BERKELEY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT BULLETIN One big, red & gold family! Felix Mousigian, Chief of Publicity Aaron Rumph, Chief of Publicity Mr. V, Director of Student Activities 2020-2021 ASB Leadership Week of August 31, 2020 |
Month: August 2020
Student Bulletin Episode 1 Week of August 24, 2020
BERKELEY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT BULLETIN One big, red & gold family! Felix Mousigian, Chief of Publicity Aaron Rumph, Chief of Publicity Mr. V, Director of Student Activities 2020-2021 ASB Leadership Week of August 24, 2020 This is an Our Monologues announcement from Risa Sundu and Rusma Kharel, Directors of Our Monologues at BHS If you have a story that needs to be told, or a voice that needs to be heard, then Our Monologues is the place for you. This student-run production is accepting any and all submissions until mid-October, and auditions will be held soon after that! The performance will take place sometime next spring. If you want to learn more, visit or find us on Instagram @ourmonologuesbhs Please give us your feedback!What is the best time(s) for events??? – 1 minute survey! This announcement is from the College & Career Center: For students graduating from BHS in 2021, College Admissions representatives are creating content to accommodate distance learning including virtual counseling and help with the college search process. Check your student email for the weekly email from the CCC. Also for those all important college essays, readers will be available starting September You can get free help with Personal insight Questions and Personal Statements.Berkeley High’s College Essay Readers are a group of professional writers and editors committed to helping BHS seniors shine through their personal statements for UC, the Common App and supplemental essays. Readers will be available to help students brainstorm, write, and revise their essays. More info about the essay readers and college searches can be found on the College & Career Center website. The Jacket, BHS Newspaper Are you a Freshman, New Student, or interested in being a Columnist? Join the Jacket! The Jacket is an entirely student-run newspaper and one of the best student publications in the nation. Applications can be found online at Share and Email applications with Eliot Mark at by SEPTEMBER 5, 2020.Check out for a new issue of the jacket on the website! Update on Curbside Textbook Pick-UpFrom Mr. Raygoza on 8.24.2020 We want to let you know that we are cancelling curbside student registration (textbook pick up) make-up sessions for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this coming week. Our priority is always safety. We do not believe that the current forecast for the air quality in Berkeley makes it safe for students and families to travel to Berkeley and for our staff and volunteers to work outdoors distributing materials. We will continue to monitor weather conditions and let you know when we can resume student registration make-ups. Additionally, we are currently planning for sessions to start next week where students that did not receive materials for Term 2 classes before the start of the school year can do so then. If you have any questions about student registration, please contact Tammy Rose at This is an Announcement from Youth Protect the Bay. Join us to march from Oakland Tech to Berkeley High against sexual assault/ harassment with a large focus on intersectional feminism. What has been happening at Bay Area schools need to stop and we declare that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. It’s time we feel safe in our own schools/communities and mobilize this conversation amongst the young people. Food and water will be provided and Mic will be open to all to speak if wanted. Please wear RED and/or BLACK. WE BELIEVE YOU. JOIN THE PROTECTORS OF THE BAY. Currently we are considering to postpone our protest due to the current Northern California Fires and smoke in the Bay Area. We want everyone to stay safe. Please stay updated on our final decision by following us @youthprotectthebay on Instagram If anyone is interested in submitting an announcement this year, there are some basic guidelines to follow: 1. It must be relevant to roughly 100 or more students or staff members. 2. It must be a message that promotes community and builds up positive school culture. 3. Please no birthday announcements or personal requests. Please submit your morning announcement to the Google From: BHS Activities & Events BHS Website Follow @juicethejackets BHS Leadership Submit a Bulletin |
Live Cooking Class w/ MasterChef Winner: A BHS BSU/AfAm Studies Fundraiser 9.7
Cook with Community for the Community!
We are pleased to announce that Shaun O’Neale, Winner of Gordon Ramsay’s renowned show Masterchef, will give an exclusive live virtual cooking lesson to families of Berkeley High School on September 7th from 6:00-7:00 pm.
The event will cost $15, and all profits go to the African American Studies Department and Black Student Union. In order to sign-up and show support for these organizations, please visit this link: Eventbrite Tickets.

Chef O’Neale will be cooking his Roasted Garlic and Mushroom Risotto as you follow along with him and learn culinary techniques while making a delicious meal. Throughout Shaun’s food journey, he has cooked for the likes of Gordon Ramsay, Christina Tosi, Wolfgang Puck, Daniel Boulud, Richard Blais, Aaron Sanchez, Edward Lee and Kevin Sbraga. Learning from these pioneers of the culinary world and becoming the season 7 winner of Masterchef has allowed Shaun to become the skilled chef that he now is.
Please consider signing up in order to support our Berkeley organizations, while also capitalizing on a unique opportunity.