Final Exams are quickly approaching! Yet, you may be asking yourself about what lies beyond those testing dates and wondering what you could do differently in the spring semester. Volunteer more? Play a sport? Find a job, join leadership or a club??? Or maybe you want to focus more on your academics? Whatever it is, develop a few goals (SMART goals rule!) and get involved in Berkeley High! Your active involvement is what makes Berkeley High such a special place.
Get involved today to see positive change tomorrow.
Berkeley High is ushering in a new era of culture and you could be the perfect candidate to help shape it. We, Yellow Jackets want to attend a school that is welcoming, fun, spirited, and overall, be an exciting place to attend for 180+ days out of the year. ASB Leadership is one way where you can help create the events and policies that will build up the culture of this great school.
Applications for elected positions such as President, Vice President, School Site Council, BSEP, Chief


of Service,, Chief of Publicity, among others are available now on the leadership website and in the Leadership office in the cafeteria. Candidates for elected positions should submit their application by February 15 before being beginning their campaign, making a speech at the Election Convention, and vying for votes in late March during ASB Elections. Feel free to ask Mr. V or current leaders for more info.

Info and application are available on the BHS Leadership website:​

 Additional Notes:​

  • ​Elected Candidate applications are due February 15.
  • ​Appointed Candidate applications are due April 23.
  • Link Leader applications are due April 30.

What is the school wide Berkeley High ASB Student Leadership Team?

  • The team is made up of three groups:
    • The executive team: This group will get really tight with many of its members going to retreats, leadership camps, and conferences. This is the core team of the school that makes things happen – the team that executes!! Homecoming Week, Relief Campaigns, Month of Service, Holiday Meal, Graduation, big-money fundraisers, blood drives, concerts, carnivals, fairs, holiday activities, guest speakers, panel discussions – the sky is the limit for what this group can bring to the school if they work well together.
    • The student senate: The School Board, School Site Council (SSC), the Berkeley Schools Excellence Project (BSEP), and the Development Group are the four most important decision-making groups on campus. Want a say on school design, the bell schedule, teacher evaluations, major school policies or where millions of dollars are distributed every year? Then run to be on one of these groups.
    • The class leadership teams: Each class (9th-12th grade) has a leadership group that plans one major event such as Prom, homecoming week activities, and fundraisers throughout the year. The members of these groups also serve as the volunteer core of most major events like Holiday Meal and can take on other exciting roles and activities if they are well organized.

Volunteer Opportunity: Kiva Club

Kiva club has a volunteer opportunity with the Asante Africa Association’s fundraising event! Volunteers will help serve delicious food and set up, and get to hang out with other volunteers. Dinner is provided (and free) – in the past we’ve been able to sample various African dishes! Call time is at 3:30 at the David Brower Center in Berkeley (very BART-able) and the event ends at 9. The only requirement is that volunteers need to wear black.
Anyone who’s interested can contact Rachel Hu and Elina Juvonen at
The event takes place on October 22nd.
For more information about Kiva visit

BHS for Hillary Volunteer Opportunity!

The BHS Club for Hillary has an opportunity for students to volunteer! They are looking for volunteers to work at the phonebank for Hillary Clinton. Students must be able to speak about politics intelligently to qualify. They meet on Thursday during lunch in room H202B. This event will end on the last Thursday of October.


Contact R.E Stern for more information at