Women’s March on Jan. 21 “stand up for justice, dignity, human rights and civil liberties”

If you feel a sense of frustration or inspiration with the changing political landscape, consider attending a large mass action that will take place in Oakland as way to connect, collaborate, and build community. Hope to see you there!


From the Women’s March Bay Area website:

The Women’s March is a national movement to unify and empower everyone who stands for human rights, civil liberties, and social justice for all. We gather in community to find healing and strength through tolerance, civility, and compassion. We welcome all people to join us as we unite locally and nationally. Join us on January 21, 2017.


We will meet at Madison Park in Oakland at 10AM.  At 11AM we will begin our march up Oak Street to Grand Avenue along Lake Merritt.  We will then march down Broadway to end at Frank Ogawa Plaza.  At 12:30PM we will begin our rally with speakers, art and music concluding at 3PM.

Time of March: 10AM – 3PM
Starting Location: Madison Park
Ending Location: Frank Ogawa Plaza


Winter Ball is Coming!

Winter Ball is coming! Show up and show out at Berkeley High’s Winter Wonderland on Friday, February 3. This dance is for everyone to come and SLAYYY. Tickets go on sale January 11 and are available for purchase in the leadership office. Food and Entertainment will be provided!
We are also looking for student performers. If you are interested email kendrabowman@students.berkeley.net


Dear Parents/Guardians/Staff,
We need about 10 to 12 chaperones for our winter formal on Friday, February 3from 7:00-10:00pm to monitor students and entry/exit ways during the dance. If you’re interested in helping please contact Kendra Bowman (Kendrabowman@students.berkeley.net) or John Villavincencio (johnvillavicencio@berkeley.net). Food and drink donations would also be extremely helpful! (Chips, popcorn, fruit trays, soda, water, etc) Please bring anything you’d like to donate to the leadership office inside of the school cafeteria. It would mean a lot to us if you could come out to help and we would appreciate your support!
Thank you so much,
The Winter Ball Committee


