted by candissyoungblood@berkeley.net 


Halloween Candy Tips

Halloween involves a lot of candy consumption. Protect the environment this Halloween by avoiding palm oil, the mass production of which is very destructive to the environment. Palm oil is used in about half of all packaged products because it has many useful properties. If not produced sustainably its cultivation can contribute to climate change and destroy the habitats of endangered species such as orangutans. Experts agree that the solution to this issue is to support sustainably grown palm oil, which is cultivated with minimum impact on the environment. When shopping for candy this Halloween, consider opting for sustainable palm oil. 

Here is a link to a list of candy that only contains sustainably grown palm oil, or no palm oil at all! – 

Submitted by lachlanmossman@students.berkeley.net 


Get CUSTOM T-Shirts at the BHS craft fair!

Click here to learn more & customize your design: 

Submitted by anjaball@students.berkeley.net , viviennealmodova@students.berkeley.net 

Submit Unity Week Photos

As unity week comes to a close we want you to submit all of the amazing pictures you’ve taken of you and your friends. Use this link and use the code “gojackets223” to submit. We’ll make sure you get adequate photo credit.


Submitted by eleanorzaragozaaaron@students.berkeley.net


What Multicultural Week aims to be is a space for students (and staff if interested) to represent their cultural groups and a platform to raise awareness about anything related. We try to spotlight the cultures that are less represented, and cool pieces they have to share about history, games, performance, or anything else you may find interesting about a culture. It also provides the opportunity to bring awareness to social justice issues (don’t worry it won’t be the only one you encounter in case you want to spotlight something else), and world issues often or not often talked about in the U.S. I highly encourage you to participate, it’s such a fun time out there, and an awesome way to gain community service hours! If you or anyone you know may be interested, please fill out the form below!

Multicultural Week (November 13-17) Interest Form:

General Timeline:

Thank you Jackets,

and have an awesome rest of spirit week!


Cultural Feedback Form

Holiday Submission Form

Submitted by jessicahipona@students.berkeley.net 



Support your Yellow Jackets!

For Upcoming Games Check out the full BHS Athletics Schedule

Follow on X & Instagram @bhsjacketsports

BHS Athletics website

ContactAthletic Director athleticdirector@berkeley.net 

Go Jackets!

Quick Links

Need a Replacement Student ID? September 18 is the next on-campus photo day.

Need a Locker? Visit C210 during lunch or after school.

Welcome Back Assembly slidedeck & What Every Ninth Grader Should Know

BHS Bell Schedule app  created by Mr. Seibel

Order a 2023-24 Yearbook Click here Contact genevievemage@berkeley.net

Make a BHS Health Center Appt. Click here

Complete a Free & Reduced Lunch Application secure.ezmealapp.com contact saraleon@berkeley.net

Click here for the daily lunch menu

Join a BHS Student Club BHS Student Club List 

Club Registration  Register a BHS Student Club for 2023-24 by Oct. 31

BHS Athletics Berkeleyhighathletics.org

Class of 2024 Senior Letter Senior Info, Dates & Resources


ASB Leadership is a collective student voice composed of a diverse body of student leaders. Our mission is to create a more positive and engaging experience at Berkeley High through civic engagement, community building, sustainability, social events, and positive staff-student relations.

Useful Links

BHS Website

Student Bulletin Archive

Submit a Bulletin

Follow @juicethejackets

Current List of Student Clubs

BHS Events Calendar

Contact Info

Berkeley High ASB Leadership 

1980 Allston Way, Berkeley CA United States 94704 



Go Jackets!

Notification of Non-Discrimination Policy

The Berkeley Unified School District is committed to providing a hostile-free working and learning environment. The District prohibits discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity/expression, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding/lactation status (related medical conditions), religion, color, national origin (including language restrictions and possession of a driver’s license (issued under Vehicle Code), ancestry, immigration status, physical or mental disability (including clinical depression and bipolar disorder, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, epilepsy, seizure disorder, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and heart attack), medical condition (cancer-related and genetic characteristics), military and veteran status, marital status, registered domestic partner status, age (40 and above), genetic information, political belief or affiliation (unless union related), a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law, ordinance, or regulation in any program or activity it conducts or to which it provides significant assistance.

Discrimination is different treatment based on a protected characteristic in the context of an educational program, work or activity without a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason that interferes with or limits the individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by the District or includes an adverse employment action.

Hostile environment harassment occurs when a target is subjected to unwelcome conduct based on a protected characteristic, which is both subjectively offensive to the target and would be offensive to a reasonable person of similar circumstances/characteristics and is sufficiently so severe, and so pervasive to interfere with or limit an individual’s ability to effectively work or to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or opportunities offered by the District. Harassment may take many forms, including but not limited to, verbal remarks and name-calling, graphic and written statements, or any conduct that may be threatening or humiliating. Harassment based on any of the above protected categories is a form of unlawful discrimination and will not be tolerated by the District and can result in disciplinary action against the offending student or employee.

Upon witnessing an act of discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived protected characteristics, school personnel are required to take immediate steps to intervene when it is safe to do so. Once a school/office has expressed notice or reason to know of such conduct, whether carried out by employees, students, or third parties, it should take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate, determine what occurred, take prompt and effective steps reasonably calculated to end the conduct, eliminate a hostile environment, if one has been created and prevent the conduct from occurring again. These steps should be taken regardless of whether an individual makes a complaint or asks the school/office to take action. Complaints are protected from retaliation. The District prohibits retaliation against any person who files a complaint or an appeal, reports instances of noncompliance, discrimination, harassment, bullying, and intimidation, or who participates in the complaint-filing or investigation process. This nondiscriminatory policy applies to all acts related to school activity or school attendance within any school/office under the jurisdiction of the Berkeley Unified School District. 

For more information, or to file a complaint please contact:District Title IX Coordinator/Compliance Officer Berkeley Unified School District, 2020 Bonar Street, Room 117, Berkeley CA 94702 Phone: (510) 486-9338; Email: complaints@berkeley.net