2022-2023 ASB Leadership

One big, red & gold family!



David D-R., Chief of Publicity

Ari F., Chief of Publicity

Valerie L, Chief of Publicity

Mr. V, Director of Student Activities

Bulletins & more  @juicethejackets Instagram

BHS Leadership website

 Video Bulletin Catalog (requires BUSD account)

Video Bulletin: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 

PA: Trivia Friday with Principal Raygoza

Submit a Bulletin

December 14, 2022

Here is today’s video bulletin:

No video bulletin on Friday




Please help us improve the BHS student bulletin by taking a minute to leave feedback or suggestions. This survey is for all BHS STAFF and STUDENTS. The form will be open until December 16, 2022.




*will need to use non-BHS wifi connection unless page is unblocked


Applications for elected and appointed positions open up January 1st 2023.

Learn more about the due dates, election timeline and more by clicking here.

Contact Mr. V


We got funding from the BHS Development Group! All seniors who qualify for free and reduced lunch will now be able to purchase a yearbook for $35 while funds last.

If you qualify, come to C327 after school any day except for Thursdays when we get back from winter break. You will need to provide proof of free and reduced lunch, and payment either by check or cash of $35 dollars for your yearbook. 

Thank you BHSDG! 

Order a Yearbook: https://www.yearbookordercenter.com 

Code: 16356

Submit Senior Quote: https://forms.gle/n1MPoxSoGUur9rBK9 

Questions: sarahdarzacq@students.berkeley.net 

Teen Craft Club @ Central Library Teen Room

December 22 and 29, 2022 – 3:30pm-5:00pm

Teens, join us in the Teen Room at Central to learn how to make an ojo de dios. God’s Eyes or Ojos de Dios are a popular holiday tradition that have roots from indigenous practices in Mexico. Try making your own version of it and learn some foundations of weaving.


Monday, December 12, 2022: Late-Start Schedule

Tuesday, December 13, 2022: Regular Schedule

Wednesday-Friday, 12/14-12/16: See below for Final Exams Schedule

8:30-10:30 am120Period 1Period 3Period 5
10:40-12:40 pm120Period 2Period 4Period 6
12:40-1:20 pm40LunchLunchLunch
1:26-2:32 pm66Finals Prep / Make UpFinals Prep / Make UpMake up
2:32-3:33 pm61Teacher Common PrepTeacher Common PrepTeacher Common Prep

Students are allowed to leave campus at 12:40pm on final exam days and must do so unless they are actively participating in class or extracurricular activities after lunch time.

“Finals Prep / Make Up” is a dedicated time for teachers to be available to, and meet with, students. Most importantly, teachers can use this time to provide accommodations for students with IEPs or 504 plans. Teachers will be available to meet, however, students need to confirm with teachers in advance.

After School Tutoring in the CCC schedule

Normal Hours this week 

MONDAY-THURSDAY, 3:30-6:00 pm

After school hours in the CCC for Semester 1 FInal Exams week:

MONDAY 12/12 – 3:30-6:00 pm (normal hours)

TUESDAY 12/13 – 3:30-6:00 pm (normal hours)

WEDNESDAY 12/14 – 1:00-3:30 pm

THURSDAY 12/15 – 1:00-3:30 pm

This week in BHS Athletics!

Upcoming Home Games

On Monday, 

Boys Basketball plays Mt. Diablo. JV at 5:00. Varsity at 6:30.

On Tuesday, 

Boys Basketball plays Mt. Eden. Freshmen at 4:00.. JV at 5:30. Varsity at 7:00.

On Wednesday,

Boys Soccer plays Castro Valley. JV at 4:30. Varsity at 6:30.

On Thursday, 

Girls Basketball plays Foothill. JV at 5:00. Varsity at 6:30.

On Friday,

Boys Soccer plays San Leandro. JV at 4:30. Varsity at 6:30.

On Saturday,

Girls Soccer plays Northgate and Deer Valley. Freshmen at 9:00 am. Varsity at 11:00.

Girls Basketball plays John Swett. Varsity at 1:00.

Girls Lacrosse

Team meeting for all interested Girls Lacrosse players at 12:45 pm Wednesday December 14 in Room J205. Sliver pizza will be provided! All players – returning and new – should attend. Gear checkout will be available to all registered athletes that need equipment.

Submitted by meganpotmesil@berkeley.net 

Boy’s Pre-season Tennis Meeting

Date: December 14, 2022

Time: 1:45pm

Location: Stadium Grandstand Bleachers

Learn about tryouts and preparing for the season

Contact jeffreyjue@icloud.com 


Athletes must be cleared to participate


Baseball, Badminton, Crew, Boys Lacrosse, Girls Lacrosse, Boys Golf, Softball, Boys Tennis, Swimming and Diving, Track and Field, and Boys Volleyball

Athletes must be CLEARED to participate in practices.

All athletes (including returning athletes) must have a valid physical and register online through our registration system called Home Campus. To register and learn all about the clearance process, go to: https://sites.google.com/berkeley.net/bhsathletics/Resources/athlete-registration

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: I’ve done the Home Campus clearance but it still says pending

A: We’re checking physicals for errors as they come in, however we cannot officially clear student-athletes until SEMESTER 1 grades post. Therefore, expect notification of clearance sometime between 1/8 and 1/28.

Q: My physical expires during the season

A: Please get a new one. Winter break is a perfect time!

Q: My physical expires during the season but my insurance won’t let me get a new one until it’s been a year since the last one

A: We recommend going to a local clinic, click here and scroll to the bottom. Some charge as little as $25. You can go to your family physician through your insurance over the summer to reset the 1 year clock to a more convenient time in the year. Here is a downloadable copy of our physical form.

Q: What happens if I’m not cleared by the first day?

A: You cannot practice/participate. Many teams have competitive tryouts and this can impact your chances of making the team. Contact coaches ASAP if you have extenuating circumstances

Q: I play a winter sport that still has practices and games during the week of 2/6. What should I do?

A: Contact the coach of the SPRING team you wish to play for to arrange a make-up tryout. It is not safe (or fair) for you to do two rigorous practices in one day. You are entitled to a make-up tryout but you MUST communicate with the coach ahead of time.

Q: What should I do if I have an unavoidable scheduling conflict with a tryout day(s)? (other than being a winter athlete)

A: Please contact coaches immediately to discuss make-up options if you have scheduling conflicts.

Q: I don’t remember seeing an email about my clearance status. How can I check if I’m In Progress (aka incomplete), Pending (aka everything done and waiting for ADs to check grades), Denied (aka something is wrong with my physical), or Cleared?

A: Go to https://www.homecampus.com/login

1) Log in using the email and password you set

2) This will take you to the “My Student/Athlete Clearances” page.

3) Hit the blue SEARCH button and you should see your existing registration

Note: check your spam folder if you’ve never received an email from HOME CAMPUS

Note: the steps described above will also help you identify if you have duplicate registrations that can be deleted.

Q: I registered before I had my physical ready. I now have it. How do I upload it?

A: To upload your physical, take a picture or scan of it and then,

1) Go to https://www.homecampus.com/login

2) Log in using the email and password you set

3) This will take you to the “My Student/Athlete Clearances” page.

4) Hit the blue SEARCH button and you should see your existing registration

5) Click on the “Files” Icon

6) Upload your physical here and then hit “save and continue”

Q: How can I support BHS Athletics?

A: Amazing question! There are several ways:

1) Volunteer for team jobs – coaches will have preseason meetings and be soliciting help for tasks ranging from team parent, drivers, snack coordinators, uniform coordinators, scoreboard operators, etc.

2) Donate to the Berkeley Athletic Fund!, specifically their current COACHES FUND DRIVE. You will also have an opportunity to donate during the clearance process. BAF helps support coaching stipends and funds capital projects, team travel, uniforms and equipment.

3) Come to a BAF meeting. BAF meets once a month. CONTACT BAF for more info

4) Become a BAF Booster Club member!

5) Be exemplary student-athlete parents/guardians/fans that cheer respectfully for both sides, model respect for the rules, officials, and coaches, and help our student-athletes be the best they can be.

Visit our WEBSITE at http://berkeleyhighathletics.org to find information on teams, game schedules, tickets, coach contacts, registration, spiritwear (fan zone), updates, and more! Follow us on Twitter @BHSjacketSports  and Instagram @bhsjacketsports


Watch the YouTube stream of home Football, Field Hockey, Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, and lacrosse games for free.

Click here to get registered for winter or spring sports.


Twitter @BHSjacketSports

Go Jackets!

Holiday Gift Bag-Making Event

Key Club and Interact Club will be hosting a holiday gift bag-making event for the houseless students or students going through financial hardships at Berkeley High in the BHS library this Friday (12/16) from 1:30-2:30. We will provide the gifts and the bags, and you will just need to show up. We will also be using one of the containers in front of the front office to collect gift donations to be put in the gift bags. Examples include hand sanitizers, stuffed animals, fuzzy socks, candy, etc. If you can, please donate goodies using the container OR bring them with you to the event. You do not need to be a part of either of these clubs to participate in this event. Come join us right after your finals to make new friends, make gifts, and spread joy throughout the Berkeley High community this holiday season! 

Submitted by angelinathomas@students.berkeley.net 



Looking for Peer Educators

Berkeley High School is excited to announce our collaboration with Alameda County Office of Education’s Tobacco-Use Prevention and Education (TUPE) Program.

One component of TUPE is to train Peer Educators as additional resources and support for their peers.  We are currently looking for student leaders who are interested in the Peer Educator role.  You can read more about this role below.

Students can sign up to participate in an upcoming information session and a day-long training in January 2023.  Parents and staff can also nominate a student.  Whether you are a current student who is interested in serving as a Peer Educator, or a parent or staff member interested in nominating a student, please complete this form.

Upcoming Events and Dates:

TUPE Information Session

January 10th, 2023

3:30 – 4:30 p.m.

@BHS (exact location TBD)

TUPE Peer Educator Training

January 19th, 2023

8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

@BHS (exact location TBD)

Submitted by shaheenmohammed@berkeley.net 


Project Eye to Eye is starting up again! 

For students 16 or older with learning disabilities/differences, Eye to Eye is a program run by and for neurodiverse people. It is a chance to share your stories about your learning difference with elementary school students with similar differences in an art based program. Eye to Eye will be meeting at Washington School every Monday starting in mid January.

If you are eligible and interested please contact Arlo Wheeler at arlowheeler@students.berkeley.net for more information.

Survey for Mental Health and Self Perception

BHS Jacket Student Newspaper

Please take a moment to fill out this anonymous survey about mental health and self perception for the Jacket! Link. 

Submitted by pearlgauthier@students.berkeley.net  

Dorothy Day House Drive

Hi, we are the Women’s Student Union. We want to inform you all of a drive we are holding the week after winter break on Monday and Tuesday during lunch at the Civic Center grass. After those days we will leave our collection bags at the tile nine coordinator’s office, G202A.The drive will collect hygiene products such as shampoo bottles, lotions, soaps, and all that. I know you guys have so many small travel sized bottles of shampoos at home that you never use so bring them and we’ll take them. We are also collecting feminine hygiene products such as pads and tampons. We can’t wait to see everything you guys bring!

Submitted by stellapfeifer@students.berkeley.net 


Beach Clean Up

Come to the beach clean up on January 7th, sponsored by the California Scholarship Federation! This is a great opportunity to gain service hours and help the environment by cleaning up the Berkeley Marina. Meet us near Skates by the Bay from 11am to 1pm. Everyone is welcome! 

Submitted by  camillejacala@students.berkeley.net


Senior Yearbook Quotes

Seniors! We need your senior quote submissions. Please follow the link below to submit your quote. The deadline is Jan 1st 2023. We know you want your quote to be good, but don’t let that stop you from submitting something. 

Submit Senior Quote: https://forms.gle/n1MPoxSoGUur9rBK9 

Order a Yearbook: https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/

Code: 16356

Yearbook prices rise from $65 to $85 at the beginning of winter break, so make sure to preorder yours now. Go to https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/  and use the code 16356.

Questions: sarahdarzacq@students.berkeley.net 



Divest from Fossil Fuels

Did you know that CalSTRS, the California teacher pension (or retirement fund), has over $15 billion invested in fossil fuel companies? This means teachers’ money is being used to fund the fossil fuel industry. The fossil fuel industry is responsible for violating the rights of indigenous communities and causing disproportionate health and safety issues for low income and Black and brown communities. By investing in fossil fuels, CalSTRS is strengthening the fossil fuel industry rather than transitioning away from it, which worsens the future and present day impacts of the climate crisis! Additionally, taking money out of fossil fuels has been proven to stimulate growth for retirement returns since fossil fuels are rapidly depreciating. There’s only 1 solution: CalSTRS must stop investing in fossil fuels, so that our teachers’ retirement funds support climate solutions and not the declining oil and gas industry. 

To address this issue, we are making a petition of BHS signatures to present to the CALSTRS board members. Everyone can make a difference by signing the petition and encouraging their friends and teachers to sign it too! Sign the petition for our futures!

Check out the infographic in the email bulletin and around the school for more info.

Divestment 1:30 minute video

We are a group of students and teachers passionate about fossil fuel divestment supported by organizations like YVA, Fossil Free California, CTA Divest and more.

Submitted by zaiabachrach@students.berkeley.net 

Class of 2023 Senior Letter

Click here

Seniors Cap & Gown Orders

Achievers WAS on campus Thursday, December 1, near the Donahue Gym to handle any of your graduation questions or needs such as Cap & Gown, class ring, announcements, etc. 

Cap & Gowns, Class Rings, & Graduation Announcements 

Graduation orders can be placed at any time online, by phone or by mail. Achievers Inc. handles orders for just the cap and gown as well as rings, announcements, grad swag and even graduation packages. Cap & gowns are traditionally worn at an in-person graduation. Consider using a cap & gown for senior portraits, graduation pictures, at home celebrations as well as any of graduation activities to be confirmed in the spring.

Online: GraduationOrder.com  (password bhs510)

Phone: 408.441.7200 Monday – Friday   9:00 am – 4:00 pm (English/Spanish)

Mail: Achievers Inc., 877 Commercial Street, San Jose, CA 95112 

Quick Links

Need a Replacement Student ID? Replacement ID Form

Need a Locker? Visit C210 or complete this form.

Order a 2022-23 Yearbook Click here Contact genevievemage@berkeley.net

Make a BHS Health Center Appt. Click here

Complete a Free & Reduced Lunch Application secure.ezmealapp.com contact saraleon@berkeley.net

Join a BHS Student Club BHS Student Club List 

New Club Registration  Register a BHS Student Club for 2022-23 by Oct. 31

BHS Athletics Berkeleyhighathletics.org

Class of 2023 Senior Letter Senior Info, Dates & Resources


ASB Leadership is a collective student voice composed of a diverse body of student leaders. Our mission is to create a more positive and engaging experience at Berkeley High through civic engagement, community building, sustainability, social events, and positive staff-student relations.

Useful Links

BHS Website

Student Bulletin Archive

Submit a Bulletin

Follow @juicethejackets

Current List of Student Clubs

BHS Events Calendar

Common Concerns Form

Contact Info

Berkeley High ASB Leadership 

1980 Allston Way, Berkeley CA United States 94704 



Go Jackets!

Notification of Non-Discrimination Policy

The Berkeley Unified School District is committed to providing a hostile-free working and learning environment. The District prohibits discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity/expression, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding/lactation status (related medical conditions), religion, color, national origin (including language restrictions and possession of a driver’s license (issued under Vehicle Code), ancestry, immigration status, physical or mental disability (including clinical depression and bipolar disorder, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, epilepsy, seizure disorder, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and heart attack), medical condition (cancer-related and genetic characteristics), military and veteran status, marital status, registered domestic partner status, age (40 and above), genetic information, political belief or affiliation (unless union related), a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law, ordinance, or regulation in any program or activity it conducts or to which it provides significant assistance.

Discrimination is different treatment based on a protected characteristic in the context of an educational program, work or activity without a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason that interferes with or limits the individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by the District or includes an adverse employment action.

Hostile environment harassment occurs when a target is subjected to unwelcome conduct based on a protected characteristic, which is both subjectively offensive to the target and would be offensive to a reasonable person of similar circumstances/characteristics and is sufficiently so severe, and so pervasive to interfere with or limit an individual’s ability to effectively work or to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or opportunities offered by the District. Harassment may take many forms, including but not limited to, verbal remarks and name-calling, graphic and written statements, or any conduct that may be threatening or humiliating. Harassment based on any of the above protected categories is a form of unlawful discrimination and will not be tolerated by the District and can result in disciplinary action against the offending student or employee.

Upon witnessing an act of discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived protected characteristics, school personnel are required to take immediate steps to intervene when it is safe to do so. Once a school/office has expressed notice or reason to know of such conduct, whether carried out by employees, students, or third parties, it should take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate, determine what occurred, take prompt and effective steps reasonably calculated to end the conduct, eliminate a hostile environment, if one has been created and prevent the conduct from occurring again. These steps should be taken regardless of whether an individual makes a complaint or asks the school/office to take action. Complaints are protected from retaliation. The District prohibits retaliation against any person who files a complaint or an appeal, reports instances of noncompliance, discrimination, harassment, bullying, and intimidation, or who participates in the complaint-filing or investigation process. This nondiscriminatory policy applies to all acts related to school activity or school attendance within any school/office under the jurisdiction of the Berkeley Unified School District. 

For more information, or to file a complaint please contact:District Title IX Coordinator/Compliance Officer Berkeley Unified School District, 2020 Bonar Street, Room 117, Berkeley CA 94702 Phone: (510) 486-9338; Email: complaints@berkeley.net


2022-2023 ASB Leadership

One big, red & gold family!



David D-R., Chief of Publicity

Ari F., Chief of Publicity

Valerie L, Chief of Publicity

Mr. V, Director of Student Activities

Bulletins & more  @juicethejackets Instagram

BHS Leadership website

 Video Bulletin Catalog (requires BUSD account)

Video Bulletin: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 

PA: Trivia Friday with Principal Raygoza

Submit a Bulletin

December 12, 2022

Here is today’s video bulletin:



Please help us improve the BHS student bulletin by taking a minute to leave feedback or suggestions. This survey is for all BHS STAFF and STUDENTS. The form will be open until December 16, 2022.



Applications for elected and appointed positions open up January 1st 2023.

Learn more about the due dates, election timeline and more by clicking here.

Contact Mr. V



Monday, December 12, 2022: Late-Start Schedule

Tuesday, December 13, 2022: Regular Schedule

Wednesday-Friday, 12/14-12/16: See below for Final Exams Schedule

8:30-10:30 am120Period 1Period 3Period 5
10:40-12:40 pm120Period 2Period 4Period 6
12:40-1:20 pm40LunchLunchLunch
1:26-2:32 pm66Finals Prep / Make UpFinals Prep / Make UpMake up
2:32-3:33 pm61Teacher Common PrepTeacher Common PrepTeacher Common Prep

Students are allowed to leave campus at 12:40pm on final exam days and must do so unless they are actively participating in class or extracurricular activities after lunch time.

“Finals Prep / Make Up” is a dedicated time for teachers to be available to, and meet with, students. Most importantly, teachers can use this time to provide accommodations for students with IEPs or 504 plans. Teachers will be available to meet, however, students need to confirm with teachers in advance.

After School Tutoring in the CCC schedule

Normal Hours this week 

MONDAY-THURSDAY, 3:30-6:00 pm

After school hours in the CCC for Semester 1 FInal Exams week:

MONDAY 12/12 – 3:30-6:00 pm (normal hours)

TUESDAY 12/13 – 3:30-6:00 pm (normal hours)

WEDNESDAY 12/14 – 1:00-3:30 pm

THURSDAY 12/15 – 1:00-3:30 pm

This week in BHS Athletics!

Upcoming Home Games

On Monday, 

Boys Basketball plays Mt. Diablo. JV at 5:00. Varsity at 6:30.

On Tuesday, 

Boys Basketball plays Mt. Eden. Freshmen at 4:00.. JV at 5:30. Varsity at 7:00.

On Wednesday,

Boys Soccer plays Castro Valley. JV at 4:30. Varsity at 6:30.

On Thursday, 

Girls Basketball plays Foothill. JV at 5:00. Varsity at 6:30.

On Friday,

Boys Soccer plays San Leandro. JV at 4:30. Varsity at 6:30.

On Saturday,

Girls Soccer plays Northgate and Deer Valley. Freshmen at 9:00 am. Varsity at 11:00.

Girls Basketball plays John Swett. Varsity at 1:00.

Girls Lacrosse

Team meeting for all interested Girls Lacrosse players at 12:45 pm Wednesday December 14 in Room J205. Sliver pizza will be provided! All players – returning and new – should attend. Gear checkout will be available to all registered athletes that need equipment.

Submitted by meganpotmesil@berkeley.net 

Boy’s Pre-season Tennis Meeting

Date: December 14, 2022

Time: 1:45pm

Location: Stadium Grandstand Bleachers

Learn about tryouts and preparing for the season

Contact jeffreyjue@icloud.com 


Watch the YouTube stream of home Football, Field Hockey, Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, and lacrosse games for free.

Click here to get registered for winter or spring sports.


Twitter @BHSjacketSports

Go Jackets!

Holiday Gift Bag-Making Event

Key Club and Interact Club will be hosting a holiday gift bag-making event for the houseless students or students going through financial hardships at Berkeley High in the BHS library this Friday (12/16) from 1:30-2:30. We will provide the gifts and the bags, and you will just need to show up. We will also be using one of the containers in front of the front office to collect gift donations to be put in the gift bags. Examples include hand sanitizers, stuffed animals, fuzzy socks, candy, etc. If you can, please donate goodies using the container OR bring them with you to the event. You do not need to be a part of either of these clubs to participate in this event. Come join us right after your finals to make new friends, make gifts, and spread joy throughout the Berkeley High community this holiday season! 

Submitted by angelinathomas@students.berkeley.net 



Looking for Peer Educators

Berkeley High School is excited to announce our collaboration with Alameda County Office of Education’s Tobacco-Use Prevention and Education (TUPE) Program.

One component of TUPE is to train Peer Educators as additional resources and support for their peers.  We are currently looking for student leaders who are interested in the Peer Educator role.  You can read more about this role below.

Students can sign up to participate in an upcoming information session and a day-long training in January 2023.  Parents and staff can also nominate a student.  Whether you are a current student who is interested in serving as a Peer Educator, or a parent or staff member interested in nominating a student, please complete this form.

Upcoming Events and Dates:

TUPE Information Session

January 10th, 2023

3:30 – 4:30 p.m.

@BHS (exact location TBD)

TUPE Peer Educator Training

January 19th, 2023

8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

@BHS (exact location TBD)

Submitted by shaheenmohammed@berkeley.net 


Project Eye to Eye is starting up again! 

For students 16 or older with learning disabilities/differences, Eye to Eye is a program run by and for neurodiverse people. It is a chance to share your stories about your learning difference with elementary school students with similar differences in an art based program. Eye to Eye will be meeting at Washington School every Monday starting in mid January.

If you are eligible and interested please contact Arlo Wheeler at arlowheeler@students.berkeley.net for more information.

Ceramics sale

There will be a Ceramics sale in G110 at lunch on Tuesday 12/13.  Come on by for some holiday shopping.

Submitted by andreasanguine@berkeley.net 

Survey for Mental Health and Self Perception

BHS Jacket Student Newspaper

Please take a moment to fill out this anonymous survey about mental health and self perception for the Jacket! Link. 

Submitted by pearlgauthier@students.berkeley.net  

Dorothy Day House Drive

Hi, we are the Women’s Student Union. We want to inform you all of a drive we are holding the week after winter break on Monday and Tuesday during lunch at the Civic Center grass. After those days we will leave our collection bags at the tile nine coordinator’s office, G202A.The drive will collect hygiene products such as shampoo bottles, lotions, soaps, and all that. I know you guys have so many small travel sized bottles of shampoos at home that you never use so bring them and we’ll take them. We are also collecting feminine hygiene products such as pads and tampons. We can’t wait to see everything you guys bring!

Submitted by stellapfeifer@students.berkeley.net 


The Berkeley Community Scholars High Hopes program is a needs-based college success program designed to provide advising, mentorship, professional development, community support, and resources to motivated and talented college-bound seniors from Berkeley public high schools. Scholars also receive scholarship funds (the amount depends on their program) to assist with the costs of college. We prioritize students who are either living in the lowest economic quartile, who identify as a member of an underrepresented group on college campuses, or who are the first in their family to attend college. 

The Bachelor’s Degree High Hopes Scholarship application is currently open and will close on March 9th at 11:59 pm. 


Submitted by lynn@berkeleyscholars.org 

Beach Clean Up

Come to the beach clean up on January 7th, sponsored by the California Scholarship Federation! This is a great opportunity to gain service hours and help the environment by cleaning up the Berkeley Marina. Meet us near Skates by the Bay from 11am to 1pm. Everyone is welcome! 

Submitted by  camillejacala@students.berkeley.net


Senior Yearbook Quotes

Seniors! We need your senior quote submissions. Please follow the link below to submit your quote. The deadline is Jan 1st 2023. We know you want your quote to be good, but don’t let that stop you from submitting something. 

Submit Senior Quote: https://forms.gle/n1MPoxSoGUur9rBK9 

Order a Yearbook: https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/

Code: 16356

Yearbook prices rise from $65 to $85 at the beginning of winter break, so make sure to preorder yours now. Go to https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/  and use the code 16356.

Questions: sarahdarzacq@students.berkeley.net 



Audition for “Room for Improvement”

Students, come out and audition for “”Room for Improvement,”” the  2023 JV and Varsity Teams-

This BHS’s award winning improvisation and sketch comedy group, founded by students in 2018.

Now run as part of the 7th period Advanced Theatre projects Honors class, R.F.I. is a fun way to meet people, do shows, and discover Long Form Improvisation. No previous experience needed, only a willingness to play, have fun, listen, and try your best. 

Auditions and callbacks are January 3,4,5,6 Come and sign up in Portable 3 or email Mr. Winer directly for a time slot at jordanwiner@berkeley.net 

Divest from Fossil Fuels

Did you know that CalSTRS, the California teacher pension (or retirement fund), has over $15 billion invested in fossil fuel companies? This means teachers’ money is being used to fund the fossil fuel industry. The fossil fuel industry is responsible for violating the rights of indigenous communities and causing disproportionate health and safety issues for low income and Black and brown communities. By investing in fossil fuels, CalSTRS is strengthening the fossil fuel industry rather than transitioning away from it, which worsens the future and present day impacts of the climate crisis! Additionally, taking money out of fossil fuels has been proven to stimulate growth for retirement returns since fossil fuels are rapidly depreciating. There’s only 1 solution: CalSTRS must stop investing in fossil fuels, so that our teachers’ retirement funds support climate solutions and not the declining oil and gas industry. 

To address this issue, we are making a petition of BHS signatures to present to the CALSTRS board members. Everyone can make a difference by signing the petition and encouraging their friends and teachers to sign it too! Sign the petition for our futures!

Check out the infographic in the email bulletin and around the school for more info.

Divestment 1:30 minute video

We are a group of students and teachers passionate about fossil fuel divestment supported by organizations like YVA, Fossil Free California, CTA Divest and more.

Submitted by zaiabachrach@students.berkeley.net 

Class of 2023 Senior Letter

Click here

Seniors Cap & Gown Orders

Achievers WAS on campus Thursday, December 1, near the Donahue Gym to handle any of your graduation questions or needs such as Cap & Gown, class ring, announcements, etc. 

Cap & Gowns, Class Rings, & Graduation Announcements 

Graduation orders can be placed at any time online, by phone or by mail. Achievers Inc. handles orders for just the cap and gown as well as rings, announcements, grad swag and even graduation packages. Cap & gowns are traditionally worn at an in-person graduation. Consider using a cap & gown for senior portraits, graduation pictures, at home celebrations as well as any of graduation activities to be confirmed in the spring.

Online: GraduationOrder.com  (password bhs510)

Phone: 408.441.7200 Monday – Friday   9:00 am – 4:00 pm (English/Spanish)

Mail: Achievers Inc., 877 Commercial Street, San Jose, CA 95112 

Quick Links

Need a Replacement Student ID? Replacement ID Form

Need a Locker? Visit C210 or complete this form.

Order a 2022-23 Yearbook Click here Contact genevievemage@berkeley.net

Make a BHS Health Center Appt. Click here

Complete a Free & Reduced Lunch Application secure.ezmealapp.com contact saraleon@berkeley.net

Join a BHS Student Club BHS Student Club List 

New Club Registration  Register a BHS Student Club for 2022-23 by Oct. 31

BHS Athletics Berkeleyhighathletics.org

Class of 2023 Senior Letter Senior Info, Dates & Resources


ASB Leadership is a collective student voice composed of a diverse body of student leaders. Our mission is to create a more positive and engaging experience at Berkeley High through civic engagement, community building, sustainability, social events, and positive staff-student relations.

Useful Links

BHS Website

Student Bulletin Archive

Submit a Bulletin

Follow @juicethejackets

Current List of Student Clubs

BHS Events Calendar

Common Concerns Form

Contact Info

Berkeley High ASB Leadership 

1980 Allston Way, Berkeley CA United States 94704 



Go Jackets!

Notification of Non-Discrimination Policy

The Berkeley Unified School District is committed to providing a hostile-free working and learning environment. The District prohibits discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity/expression, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding/lactation status (related medical conditions), religion, color, national origin (including language restrictions and possession of a driver’s license (issued under Vehicle Code), ancestry, immigration status, physical or mental disability (including clinical depression and bipolar disorder, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, epilepsy, seizure disorder, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and heart attack), medical condition (cancer-related and genetic characteristics), military and veteran status, marital status, registered domestic partner status, age (40 and above), genetic information, political belief or affiliation (unless union related), a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law, ordinance, or regulation in any program or activity it conducts or to which it provides significant assistance.

Discrimination is different treatment based on a protected characteristic in the context of an educational program, work or activity without a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason that interferes with or limits the individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by the District or includes an adverse employment action.

Hostile environment harassment occurs when a target is subjected to unwelcome conduct based on a protected characteristic, which is both subjectively offensive to the target and would be offensive to a reasonable person of similar circumstances/characteristics and is sufficiently so severe, and so pervasive to interfere with or limit an individual’s ability to effectively work or to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or opportunities offered by the District. Harassment may take many forms, including but not limited to, verbal remarks and name-calling, graphic and written statements, or any conduct that may be threatening or humiliating. Harassment based on any of the above protected categories is a form of unlawful discrimination and will not be tolerated by the District and can result in disciplinary action against the offending student or employee.

Upon witnessing an act of discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived protected characteristics, school personnel are required to take immediate steps to intervene when it is safe to do so. Once a school/office has expressed notice or reason to know of such conduct, whether carried out by employees, students, or third parties, it should take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate, determine what occurred, take prompt and effective steps reasonably calculated to end the conduct, eliminate a hostile environment, if one has been created and prevent the conduct from occurring again. These steps should be taken regardless of whether an individual makes a complaint or asks the school/office to take action. Complaints are protected from retaliation. The District prohibits retaliation against any person who files a complaint or an appeal, reports instances of noncompliance, discrimination, harassment, bullying, and intimidation, or who participates in the complaint-filing or investigation process. This nondiscriminatory policy applies to all acts related to school activity or school attendance within any school/office under the jurisdiction of the Berkeley Unified School District. 

For more information, or to file a complaint please contact:District Title IX Coordinator/Compliance Officer Berkeley Unified School District, 2020 Bonar Street, Room 117, Berkeley CA 94702 Phone: (510) 486-9338; Email: complaints@berkeley.net


2022-2023 ASB Leadership

One big, red & gold family!



David D-R., Chief of Publicity

Ari F., Chief of Publicity

Valerie L, Chief of Publicity

Mr. V, Director of Student Activities

Bulletins & more  @juicethejackets Instagram

BHS Leadership website

 Video Bulletin Catalog (requires BUSD account)

Video Bulletin: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 

PA: Trivia Friday with Principal Raygoza

Submit a Bulletin

December 9, 2022

Here is today’s video bulletin:
 bulletin 12922.mp4



Applications for elected and appointed positions open up January 1st 2023.

Learn more about the due dates, election timeline and more by clicking here.

Contact Mr. V


Do you like musical theater? 

Are you looking to meet a great group of people who share your interests? Come to the BHS Musical theater club, this Friday at lunch. During meetings, club members will have the chance to watch and discuss favorite shows, and discover new ways to become involved with musical theater in the Bay Area. Come hang out and meet new people! The BHS Musical theater club will hold their first meeting this Friday, December 9th by the M Gym (across from the portables). Hope to see you there!

Submitted by alecwestlandhurwitz@students.berkeley.net 


Project Eye to Eye is starting up again! 

For students 16 or older with learning disabilities/differences, Eye to Eye is a program run by and for neurodiverse people. It is a chance to share your stories about your learning difference with elementary school students with similar differences in an art based program. Eye to Eye will be meeting at Washington School every Monday starting in mid January.

If you are eligible and interested please contact Arlo Wheeler at arlowheeler@students.berkeley.net for more information.

Ceramics sale

There will be a Ceramics sale in G110 at lunch on Tuesday 12/13.  Come on by for some holiday shopping.

Submitted by andreasanguine@berkeley.net 

Girls Lacrosse

Team meeting for all interested Girls Lacrosse players at 12:45 pm Wednesday December 14 in Room J205. Sliver pizza will be provided! All players – returning and new – should attend. Gear checkout will be available to all registered athletes that need equipment.

Submitted by meganpotmesil@berkeley.net 


Please help us improve the BHS student bulletin by taking a minute to leave feedback or suggestions. This survey is for all BHS STAFF and STUDENTS. The form will be open until December 16, 2022.


African Diaspora Dance and Drum show

Our African Diaspora Dance and Drum show Reconnecting the Soul will take place this Friday, 12/9, 7pm at King Middle School.

Tickets can be purchased at: https://africandiasporadance2022.bpt.me

Survey for Mental Health and Self Perception

BHS Jacket Student Newspaper

Please take a moment to fill out this anonymous survey about mental health and self perception for the Jacket! Link. 

Submitted by pearlgauthier@students.berkeley.net  

Dorothy Day House Drive

Hi, we are the Women’s Student Union. We want to inform you all of a drive we are holding the week after winter break on Monday and Tuesday during lunch at the Civic Center grass. After those days we will leave our collection bags at the tile nine coordinator’s office, G202A.The drive will collect hygiene products such as shampoo bottles, lotions, soaps, and all that. I know you guys have so many small travel sized bottles of shampoos at home that you never use so bring them and we’ll take them. We are also collecting feminine hygiene products such as pads and tampons. We can’t wait to see everything you guys bring!

Submitted by stellapfeifer@students.berkeley.net 


The Berkeley Community Scholars High Hopes program is a needs-based college success program designed to provide advising, mentorship, professional development, community support, and resources to motivated and talented college-bound seniors from Berkeley public high schools. Scholars also receive scholarship funds (the amount depends on their program) to assist with the costs of college. We prioritize students who are either living in the lowest economic quartile, who identify as a member of an underrepresented group on college campuses, or who are the first in their family to attend college. 

The Bachelor’s Degree High Hopes Scholarship application is currently open and will close on March 9th at 11:59 pm. 


Submitted by lynn@berkeleyscholars.org 

Beach Clean Up

Come to the beach clean up on January 7th, sponsored by the California Scholarship Federation! This is a great opportunity to gain service hours and help the environment by cleaning up the Berkeley Marina. Meet us near Skates by the Bay from 11am to 1pm. Everyone is welcome! 

Submitted by  camillejacala@students.berkeley.net



Senior Yearbook Quotes

Seniors! We need your senior quote submissions. Please follow the link below to submit your quote. The deadline is Jan 1st 2023. We know you want your quote to be good, but don’t let that stop you from submitting something. 

Submit Senior Quote: https://forms.gle/n1MPoxSoGUur9rBK9 

Order a Yearbook: https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/

Code: 16356

Yearbook prices rise from $65 to $85 at the beginning of winter break, so make sure to preorder yours now. Go to https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/  and use the code 16356.

Questions: sarahdarzacq@students.berkeley.net 




Monday, December 12, 2022: Late-Start Schedule

Tuesday, December 13, 2022: Regular Schedule

Wednesday-Friday, 12/14-12/16: See below for Final Exams Schedule

8:30-10:30 am120Period 1Period 3Period 5
10:40-12:40 pm120Period 2Period 4Period 6
12:40-1:20 pm40LunchLunchLunch
1:26-2:32 pm66Finals Prep / Make UpFinals Prep / Make UpMake up
2:32-3:33 pm61Teacher Common PrepTeacher Common PrepTeacher Common Prep

Students are allowed to leave campus at 12:40pm on final exam days and must do so unless they are actively participating in class or extracurricular activities after lunch time.

“Finals Prep / Make Up” is a dedicated time for teachers to be available to, and meet with, students. Most importantly, teachers can use this time to provide accommodations for students with IEPs or 504 plans. Teachers will be available to meet, however, students need to confirm with teachers in advance.

After School Tutoring in the CCC schedule

Normal Hours this week 

MONDAY-THURSDAY, 3:30-6:00 pm

After school hours in the CCC for Semester 1 FInal Exams week:

MONDAY 12/12 – 3:30-6:00 pm (normal hours)

TUESDAY 12/13 – 3:30-6:00 pm (normal hours)

WEDNESDAY 12/14 – 1:00-3:30 pm

THURSDAY 12/15 – 1:00-3:30 pm

The Neurodiversity Group

The Neurodiversity Group will have its first meeting Friday December 9. The meeting is during lunch in room D218. It is a space for students and some staff to be themselves, meet others with similar interests, or just chill. The group will decide on their mission statement and what they hope to have in this space. 

Submitted by pamelavanderpoel@berkeley.net 

Divest from Fossil Fuels

Did you know that CalSTRS, the California teacher pension (or retirement fund), has over $15 billion invested in fossil fuel companies? This means teachers’ money is being used to fund the fossil fuel industry. The fossil fuel industry is responsible for violating the rights of indigenous communities and causing disproportionate health and safety issues for low income and Black and brown communities. By investing in fossil fuels, CalSTRS is strengthening the fossil fuel industry rather than transitioning away from it, which worsens the future and present day impacts of the climate crisis! Additionally, taking money out of fossil fuels has been proven to stimulate growth for retirement returns since fossil fuels are rapidly depreciating. There’s only 1 solution: CalSTRS must stop investing in fossil fuels, so that our teachers’ retirement funds support climate solutions and not the declining oil and gas industry. 

To address this issue, we are making a petition of BHS signatures to present to the CALSTRS board members. Everyone can make a difference by signing the petition and encouraging their friends and teachers to sign it too! Sign the petition for our futures!

Check out the infographic in the email bulletin and around the school for more info.

Divestment 1:30 minute video

We are a group of students and teachers passionate about fossil fuel divestment supported by organizations like YVA, Fossil Free California, CTA Divest and more.

Submitted by zaiabachrach@students.berkeley.net 

This week in BHS Athletics!

Upcoming Home Games.

On Wednesday, 

Girls Soccer plays Castro Valley. JV at 4:30. Varsity at 6:30.

On Friday, 

Boys Basketball plays Mt. Diablo. JV at 5:00. Varsity at 6:30.

On Saturday,

Girls Soccer plays Monte Vista. Freshmen at 10:00 am. Varsity at 12:00.

Boys Soccer plays Foothill. JV at 4:00. Freshmen at 2:00.

Boys Basketball plays Castlemont. JV at 12:30. Varsity at 11:00.

Boy’s Pre-season Tennis Meeting

Date: December 14, 2022

Time: 1:45pm

Location: Stadium Grandstand Bleachers

Learn about tryouts and preparing for the season

Contact jeffreyjue@icloud.com 


Watch the YouTube stream of home Football, Field Hockey, Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, and lacrosse games for free.

Click here to get registered for winter or spring sports.


Twitter @BHSjacketSports

Go Jackets!

Holidays Around the World

Here’s a written version of the holidays this month, you can look into them if you’re interested!

On the 1st of this month was world AIDS day, bringing awareness to the AIDS pandemic and the people lost during it. December 2nd was Special education day, Commemorating the signing of the individuals with disabilities Education Act in 1975. This act let children with special needs have free public education. December 3rd is International Day of persons with disabilities, it brings awareness to the disabled community and all of their many contributions, challenges, triumphs, and much more. December 7th is National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. It honors those who were victims of the Pearl Harbor attack, and commemorates the day it happened. Thursday, December 8th, is Bodhi Day. Celebrated In the Buddhist religion, this holiday commemorates the day Buddha came to enlightenment. Human Rights Day is on the 10th, it recognizes the anniversary of the universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Here’s a feedback form if you have anything you’d like to bring up about bhs and its cultures/representation or treatment of those cultures, and a form for submitting holidays for the Holidays ATW! Thank you so much and have an amazing week 🙂


– Jessica Hipona

BHS Commissioner of Multicultural Affairs


Sustainable Holiday Gift Making Event> > > moved to BHS Cafeteria

Come to the BHS Cafeteria during lunch on Friday, December 9th for an eco holiday gift making event put on by the BHS Green Team and the Sunrise Club! There will be free hot chocolate and crafts, as well as opportunities to get involved in climate activism at BHS! If you can, please bring mason jars for making sustainable house cleaner and plants if you want to contribute to a plant drive. Email berkeleyhighgreen@gmail.com or medinalam@students.berkeley.net  for more info. 


Class of 2023 Senior Letter

Click here

Seniors Cap & Gown Orders

Achievers WAS on campus Thursday, December 1, near the Donahue Gym to handle any of your graduation questions or needs such as Cap & Gown, class ring, announcements, etc. 

Cap & Gowns, Class Rings, & Graduation Announcements 

Graduation orders can be placed at any time online, by phone or by mail. Achievers Inc. handles orders for just the cap and gown as well as rings, announcements, grad swag and even graduation packages. Cap & gowns are traditionally worn at an in-person graduation. Consider using a cap & gown for senior portraits, graduation pictures, at home celebrations as well as any of graduation activities to be confirmed in the spring.

Online: GraduationOrder.com  (password bhs510)

Phone: 408.441.7200 Monday – Friday   9:00 am – 4:00 pm (English/Spanish)

Mail: Achievers Inc., 877 Commercial Street, San Jose, CA 95112 

Audition for “Room for Improvement”

Students, come out and audition for “”Room for Improvement,”” the  2023 JV and Varsity Teams-

This BHS’s award winning improvisation and sketch comedy group, founded by students in 2018.

Now run as part of the 7th period Advanced Theatre projects Honors class, R.F.I. is a fun way to meet people, do shows, and discover Long Form Improvisation. No previous experience needed, only a willingness to play, have fun, listen, and try your best. 

Auditions and callbacks are January 3,4,5,6 Come and sign up in Portable 3 or email Mr. Winer directly for a time slot at jordanwiner@berkeley.net 



Hi Berkeley High! Do you have something to share? Come out to the Open mic hosted by the Student Led Arts Movement, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8 in the Library AT LUNCH. Perform poetry, spoken word, speech, song, dance, something else, or just come to support your friends! Snacks provided. Featured performances by members of the SLAM Club.

If you’d like to perform, go to slamberkeleyhigh.carrd.co and fill out the form there. You can also DM us on instagram @slamberkeleyhigh or email juliasegre@students.berkeley.net with any questions.


Submitted by  juliasegre@students.berkeley.net 


TeenTechSF is organizing our 2022 Global Youth Summit

TeenTechSF is organizing our 2022 Global Youth Summit on Dec 10 this year! Like all TeenTechSF programs, this event is free, but registration is required and space is limited. 

2022 TeenTechSF Global Youth Summit

Saturday, December 10, 9:00 am-12:00 pm

“Innovation: Forging Our Future”

Location: to be announced!

REGISTER NOW AT: 2022-ttsf-global-youth-summit.eventbrite.com

All are welcome to an action-packed morning connecting teens with tech leaders across the Bay Area and around the world. Meet people from diverse communities and listen to live speakers, panels on global tech trends and practical advice on STEM academic and professional careers.

Keynote address from Adam Cheyer, Siri Creator, Change.org Founder, Samsung Mobile Research & Development VP and more recently Otter.ai Advisor and in live discussion with Shan Ren, Creative Technology trailblazer & Women’s Empowerment Leader at Google.

In addition, messages from mentors from all around the world including: Donna Hilliard from Code Tenderloin, Eden Yates from Cling Systems, Skyler Chan from Sonder, Grimaldy Gunawan from Shopping.io, Claire Wang from Angel Hacks, and Albert Hu from SuperTech and MIT, sharing insights on everything from how to build the next big idea as a founder in high school, to how the tech industry is reshaping the way we expedite battery recycling!

We’ll also be partnering with Hour of Code to offer free hands-on STEM workshops including app and website development, and Maker Movement activities with Makey Makey, Little Bits, and Arduino. Feel free to check out our newest workshops: “What’s Artificial Intelligence All About? with Google Teachable Machine” and “Guide to Networking and Public Speaking.” No prior coding experience is necessary! 

Like all TeenTechSF activities, this event is free, but advance registration is required. Space is limited, so sign up now: 2022 TeenTechSF Global Youth Summit

We’re only able to accommodate 150 students on site — so be sure to register now! We’ll be accommodating parents and mentors on a space-available basis.

TeenTechSF is run by and for teens – Find out more about Who We Are and What We Do at TeenTechSF.org and fill out tinyurl.com/TTSFLeadershipInterest if you’d like to join the TeenTechSF student leadership team! 

We hope to see your community there!

Oakland Climate Action Day

Berkeley High, you are invited to join the Oakland Climate Action Day! This is a free climate action volunteer event and celebration that highlights community climate action opportunities at Oakland organizations in the areas of Urban Greening, Organic Waste and Edible Food Recovery, and Wildfire Resiliency

DATE: December 10th, 2022

TIME: 8:30am – 2:00pm (flexible end time)

LOCATION: Liberation Park (kickoff location) and partnering Oakland organizations (volunteer shifts)


*this is not a B.U.S.D. sponsored event

A few follow-up notes to share with interested folks 

  • All students under the age of 18 years old will need a signed minor consent waiver to participate. 
  • The volunteer shifts are at partnering Oakland organizations, so there is some travel involved to get from the kickoff location to the volunteer shifts. Folks should plan ahead to either carpool and/or feel comfortable taking public transportation. 
  • Students under the age of 16 years old will need a parent to create an account to register them for the event. 

Submitted by karen@hoba.org Karen Lally, Hands On Bay Area Coordinator


NOV 14 – DEC 13


Quick Links

Need a Replacement Student ID? Replacement ID Form

Need a Locker? Visit C210 or complete this form.

Order a 2022-23 Yearbook Click here Contact genevievemage@berkeley.net

Make a BHS Health Center Appt. Click here

Complete a Free & Reduced Lunch Application secure.ezmealapp.com contact saraleon@berkeley.net

Join a BHS Student Club BHS Student Club List 

New Club Registration  Register a BHS Student Club for 2022-23 by Oct. 31

BHS Athletics Berkeleyhighathletics.org

Class of 2023 Senior Letter Senior Info, Dates & Resources


ASB Leadership is a collective student voice composed of a diverse body of student leaders. Our mission is to create a more positive and engaging experience at Berkeley High through civic engagement, community building, sustainability, social events, and positive staff-student relations.

Useful Links

BHS Website

Student Bulletin Archive

Submit a Bulletin

Follow @juicethejackets

Current List of Student Clubs

BHS Events Calendar

Common Concerns Form

Contact Info

Berkeley High ASB Leadership 

1980 Allston Way, Berkeley CA United States 94704 



Go Jackets!

Notification of Non-Discrimination Policy

The Berkeley Unified School District is committed to providing a hostile-free working and learning environment. The District prohibits discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity/expression, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding/lactation status (related medical conditions), religion, color, national origin (including language restrictions and possession of a driver’s license (issued under Vehicle Code), ancestry, immigration status, physical or mental disability (including clinical depression and bipolar disorder, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, epilepsy, seizure disorder, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and heart attack), medical condition (cancer-related and genetic characteristics), military and veteran status, marital status, registered domestic partner status, age (40 and above), genetic information, political belief or affiliation (unless union related), a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law, ordinance, or regulation in any program or activity it conducts or to which it provides significant assistance.

Discrimination is different treatment based on a protected characteristic in the context of an educational program, work or activity without a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason that interferes with or limits the individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by the District or includes an adverse employment action.

Hostile environment harassment occurs when a target is subjected to unwelcome conduct based on a protected characteristic, which is both subjectively offensive to the target and would be offensive to a reasonable person of similar circumstances/characteristics and is sufficiently so severe, and so pervasive to interfere with or limit an individual’s ability to effectively work or to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or opportunities offered by the District. Harassment may take many forms, including but not limited to, verbal remarks and name-calling, graphic and written statements, or any conduct that may be threatening or humiliating. Harassment based on any of the above protected categories is a form of unlawful discrimination and will not be tolerated by the District and can result in disciplinary action against the offending student or employee.

Upon witnessing an act of discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived protected characteristics, school personnel are required to take immediate steps to intervene when it is safe to do so. Once a school/office has expressed notice or reason to know of such conduct, whether carried out by employees, students, or third parties, it should take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate, determine what occurred, take prompt and effective steps reasonably calculated to end the conduct, eliminate a hostile environment, if one has been created and prevent the conduct from occurring again. These steps should be taken regardless of whether an individual makes a complaint or asks the school/office to take action. Complaints are protected from retaliation. The District prohibits retaliation against any person who files a complaint or an appeal, reports instances of noncompliance, discrimination, harassment, bullying, and intimidation, or who participates in the complaint-filing or investigation process. This nondiscriminatory policy applies to all acts related to school activity or school attendance within any school/office under the jurisdiction of the Berkeley Unified School District. 

For more information, or to file a complaint please contact:District Title IX Coordinator/Compliance Officer Berkeley Unified School District, 2020 Bonar Street, Room 117, Berkeley CA 94702 Phone: (510) 486-9338; Email: complaints@berkeley.net`1


2022-2023 ASB Leadership

One big, red & gold family!



David D-R., Chief of Publicity

Ari F., Chief of Publicity

Valerie L, Chief of Publicity

Mr. V, Director of Student Activities

Bulletins & more  @juicethejackets Instagram

BHS Leadership website

 Video Bulletin Catalog (requires BUSD account)

Video Bulletin: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 

PA: Trivia Friday with Principal Raygoza

Submit a Bulletin

December 7, 2022

Here is today’s video bulletin:


AHA Crafts Fair has been rescheduled to the spring semester.


Please help us improve the BHS student bulletin by taking a minute to leave feedback or suggestions. This survey is for all BHS STAFF and STUDENTS. The form will be open until December 16, 2022.


African Diaspora Dance and Drum show

Our African Diaspora Dance and Drum show Reconnecting the Soul will take place this Friday, 12/9, 7pm at King Middle School.

Tickets can be purchased at: https://africandiasporadance2022.bpt.me

Survey for Mental Health and Self Perception

BHS Jacket Student Newspaper

Please take a moment to fill out this anonymous survey about mental health and self perception for the Jacket! Link. 

Submitted by pearlgauthier@students.berkeley.net  

Senior Yearbook Quotes

Seniors! We need your senior quote submissions. Please follow the link below to submit your quote. The deadline is Jan 1st 2023. We know you want your quote to be good, but don’t let that stop you from submitting something. 

Submit Senior Quote: https://forms.gle/n1MPoxSoGUur9rBK9 

Order a Yearbook: https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/

Code: 16356

Questions: sarahdarzacq@students.berkeley.net




Monday, December 12, 2022: Late-Start Schedule

Tuesday, December 13, 2022: Regular Schedule

Wednesday-Friday, 12/14-12/16: See below for Final Exams Schedule

8:30-10:30 am120Period 1Period 3Period 5
10:40-12:40 pm120Period 2Period 4Period 6
12:40-1:20 pm40LunchLunchLunch
1:26-2:32 pm66Finals Prep / Make UpFinals Prep / Make UpMake up
2:32-3:33 pm61Teacher Common PrepTeacher Common PrepTeacher Common Prep

Students are allowed to leave campus at 12:40pm on final exam days and must do so unless they are actively participating in class or extracurricular activities after lunch time.

“Finals Prep / Make Up” is a dedicated time for teachers to be available to, and meet with, students. Most importantly, teachers can use this time to provide accommodations for students with IEPs or 504 plans. Teachers will be available to meet, however, students need to confirm with teachers in advance.

After School Tutoring in the CCC schedule

Normal Hours this week 

MONDAY-THURSDAY, 3:30-6:00 pm

After school hours in the CCC for Semester 1 FInal Exams week:

MONDAY 12/12 – 3:30-6:00 pm (normal hours)

TUESDAY 12/13 – 3:30-6:00 pm (normal hours)

WEDNESDAY 12/14 – 1:00-3:30 pm

THURSDAY 12/15 – 1:00-3:30 pm

The Neurodiversity Group

The Neurodiversity Group will have its first meeting Friday December 9. The meeting is during lunch in room D218. It is a space for students and some staff to be themselves, meet others with similar interests, or just chill. The group will decide on their mission statement and what they hope to have in this space. 

Submitted by pamelavanderpoel@berkeley.net 

Do you like musical theater? 

Are you looking to meet a great group of people who share your interests? Come to the BHS Musical theater club, this Friday at lunch. During meetings, club members will have the chance to watch and discuss favorite shows, and discover new ways to become involved with musical theater in the Bay Area. Come hang out and meet new people! The BHS Musical theater club will hold their first meeting this Friday, December 9th by the M Gym (across from the portables). Hope to see you there!

Submitted by alecwestlandhurwitz@students.berkeley.net 


Project Eye to Eye is starting up again! 

For students 16 or older with learning disabilities/differences, Eye to Eye is a program run by and for neurodiverse people. It is a chance to share your stories about your learning difference with elementary school students with similar differences in an art based program. Eye to Eye will be meeting at Washington School every Monday starting in mid January.

If you are eligible and interested please contact Arlo Wheeler at arlowheeler@students.berkeley.net for more information.

Divest from Fossil Fuels

Did you know that CalSTRS, the California teacher pension (or retirement fund), has over $15 billion invested in fossil fuel companies? This means teachers’ money is being used to fund the fossil fuel industry. The fossil fuel industry is responsible for violating the rights of indigenous communities and causing disproportionate health and safety issues for low income and Black and brown communities. By investing in fossil fuels, CalSTRS is strengthening the fossil fuel industry rather than transitioning away from it, which worsens the future and present day impacts of the climate crisis! Additionally, taking money out of fossil fuels has been proven to stimulate growth for retirement returns since fossil fuels are rapidly depreciating. There’s only 1 solution: CalSTRS must stop investing in fossil fuels, so that our teachers’ retirement funds support climate solutions and not the declining oil and gas industry. 

To address this issue, we are making a petition of BHS signatures to present to the CALSTRS board members. Everyone can make a difference by signing the petition and encouraging their friends and teachers to sign it too! Sign the petition for our futures!

Check out the infographic in the email bulletin and around the school for more info.

Divestment 1:30 minute video

Submitted by zaiabachrach@students.berkeley.net 


This week in BHS Athletics!

Upcoming Home Games.

On Wednesday, 

Girls Soccer plays Castro Valley. JV at 4:30. Varsity at 6:30.

On Friday, 

Boys Basketball plays Mt. Diablo. JV at 5:00. Varsity at 6:30.

On Saturday,

Girls Soccer plays Monte Vista. Freshmen at 10:00 am. Varsity at 12:00.

Boys Soccer plays Foothill. JV at 4:00. Freshmen at 2:00.

Boys Basketball plays Castlemont. JV at 12:30. Varsity at 11:00.

Boy’s Pre-season Tennis Meeting

Date: December 14, 2022

Time: 1:45pm

Location: Stadium Grandstand Bleachers

Learn about tryouts and preparing for the season

Contact jeffreyjue@icloud.com 


Watch the YouTube stream of home Football, Field Hockey, Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, and lacrosse games for free.

Click here to get registered for winter or spring sports.


Twitter @BHSjacketSports

Go Jackets!

Holidays Around the World

Here’s a written version of the holidays this month, you can look into them if you’re interested!

On the 1st of this month was world AIDS day, bringing awareness to the AIDS pandemic and the people lost during it. December 2nd was Special education day, Commemorating the signing of the individuals with disabilities Education Act in 1975. This act let children with special needs have free public education. December 3rd is International Day of persons with disabilities, it brings awareness to the disabled community and all of their many contributions, challenges, triumphs, and much more. December 7th is National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. It honors those who were victims of the Pearl Harbor attack, and commemorates the day it happened. Thursday, December 8th, is Bodhi Day. Celebrated In the Buddhist religion, this holiday commemorates the day Buddha came to enlightenment. Human Rights Day is on the 10th, it recognizes the anniversary of the universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Here’s a feedback form if you have anything you’d like to bring up about bhs and its cultures/representation or treatment of those cultures, and a form for submitting holidays for the Holidays ATW! Thank you so much and have an amazing week 🙂


– Jessica Hipona

BHS Commissioner of Multicultural Affairs


Are you interested in the BHS grief group?

Are you interested in the BHS grief group but want more information about it?

Contact aliettiortegamendoza@berkeley.net or ameliamonagleolson@students.berkeley.net 

Sustainable Holiday Gift Making Event> > > moved to BHS Cafeteria

Come to the BHS Cafeteria during lunch on Friday, December 9th for an eco holiday gift making event put on by the BHS Green Team and the Sunrise Club! There will be free hot chocolate and crafts, as well as opportunities to get involved in climate activism at BHS! If you can, please bring mason jars for making sustainable house cleaner and plants if you want to contribute to a plant drive. Email berkeleyhighgreen@gmail.com or medinalam@students.berkeley.net  for more info. 


Yearbooks here with a few urgent announcements for you. 

First, yearbook prices rise from $65 to $85 during winter break, so make sure to preorder yours now. 

Click the yearbook link in the bulletin, and use the code to preorder. 

Seniors! Make sure to submit your senior quotes as soon as possible, only the first 250 make it in!


You can dm our instagram @berkeleyearbook (with only one y) or email sarahdarzacq@students.berkeley.net  if you have any questions.

 Sign up to perform or attend Midnight Cafe

Are you a singer? A writer? A dancer? A creator? Sign up to perform or attend Midnight Cafe, an open mic night for high schoolers hosted by Berkeley Repertory Theater’s Teen Core Council. Performance material can include music, comedy, poetry, monologues, dance and more, as long as it is all original student work. Come for warm drinks and light snacks, and stay for lively performances! Midnight Cafe will take place on December 16 from 6-8 PM at the Berkeley Rep School of Theater. 

Contact @berkeleyrepteencouncil on instagram or check out the poster in the bulletin for more info.

Submitted by alecwestlandhurwitz@students.berkeley.net 

The BHS Film Fest is open!

Submit your film today!

Click here to learn more or submit your film.

Submitted by dahliahellerstein@students.berkeley.net 


Class of 2023 Senior Letter

Click here

Seniors Cap & Gown Orders

Achievers WAS on campus Thursday, December 1, near the Donahue Gym to handle any of your graduation questions or needs such as Cap & Gown, class ring, announcements, etc. 

Cap & Gowns, Class Rings, & Graduation Announcements 

Graduation orders can be placed at any time online, by phone or by mail. Achievers Inc. handles orders for just the cap and gown as well as rings, announcements, grad swag and even graduation packages. Cap & gowns are traditionally worn at an in-person graduation. Consider using a cap & gown for senior portraits, graduation pictures, at home celebrations as well as any of graduation activities to be confirmed in the spring.

Online: GraduationOrder.com  (password bhs510)

Phone: 408.441.7200 Monday – Friday   9:00 am – 4:00 pm (English/Spanish)

Mail: Achievers Inc., 877 Commercial Street, San Jose, CA 95112 

Audition for “Room for Improvement”

Students, come out and audition for “”Room for Improvement,”” the  2023 JV and Varsity Teams-

This BHS’s award winning improvisation and sketch comedy group, founded by students in 2018.

Now run as part of the 7th period Advanced Theatre projects Honors class, R.F.I. is a fun way to meet people, do shows, and discover Long Form Improvisation. No previous experience needed, only a willingness to play, have fun, listen, and try your best. 

Auditions and callbacks are January 3,4,5,6 Come and sign up in Portable 3 or email Mr. Winer directly for a time slot at jordanwiner@berkeley.net 



Hi Berkeley High! Do you have something to share? Come out to the Open mic hosted by the Student Led Arts Movement, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8 in the Library AT LUNCH. Perform poetry, spoken word, speech, song, dance, something else, or just come to support your friends! Snacks provided. Featured performances by members of the SLAM Club.

If you’d like to perform, go to slamberkeleyhigh.carrd.co and fill out the form there. You can also DM us on instagram @slamberkeleyhigh or email juliasegre@students.berkeley.net with any questions.


Submitted by  juliasegre@students.berkeley.net 


TeenTechSF is organizing our 2022 Global Youth Summit

TeenTechSF is organizing our 2022 Global Youth Summit on Dec 10 this year! Like all TeenTechSF programs, this event is free, but registration is required and space is limited. 

2022 TeenTechSF Global Youth Summit

Saturday, December 10, 9:00 am-12:00 pm

“Innovation: Forging Our Future”

Location: to be announced!

REGISTER NOW AT: 2022-ttsf-global-youth-summit.eventbrite.com

All are welcome to an action-packed morning connecting teens with tech leaders across the Bay Area and around the world. Meet people from diverse communities and listen to live speakers, panels on global tech trends and practical advice on STEM academic and professional careers.

Keynote address from Adam Cheyer, Siri Creator, Change.org Founder, Samsung Mobile Research & Development VP and more recently Otter.ai Advisor and in live discussion with Shan Ren, Creative Technology trailblazer & Women’s Empowerment Leader at Google.

In addition, messages from mentors from all around the world including: Donna Hilliard from Code Tenderloin, Eden Yates from Cling Systems, Skyler Chan from Sonder, Grimaldy Gunawan from Shopping.io, Claire Wang from Angel Hacks, and Albert Hu from SuperTech and MIT, sharing insights on everything from how to build the next big idea as a founder in high school, to how the tech industry is reshaping the way we expedite battery recycling!

We’ll also be partnering with Hour of Code to offer free hands-on STEM workshops including app and website development, and Maker Movement activities with Makey Makey, Little Bits, and Arduino. Feel free to check out our newest workshops: “What’s Artificial Intelligence All About? with Google Teachable Machine” and “Guide to Networking and Public Speaking.” No prior coding experience is necessary! 

Like all TeenTechSF activities, this event is free, but advance registration is required. Space is limited, so sign up now: 2022 TeenTechSF Global Youth Summit

We’re only able to accommodate 150 students on site — so be sure to register now! We’ll be accommodating parents and mentors on a space-available basis.

TeenTechSF is run by and for teens – Find out more about Who We Are and What We Do at TeenTechSF.org and fill out tinyurl.com/TTSFLeadershipInterest if you’d like to join the TeenTechSF student leadership team! 

We hope to see your community there!

Oakland Climate Action Day

Berkeley High, you are invited to join the Oakland Climate Action Day! This is a free climate action volunteer event and celebration that highlights community climate action opportunities at Oakland organizations in the areas of Urban Greening, Organic Waste and Edible Food Recovery, and Wildfire Resiliency

DATE: December 10th, 2022

TIME: 8:30am – 2:00pm (flexible end time)

LOCATION: Liberation Park (kickoff location) and partnering Oakland organizations (volunteer shifts)


*this is not a B.U.S.D. sponsored event

A few follow-up notes to share with interested folks 

  • All students under the age of 18 years old will need a signed minor consent waiver to participate. 
  • The volunteer shifts are at partnering Oakland organizations, so there is some travel involved to get from the kickoff location to the volunteer shifts. Folks should plan ahead to either carpool and/or feel comfortable taking public transportation. 
  • Students under the age of 16 years old will need a parent to create an account to register them for the event. 

Submitted by karen@hoba.org Karen Lally, Hands On Bay Area Coordinator


NOV 14 – DEC 13


Quick Links

Need a Replacement Student ID? Replacement ID Form

Need a Locker? Visit C210 or complete this form.

Order a 2022-23 Yearbook Click here Contact genevievemage@berkeley.net

Make a BHS Health Center Appt. Click here

Complete a Free & Reduced Lunch Application secure.ezmealapp.com contact saraleon@berkeley.net

Join a BHS Student Club BHS Student Club List 

New Club Registration  Register a BHS Student Club for 2022-23 by Oct. 31

BHS Athletics Berkeleyhighathletics.org

Class of 2023 Senior Letter Senior Info, Dates & Resources


ASB Leadership is a collective student voice composed of a diverse body of student leaders. Our mission is to create a more positive and engaging experience at Berkeley High through civic engagement, community building, sustainability, social events, and positive staff-student relations.

Useful Links

BHS Website

Student Bulletin Archive

Submit a Bulletin

Follow @juicethejackets

Current List of Student Clubs

BHS Events Calendar

Common Concerns Form

Contact Info

Berkeley High ASB Leadership 

1980 Allston Way, Berkeley CA United States 94704 



Go Jackets!

Notification of Non-Discrimination Policy

The Berkeley Unified School District is committed to providing a hostile-free working and learning environment. The District prohibits discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity/expression, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding/lactation status (related medical conditions), religion, color, national origin (including language restrictions and possession of a driver’s license (issued under Vehicle Code), ancestry, immigration status, physical or mental disability (including clinical depression and bipolar disorder, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, epilepsy, seizure disorder, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and heart attack), medical condition (cancer-related and genetic characteristics), military and veteran status, marital status, registered domestic partner status, age (40 and above), genetic information, political belief or affiliation (unless union related), a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law, ordinance, or regulation in any program or activity it conducts or to which it provides significant assistance.

Discrimination is different treatment based on a protected characteristic in the context of an educational program, work or activity without a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason that interferes with or limits the individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by the District or includes an adverse employment action.

Hostile environment harassment occurs when a target is subjected to unwelcome conduct based on a protected characteristic, which is both subjectively offensive to the target and would be offensive to a reasonable person of similar circumstances/characteristics and is sufficiently so severe, and so pervasive to interfere with or limit an individual’s ability to effectively work or to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or opportunities offered by the District. Harassment may take many forms, including but not limited to, verbal remarks and name-calling, graphic and written statements, or any conduct that may be threatening or humiliating. Harassment based on any of the above protected categories is a form of unlawful discrimination and will not be tolerated by the District and can result in disciplinary action against the offending student or employee.

Upon witnessing an act of discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived protected characteristics, school personnel are required to take immediate steps to intervene when it is safe to do so. Once a school/office has expressed notice or reason to know of such conduct, whether carried out by employees, students, or third parties, it should take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate, determine what occurred, take prompt and effective steps reasonably calculated to end the conduct, eliminate a hostile environment, if one has been created and prevent the conduct from occurring again. These steps should be taken regardless of whether an individual makes a complaint or asks the school/office to take action. Complaints are protected from retaliation. The District prohibits retaliation against any person who files a complaint or an appeal, reports instances of noncompliance, discrimination, harassment, bullying, and intimidation, or who participates in the complaint-filing or investigation process. This nondiscriminatory policy applies to all acts related to school activity or school attendance within any school/office under the jurisdiction of the Berkeley Unified School District. 

For more information, or to file a complaint please contact:District Title IX Coordinator/Compliance Officer Berkeley Unified School District, 2020 Bonar Street, Room 117, Berkeley CA 94702 Phone: (510) 486-9338; Email: complaints@berkeley.net


2022-2023 ASB Leadership

One big, red & gold family!



David D-R., Chief of Publicity

Ari F., Chief of Publicity

Valerie L, Chief of Publicity

Mr. V, Director of Student Activities

Bulletins & more  @juicethejackets Instagram

BHS Leadership website

 Video Bulletin Catalog (requires BUSD account)

Video Bulletin: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 

PA: Trivia Friday with Principal Raygoza

Submit a Bulletin

December 5, 2022

Here is today’s video bulletin:


Please help us improve the BHS student bulletin by taking a minute to leave feedback or suggestions. This survey is for all BHS STAFF and STUDENTS. The form will be open until December 16, 2022.


DESC is having a student panel 

Tuesday Dec 6th, 2:30pm-3:20pm at Berkeley High School’s College and Career Center! 

The Dual Enrolled Students Club (DESC)-is a club for high school students who are or want to take classes at Berkeley City College. Students can learn more about these courses through hearing the experiences of current and former dual enrolled students. This way, they can gain insight into the unique experiences of being dual enrolled. This panel is meant to be part of the welcoming and supportive environment to help you navigate potential classes you may want to take at BCC. Also it can be a chill way to just learn more about other high school students taking classes here. Share with your high school homies and we hope to see yall there!

DESC currently meets every other Friday from 4:00pm – 5:30pm in-person at BCC.

Contact skylerbarton@berkeley.net

This week in BHS Athletics!

Upcoming Home Games.

On Monday,

Girls Soccer plays Oakland Tech. JV at 4:30. Varsity at 6:30.

On Tuesday, 

Girls Basketball plays Campolindo. JV at 5:00. Varsity at 6:30.

On Wednesday, 

Girls Soccer plays Castro Valley. JV at 4:30. Varsity at 6:30.

On Friday, 

Boys Basketball plays Mt. Diablo. JV at 5:00. Varsity at 6:30.

On Saturday,

Girls Soccer plays Monte Vista. Freshmen at 10:00 am. Varsity at 12:00.

Boys Soccer plays Foothill. JV at 4:00. Freshmen at 2:00.

Boys Basketball plays Castlemont. JV at 12:30. Varsity at 11:00.

Boy’s Pre-season Tennis Meeting

Date: December 14, 2022

Time: 1:45pm

Location: Stadium Grandstand Bleachers

Learn about tryouts and preparing for the season

Contact jeffreyjue@icloud.com 


Watch the YouTube stream of home Football, Field Hockey, Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, and lacrosse games for free.

Click here to get registered for winter or spring sports.


Twitter @BHSjacketSports

Go Jackets!

Holidays Around the World

Here’s a written version of the holidays this month, you can look into them if you’re interested!

On the 1st of this month was world AIDS day, bringing awareness to the AIDS pandemic and the people lost during it. December 2nd was Special education day, Commemorating the signing of the individuals with disabilities Education Act in 1975. This act let children with special needs have free public education. December 3rd is International Day of persons with disabilities, it brings awareness to the disabled community and all of their many contributions, challenges, triumphs, and much more. December 7th is National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. It honors those who were victims of the Pearl Harbor attack, and commemorates the day it happened. Thursday, December 8th, is Bodhi Day. Celebrated In the Buddhist religion, this holiday commemorates the day Buddha came to enlightenment. Human Rights Day is on the 10th, it recognizes the anniversary of the universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Here’s a feedback form if you have anything you’d like to bring up about bhs and its cultures/representation or treatment of those cultures, and a form for submitting holidays for the Holidays ATW! Thank you so much and have an amazing week 🙂



– Jessica Hipona

BHS Commissioner of Multicultural Affairs


Write for Rights

Amnesty International club is hosting a Write for Rights Letter Writing Event this Tuesday December 6th from 4:45-6:30 in the library. We will be writing letters to help release prisoners of conscience and change laws to protect people’s freedoms. There will be free food and service credit for anyone who shows up!

Submitted by ameliamonagleolson@students.berkeley.net 


AHA Crafts Fair

Come to the AHA crafts fair at lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday! There will be tons of student run booths selling homemade crafts that you can give to family and friends for the holidays. It will take place inside the G gate, between the G building and the football field. Hope to see you there!

Contact lilianelozach@students.berkeley.net 

Are you interested in the BHS grief group?

Are you interested in the BHS grief group but want more information about it?

Contact aliettiortegamendoza@berkeley.net or ameliamonagleolson@students.berkeley.net 

Sustainable Holiday Gift Making Event

Come to the green during lunch on Friday, December 9th for an eco holiday gift making event put on by the BHS Green Team and the Sunrise Club! There will be free hot chocolate and crafts, as well as opportunities to get involved in climate activism at BHS! If you can, please bring mason jars for making sustainable house cleaner and plants if you want to contribute to a plant drive. Email berkeleyhighgreen@gmail.com or medinalam@students.berkeley.net  for more info. 



Yearbooks here with a few urgent announcements for you. 

First, yearbook prices rise from $65 to $85 during winter break, so make sure to preorder yours now. 

Click the yearbook link in the bulletin, and use the code to preorder. 

Seniors! Make sure to submit your senior quotes as soon as possible, only the first 250 make it in!


You can dm our instagram @berkeleyearbook (with only one y) or email sarahdarzacq@students.berkeley.net  if you have any questions.

 Sign up to perform or attend Midnight Cafe

Are you a singer? A writer? A dancer? A creator? Sign up to perform or attend Midnight Cafe, an open mic night for high schoolers hosted by Berkeley Repertory Theater’s Teen Core Council. Performance material can include music, comedy, poetry, monologues, dance and more, as long as it is all original student work. Come for warm drinks and light snacks, and stay for lively performances! Midnight Cafe will take place on December 16 from 6-8 PM at the Berkeley Rep School of Theater. 

Contact @berkeleyrepteencouncil on instagram or check out the poster in the bulletin for more info.

Submitted by alecwestlandhurwitz@students.berkeley.net 

The BHS Film Fest is open!

Submit your film today!

Click here to learn more or submit your film.

Submitted by dahliahellerstein@students.berkeley.net 


Class of 2023 Senior Letter

Click here

Seniors Cap & Gown Orders

Achievers WAS on campus Thursday, December 1, near the Donahue Gym to handle any of your graduation questions or needs such as Cap & Gown, class ring, announcements, etc. 

Cap & Gowns, Class Rings, & Graduation Announcements 

Graduation orders can be placed at any time online, by phone or by mail. Achievers Inc. handles orders for just the cap and gown as well as rings, announcements, grad swag and even graduation packages. Cap & gowns are traditionally worn at an in-person graduation. Consider using a cap & gown for senior portraits, graduation pictures, at home celebrations as well as any of graduation activities to be confirmed in the spring.

Online: GraduationOrder.com  (password bhs510)

Phone: 408.441.7200 Monday – Friday   9:00 am – 4:00 pm (English/Spanish)

Mail: Achievers Inc., 877 Commercial Street, San Jose, CA 95112 

Audition for “Room for Improvement”

Students, come out and audition for “”Room for Improvement,”” the  2023 JV and Varsity Teams-

This BHS’s award winning improvisation and sketch comedy group, founded by students in 2018.

Now run as part of the 7th period Advanced Theatre projects Honors class, R.F.I. is a fun way to meet people, do shows, and discover Long Form Improvisation. No previous experience needed, only a willingness to play, have fun, listen, and try your best. 

Auditions and callbacks are January 3,4,5,6 Come and sign up in Portable 3 or email Mr. Winer directly for a time slot at jordanwiner@berkeley.net 



Hi Berkeley High! Do you have something to share? Come out to the Open mic hosted by the Student Led Arts Movement, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8 in the Library AT LUNCH. Perform poetry, spoken word, speech, song, dance, something else, or just come to support your friends! Snacks provided. Featured performances by members of the SLAM Club.

If you’d like to perform, go to slamberkeleyhigh.carrd.co and fill out the form there. You can also DM us on instagram @slamberkeleyhigh or email juliasegre@students.berkeley.net with any questions.


Submitted by  juliasegre@students.berkeley.net 


TeenTechSF is organizing our 2022 Global Youth Summit

TeenTechSF is organizing our 2022 Global Youth Summit on Dec 10 this year! Like all TeenTechSF programs, this event is free, but registration is required and space is limited. 

2022 TeenTechSF Global Youth Summit

Saturday, December 10, 9:00 am-12:00 pm

“Innovation: Forging Our Future”

Location: to be announced!

REGISTER NOW AT: 2022-ttsf-global-youth-summit.eventbrite.com

All are welcome to an action-packed morning connecting teens with tech leaders across the Bay Area and around the world. Meet people from diverse communities and listen to live speakers, panels on global tech trends and practical advice on STEM academic and professional careers.

Keynote address from Adam Cheyer, Siri Creator, Change.org Founder, Samsung Mobile Research & Development VP and more recently Otter.ai Advisor and in live discussion with Shan Ren, Creative Technology trailblazer & Women’s Empowerment Leader at Google.

In addition, messages from mentors from all around the world including: Donna Hilliard from Code Tenderloin, Eden Yates from Cling Systems, Skyler Chan from Sonder, Grimaldy Gunawan from Shopping.io, Claire Wang from Angel Hacks, and Albert Hu from SuperTech and MIT, sharing insights on everything from how to build the next big idea as a founder in high school, to how the tech industry is reshaping the way we expedite battery recycling!

We’ll also be partnering with Hour of Code to offer free hands-on STEM workshops including app and website development, and Maker Movement activities with Makey Makey, Little Bits, and Arduino. Feel free to check out our newest workshops: “What’s Artificial Intelligence All About? with Google Teachable Machine” and “Guide to Networking and Public Speaking.” No prior coding experience is necessary! 

Like all TeenTechSF activities, this event is free, but advance registration is required. Space is limited, so sign up now: 2022 TeenTechSF Global Youth Summit

We’re only able to accommodate 150 students on site — so be sure to register now! We’ll be accommodating parents and mentors on a space-available basis.

TeenTechSF is run by and for teens – Find out more about Who We Are and What We Do at TeenTechSF.org and fill out tinyurl.com/TTSFLeadershipInterest if you’d like to join the TeenTechSF student leadership team! 

We hope to see your community there!

Oakland Climate Action Day

Berkeley High, you are invited to join the Oakland Climate Action Day! This is a free climate action volunteer event and celebration that highlights community climate action opportunities at Oakland organizations in the areas of Urban Greening, Organic Waste and Edible Food Recovery, and Wildfire Resiliency

DATE: December 10th, 2022

TIME: 8:30am – 2:00pm (flexible end time)

LOCATION: Liberation Park (kickoff location) and partnering Oakland organizations (volunteer shifts)


*this is not a B.U.S.D. sponsored event

A few follow-up notes to share with interested folks 

  • All students under the age of 18 years old will need a signed minor consent waiver to participate. 
  • The volunteer shifts are at partnering Oakland organizations, so there is some travel involved to get from the kickoff location to the volunteer shifts. Folks should plan ahead to either carpool and/or feel comfortable taking public transportation. 
  • Students under the age of 16 years old will need a parent to create an account to register them for the event. 

Submitted by karen@hoba.org Karen Lally, Hands On Bay Area Coordinator


NOV 14 – DEC 13


Quick Links

Need a Replacement Student ID? Replacement ID Form

Need a Locker? Visit C210 or complete this form.

Order a 2022-23 Yearbook Click here Contact genevievemage@berkeley.net

Make a BHS Health Center Appt. Click here

Complete a Free & Reduced Lunch Application secure.ezmealapp.com contact saraleon@berkeley.net

Join a BHS Student Club BHS Student Club List 

New Club Registration  Register a BHS Student Club for 2022-23 by Oct. 31

BHS Athletics Berkeleyhighathletics.org

Class of 2023 Senior Letter Senior Info, Dates & Resources


ASB Leadership is a collective student voice composed of a diverse body of student leaders. Our mission is to create a more positive and engaging experience at Berkeley High through civic engagement, community building, sustainability, social events, and positive staff-student relations.

Useful Links

BHS Website

Student Bulletin Archive

Submit a Bulletin

Follow @juicethejackets

Current List of Student Clubs

BHS Events Calendar

Common Concerns Form

Contact Info

Berkeley High ASB Leadership 

1980 Allston Way, Berkeley CA United States 94704 



Go Jackets!

Notification of Non-Discrimination Policy

The Berkeley Unified School District is committed to providing a hostile-free working and learning environment. The District prohibits discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity/expression, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding/lactation status (related medical conditions), religion, color, national origin (including language restrictions and possession of a driver’s license (issued under Vehicle Code), ancestry, immigration status, physical or mental disability (including clinical depression and bipolar disorder, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, epilepsy, seizure disorder, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and heart attack), medical condition (cancer-related and genetic characteristics), military and veteran status, marital status, registered domestic partner status, age (40 and above), genetic information, political belief or affiliation (unless union related), a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law, ordinance, or regulation in any program or activity it conducts or to which it provides significant assistance.

Discrimination is different treatment based on a protected characteristic in the context of an educational program, work or activity without a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason that interferes with or limits the individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by the District or includes an adverse employment action.

Hostile environment harassment occurs when a target is subjected to unwelcome conduct based on a protected characteristic, which is both subjectively offensive to the target and would be offensive to a reasonable person of similar circumstances/characteristics and is sufficiently so severe, and so pervasive to interfere with or limit an individual’s ability to effectively work or to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or opportunities offered by the District. Harassment may take many forms, including but not limited to, verbal remarks and name-calling, graphic and written statements, or any conduct that may be threatening or humiliating. Harassment based on any of the above protected categories is a form of unlawful discrimination and will not be tolerated by the District and can result in disciplinary action against the offending student or employee.

Upon witnessing an act of discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived protected characteristics, school personnel are required to take immediate steps to intervene when it is safe to do so. Once a school/office has expressed notice or reason to know of such conduct, whether carried out by employees, students, or third parties, it should take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate, determine what occurred, take prompt and effective steps reasonably calculated to end the conduct, eliminate a hostile environment, if one has been created and prevent the conduct from occurring again. These steps should be taken regardless of whether an individual makes a complaint or asks the school/office to take action. Complaints are protected from retaliation. The District prohibits retaliation against any person who files a complaint or an appeal, reports instances of noncompliance, discrimination, harassment, bullying, and intimidation, or who participates in the complaint-filing or investigation process. This nondiscriminatory policy applies to all acts related to school activity or school attendance within any school/office under the jurisdiction of the Berkeley Unified School District. 

For more information, or to file a complaint please contact:District Title IX Coordinator/Compliance Officer Berkeley Unified School District, 2020 Bonar Street, Room 117, Berkeley CA 94702 Phone: (510) 486-9338; Email: complaints@berkeley.net


2022-2023 ASB Leadership

One big, red & gold family!



David D-R., Chief of Publicity

Ari F., Chief of Publicity

Valerie L, Chief of Publicity

Mr. V, Director of Student Activities

Bulletins & more  @juicethejackets Instagram

BHS Leadership website

 Video Bulletin Catalog (requires BUSD account)

Video Bulletin: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 

PA: Trivia Friday with Principal Raygoza

Submit a Bulletin

December 2, 2022

Here is today’s video bulletin:


Please help us improve the BHS student bulletin by taking a minute to leave feedback or suggestions. This survey is for all BHS STAFF and STUDENTS. The form will be open until December 16, 2022.


Are you interested in the BHS grief group?

Are you interested in the BHS grief group but want more information about it? Come to the campus green at lunch today to learn more and talk to the people who started it.

Contact aliettiortegamendoza@berkeley.net or ameliamonagleolson@students.berkeley.net 

Sustainable Holiday Gift Making Event

Come to the green during lunch on Friday, December 9th for an eco holiday gift making event put on by the BHS Green Team and the Sunrise Club! There will be free hot chocolate and crafts, as well as opportunities to get involved in climate activism at BHS! If you can, please bring mason jars for making sustainable house cleaner and plants if you want to contribute to a plant drive. Email berkeleyhighgreen@gmail.com or medinalam@students.berkeley.net  for more info. 


 DANCE PRODUCTION this Friday and Saturday 

Show your support for DANCE PRODUCTION this Friday and Saturday at 7pm. Serving up inspiring, fun, full-bodied performance both nights, with special guest performances by the Beginning Modern and Advanced Dance Lab classes. 

Come and get it!   

Contact Ms. Carr with any questions: lindacarr@berkeley.net 

Saturday School

Need some help getting your grades up?  Need to prepare for Finals?  Need some attendance make up credits to be eligible for prom/work permits?

You are invited to our 2nd Saturday school of the year – this Saturday, December 3rd. 

Saturday School is from 9am to 12pm, December 3rd in the M Building. 

Students who attend Saturday School will receive 3 period absence make-ups

Please rsvp here by clicking on this link so that we can plan for food. 

Contact cassandratesch@berkeley.net

This week in BHS Athletics!

Upcoming Home Games.

On Saturday, 

Boys Soccer vs. San Ramon Valley. Freshman at 11 am. JV at 1:00. Varsity at 3:00.

On Monday,

Girls Soccer plays Oakland Tech. JV at 4:30. Varsity at 6:30.

On Tuesday, 

Girls Basketball plays Campolindo. JV at 5:00. Varsity at 6:30.

On Wednesday, 

Girls Soccer plays Castro Valley. JV at 4:30. Varsity at 6:30.

On Friday, 

Boys Basketball plays Mt. Diablo. JV at 5:00. Varsity at 6:30.

On Saturday,

Girls Soccer plays Monte Vista. Freshmen at 10:00 am. Varsity at 12:00.

Boys Soccer plays Foothill. JV at 4:00. Freshmen at 2:00.

Boys Basketball plays Castlemont. JV at 12:30. Varsity at 11:00.

Boy’s Pre-season Tennis Meeting

Date: December 14, 2022

Time: 1:45pm

Location: Stadium Grandstand Bleachers

Learn about tryouts and preparing for the season

Contact jeffreyjue@icloud.com 


Watch the YouTube stream of home Football, Field Hockey, Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, and lacrosse games for free.

Click here to get registered for winter or spring sports.


Twitter @BHSjacketSports

Go Jackets!

Yearbooks here with a few urgent announcements for you. 

First, yearbook prices rise from $65 to $85 during winter break, so make sure to preorder yours now. 

Click the yearbook link in the bulletin, and use the code to preorder. 

Seniors! Make sure to submit your senior quotes as soon as possible, only the first 250 make it in!


You can dm our instagram @berkeleyearbook (with only one y) or email sarahdarzacq@students.berkeley.net  if you have any questions.

 Sign up to perform or attend Midnight Cafe

Are you a singer? A writer? A dancer? A creator? Sign up to perform or attend Midnight Cafe, an open mic night for high schoolers hosted by Berkeley Repertory Theater’s Teen Core Council. Performance material can include music, comedy, poetry, monologues, dance and more, as long as it is all original student work. Come for warm drinks and light snacks, and stay for lively performances! Midnight Cafe will take place on December 16 from 6-8 PM at the Berkeley Rep School of Theater. 

Contact @berkeleyrepteencouncil on instagram or check out the poster in the bulletin for more info.

Submitted by alecwestlandhurwitz@students.berkeley.net 


The BHS Film Fest is open!

Submit your film today!

Click here to learn more or submit your film.

Submitted by dahliahellerstein@students.berkeley.net 


Seniors Cap & Gown Orders

Achievers WAS on campus Thursday, December 1, near the Donahue Gym to handle any of your graduation questions or needs such as Cap & Gown, class ring, announcements, etc. 

Cap & Gowns, Class Rings, & Graduation Announcements 

Graduation orders can be placed at any time online, by phone or by mail. Achievers Inc. handles orders for just the cap and gown as well as rings, announcements, grad swag and even graduation packages. Cap & gowns are traditionally worn at an in-person graduation. Consider using a cap & gown for senior portraits, graduation pictures, at home celebrations as well as any of graduation activities to be confirmed in the spring.

Online: GraduationOrder.com  (password bhs510)

Phone: 408.441.7200 Monday – Friday   9:00 am – 4:00 pm (English/Spanish)

Mail: Achievers Inc., 877 Commercial Street, San Jose, CA 95112 

Audition for “Room for Improvement”

Students, come out and audition for “”Room for Improvement,”” the  2023 JV and Varsity Teams-

This BHS’s award winning improvisation and sketch comedy group, founded by students in 2018.

Now run as part of the 7th period Advanced Theatre projects Honors class, R.F.I. is a fun way to meet people, do shows, and discover Long Form Improvisation. No previous experience needed, only a willingness to play, have fun, listen, and try your best. 

Auditions and callbacks are January 3,4,5,6 Come and sign up in Portable 3 or email Mr. Winer directly for a time slot at jordanwiner@berkeley.net 



Hi Berkeley High! Do you have something to share? Come out to the Open mic hosted by the Student Led Arts Movement, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8 in the Library AT LUNCH. Perform poetry, spoken word, speech, song, dance, something else, or just come to support your friends! Snacks provided. Featured performances by members of the SLAM Club.

If you’d like to perform, go to slamberkeleyhigh.carrd.co and fill out the form there. You can also DM us on instagram @slamberkeleyhigh or email juliasegre@students.berkeley.net with any questions.


Submitted by  juliasegre@students.berkeley.net 


Bay Area Youth Climate Summit has opened applications! 

The Bay Area Youth Climate Summit brings together high school students from across the Bay Area to connect over climate justice and activism. They host monthly workshops and an annual summit focusing on local climate solutions and environmental justice issues. Team members meet with presenters, facilitate workshops, present at panels, create social media posts, attend conferences, and more. If you are interested in learning more about what they do, you can visit this website (https://www.baycs.org/) or check out their instagram (@bayareaycs). If you are interested in joining the Bay Area Youth Climate Summit, you can apply through this form.

Submitted by ysabelchu@students.berkeley.net 


 League of  Women Voters of Berkeley Spring Internship

We are pleased to once again share our announcement about the League of  Women Voters of Berkeley, Albany, Emeryville’s Helene Lecar Civic Engagement Program for winter and spring 2023. Internship opportunities for high school and community college students will start in January through the end of the semester. Applications are due December 2nd.

As a national organization with a commitment to empowering voters and defending our democracy, we engage community members here locally and around the country in voter education, voter registration and GOTV efforts.

We are recruiting students headed to the 11th and 12th  grades – or attending local colleges – who want to learn about government, politics, and ways to have an impact. Interns will learn about criminal justice issues; communications; diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI); healthcare policy; climate change mitigation efforts; socio-economic justice issues; and other major challenges of our time as they are addressed by our city councils and commissions.

Here is a link to the internship descriptions that are also attached.

Here is the link to the application.

TeenTechSF is organizing our 2022 Global Youth Summit

TeenTechSF is organizing our 2022 Global Youth Summit on Dec 10 this year! Like all TeenTechSF programs, this event is free, but registration is required and space is limited. 

2022 TeenTechSF Global Youth Summit

Saturday, December 10, 9:00 am-12:00 pm

“Innovation: Forging Our Future”

Location: to be announced!

REGISTER NOW AT: 2022-ttsf-global-youth-summit.eventbrite.com

All are welcome to an action-packed morning connecting teens with tech leaders across the Bay Area and around the world. Meet people from diverse communities and listen to live speakers, panels on global tech trends and practical advice on STEM academic and professional careers.

Keynote address from Adam Cheyer, Siri Creator, Change.org Founder, Samsung Mobile Research & Development VP and more recently Otter.ai Advisor and in live discussion with Shan Ren, Creative Technology trailblazer & Women’s Empowerment Leader at Google.

In addition, messages from mentors from all around the world including: Donna Hilliard from Code Tenderloin, Eden Yates from Cling Systems, Skyler Chan from Sonder, Grimaldy Gunawan from Shopping.io, Claire Wang from Angel Hacks, and Albert Hu from SuperTech and MIT, sharing insights on everything from how to build the next big idea as a founder in high school, to how the tech industry is reshaping the way we expedite battery recycling!

We’ll also be partnering with Hour of Code to offer free hands-on STEM workshops including app and website development, and Maker Movement activities with Makey Makey, Little Bits, and Arduino. Feel free to check out our newest workshops: “What’s Artificial Intelligence All About? with Google Teachable Machine” and “Guide to Networking and Public Speaking.” No prior coding experience is necessary! 

Like all TeenTechSF activities, this event is free, but advance registration is required. Space is limited, so sign up now: 2022 TeenTechSF Global Youth Summit

We’re only able to accommodate 150 students on site — so be sure to register now! We’ll be accommodating parents and mentors on a space-available basis.

TeenTechSF is run by and for teens – Find out more about Who We Are and What We Do at TeenTechSF.org and fill out tinyurl.com/TTSFLeadershipInterest if you’d like to join the TeenTechSF student leadership team! 

We hope to see your community there!

Oakland Climate Action Day

Berkeley High, you are invited to join the Oakland Climate Action Day! This is a free climate action volunteer event and celebration that highlights community climate action opportunities at Oakland organizations in the areas of Urban Greening, Organic Waste and Edible Food Recovery, and Wildfire Resiliency

DATE: December 10th, 2022

TIME: 8:30am – 2:00pm (flexible end time)

LOCATION: Liberation Park (kickoff location) and partnering Oakland organizations (volunteer shifts)


*this is not a B.U.S.D. sponsored event

A few follow-up notes to share with interested folks 

  • All students under the age of 18 years old will need a signed minor consent waiver to participate. 
  • The volunteer shifts are at partnering Oakland organizations, so there is some travel involved to get from the kickoff location to the volunteer shifts. Folks should plan ahead to either carpool and/or feel comfortable taking public transportation. 
  • Students under the age of 16 years old will need a parent to create an account to register them for the event. 

Submitted by karen@hoba.org Karen Lally, Hands On Bay Area Coordinator


NOV 14 – DEC 13


Quick Links

Need a Replacement Student ID? Replacement ID Form

Need a Locker? Visit C210 or complete this form.

Order a 2022-23 Yearbook Click here Contact genevievemage@berkeley.net

Make a BHS Health Center Appt. Click here

Complete a Free & Reduced Lunch Application secure.ezmealapp.com contact saraleon@berkeley.net

Join a BHS Student Club BHS Student Club List 

New Club Registration  Register a BHS Student Club for 2022-23 by Oct. 31

BHS Athletics Berkeleyhighathletics.org

Class of 2023 Senior Letter Senior Info, Dates & Resources


ASB Leadership is a collective student voice composed of a diverse body of student leaders. Our mission is to create a more positive and engaging experience at Berkeley High through civic engagement, community building, sustainability, social events, and positive staff-student relations.

Useful Links

BHS Website

Student Bulletin Archive

Submit a Bulletin

Follow @juicethejackets

Current List of Student Clubs

BHS Events Calendar

Common Concerns Form

Contact Info

Berkeley High ASB Leadership 

1980 Allston Way, Berkeley CA United States 94704 



Go Jackets!

Notification of Non-Discrimination Policy

The Berkeley Unified School District is committed to providing a hostile-free working and learning environment. The District prohibits discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity/expression, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding/lactation status (related medical conditions), religion, color, national origin (including language restrictions and possession of a driver’s license (issued under Vehicle Code), ancestry, immigration status, physical or mental disability (including clinical depression and bipolar disorder, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, epilepsy, seizure disorder, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and heart attack), medical condition (cancer-related and genetic characteristics), military and veteran status, marital status, registered domestic partner status, age (40 and above), genetic information, political belief or affiliation (unless union related), a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law, ordinance, or regulation in any program or activity it conducts or to which it provides significant assistance.

Discrimination is different treatment based on a protected characteristic in the context of an educational program, work or activity without a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason that interferes with or limits the individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by the District or includes an adverse employment action.

Hostile environment harassment occurs when a target is subjected to unwelcome conduct based on a protected characteristic, which is both subjectively offensive to the target and would be offensive to a reasonable person of similar circumstances/characteristics and is sufficiently so severe, and so pervasive to interfere with or limit an individual’s ability to effectively work or to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or opportunities offered by the District. Harassment may take many forms, including but not limited to, verbal remarks and name-calling, graphic and written statements, or any conduct that may be threatening or humiliating. Harassment based on any of the above protected categories is a form of unlawful discrimination and will not be tolerated by the District and can result in disciplinary action against the offending student or employee.

Upon witnessing an act of discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, and retaliation, based on actual or perceived protected characteristics, school personnel are required to take immediate steps to intervene when it is safe to do so. Once a school/office has expressed notice or reason to know of such conduct, whether carried out by employees, students, or third parties, it should take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate, determine what occurred, take prompt and effective steps reasonably calculated to end the conduct, eliminate a hostile environment, if one has been created and prevent the conduct from occurring again. These steps should be taken regardless of whether an individual makes a complaint or asks the school/office to take action. Complaints are protected from retaliation. The District prohibits retaliation against any person who files a complaint or an appeal, reports instances of noncompliance, discrimination, harassment, bullying, and intimidation, or who participates in the complaint-filing or investigation process. This nondiscriminatory policy applies to all acts related to school activity or school attendance within any school/office under the jurisdiction of the Berkeley Unified School District. 

For more information, or to file a complaint please contact:District Title IX Coordinator/Compliance Officer Berkeley Unified School District, 2020 Bonar Street, Room 117, Berkeley CA 94702 Phone: (510) 486-9338; Email: complaints@berkeley.net